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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. hogan has a whopping 2 more catches in 16 than he did in 15 with taylor throwing it to him..... this is a really really stupid argument.... i love how you guys are literally ignoring that his hard facts point towards his numbers being better when he had his starters on the field...... again.... "did you even click on the link?" probably not. a couple of you will just spew trash onto your keyboards about how you swear you saw wr's open!!!! and thats all that counts! not cold hard stats and numbers! not the injuries!.... b b but i saw backups open!!!!....... get a clue. its a grasp at straws and just a really dumb point he's trying to make. of course they didnt. it would make them have to rethink their stance. they dont want to let a little thing like hard facts get in the way! THEY SAW BACKUPS OPEN! thats all that matters.
  2. dude. whatever.... his statement was directed at a convo we were having about the situation..... good talk, bro.
  3. well beings that his post was directed towards me I feel obligated to respond to this..... I totally understand what he's saying and its what I also said we should do. go ahead and read our dialogue the last couple of pages before you lump me in with a certain type of person.
  4. it was a catch 22 for me. i wanted them to do what it took to get the team better for taylor and see what happens this year.... but i also understand he may not be the guy and sorta wanted a qb early that could sit and learn for a year or 2 and be ready to step in. either way i don't know how anyone can view this draft as anything but at least solid.
  5. using the exception instead of the rule as the basis of your argument isn't an awesome strategy. there are always outliers. G*d damn was in there...... i get he was excited but i was embarrassed for him. he looked like an idiot.
  6. or cussing and swearing on live national tv right after they get picked telling the league to "fine me later"....... i bet the falcons were wincing immediately after making that pick when they had to watch that. i mean i'm no saint and don't have the cleanest vocab, but he just looked like a d-bag. lol
  7. i have no clue how anyone can have huge issues with this years draft... got what appear to be starters at all 3 spots of need. used picks in the mid to late rounds to move up and get guys they had obviously evaluated and the new coach regime liked.... this is my first couple days here on this board and from what i'm seeing the same people that b*tched and moaned on BBMB day in and day out are holding serve here...... so that's fun. the premium some are placing on the mid to late round picks feels to me like its just another reason for them to complain some more. i bet some don't really even value them that much. but its makes for convenient ammo to use to find a way to be ticked off about something. solid draft. no real reaches. filling holes. added a first rounder next year...... maybe find a steal in the later rounds who knows..... what the hell is all the fuss about. geez.
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