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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. Bro.... i grew up on a diary farm. the list aint 100 ways long, i can promise you that.
  2. i think i read @FilthyBeast was concerned they may not see another snap this year.... or forever for that matter.
  3. Its absolute insanity this week. I dont know if i've ever seen every major outlet bend over as far backwards to skew the odds for a game like they have this one.
  4. um if you're familiar with youtube clips at all, they are almost 100% misleading in order to get views. literally youtube any team or player, look at the titles of the videos, and then actually watch the videos. Half the time they will say a certain guy is hyping a player and then you watch it and they are slamming them the whole time. How you have never noticed this is beyond me.... if you cant see how thats a one sided video then there's no logical talks to be had with you. He is. You already know that answer to this.
  5. I dont need that. Its become my morning go-to based on even and fair coverage over the years with some good entertainment mixed in. The last couple weeks from them and every other outlet has been downright silly. Their breakdown of the matchup this morning was embarrassing. It was literally 5 minutes of all the the things the Pats can do well and how the Bills(when they actually took 10 seconds to mention them) stand no shot because they suck at running the football. And it ended with Schrager chiming in that the Pats could run the division again for 20 more years. it was ridiculous.
  6. Her statement was actually that Mac jones was the BEST qb in all the AFC right now. Thats absurd. I would hope anyone with some actual sense would feel the same way. nah. The topic was actually best QB in the whole conference. Which makes her answer even more absurd.
  7. That segment was just AWFUL. That crew has really disappointed me through the last couple of weeks. They are generally really even keeled on the coverage of matchups and teams. They've gone completely off the reservation over the Pats.... That was supposed to be a "preview" segment on the matchup and it was literally 5 minutes of why the pats are so good and then..... oh ya, there might be another team in that game as well. Its the bills, but they sorta suck.
  8. No. The fact that they think it’s gonna be a tough game and acknowledge it’s the hardest environment he’s had to date. Also not just crowning the pats with the East. but nice try, bud. You seem like a real gem.
  9. Not everyone can be that cool, man. Sorry…. I’m a fan and enjoy sports coverage. I also enjoy that show for their common sense views 99% of the time. So it’s disappointing to have to deal with that BS on a show I enjoy. Not sure how that’s a foreign concept. But you do you, bro.
  10. Man, I knew this weeks pats coverage would be sorta silly but it’s bordering pure madness right now.
  11. I can’t believe the most level headed take on this game I’ve seen is from a Boston sports network. Refreshing. Meanwhile in other news a normally rational Kay Adams was just on GMFB saying Mac Jones is the best QB in the AFC. This crap from the mainstream is getting completely absurd. It’s completely out of control.
  12. basically each week is the same narrative and then when the blind squirrel finally stumbles upon his nut he mumbles some sort of idiotic "i told you so"
  13. The Pats are not even close to better across the board. and i wont even entertain your qb statement. You're talking out your a**. its embarrassing
  14. This is such a stupid comment. Stacked up amongst many of your other takes through the season. It'll take a typical balanced/solid performance from the team. Hercules, nor any other type of demi-god-like, performance will be needed. I honestly hope you are purposely trolling when you say some of this stuff, because otherwise i worry about you.... and your brain. .... Lets all not forget about you calling the jets blowing us out. Thats honestly probably one of the worst predictions i've seen on here in years.
  15. Nah man. It ain’t that deep. Comparing a teams win streak to a 50/50 coin toss is silly and extremely flawed. The longer a team win streak goes the more the odds drop that it’ll continue based on a ton of factors. Comparing it to a coin toss is ridiculous.
  16. Well this may sound silly but I’m a big “odds” sort of guy. The longer a win streak in the NFL lasts the greater the odds that it gets broken. Pats are more than due. Team that up with this being in Orchard park against a solid buffalo squad that will be getting back a couple of key men in both trenches and I’m taking us.
  17. This is just a dumb comment. It’s not the 70’s, man. This is a pretty common thing to come back from in under a year anymore.
  18. I’m with ya man. He’s apparently getting the most per game since his rookie season but somehow it doesn’t feel like it at all.
  19. Simms sees a tough one. Florio thinks we roll. More so because of the saints injuries than our own doing though.
  20. Ah yes. i did forget about the Steeler game. And i said in my initial response to you that i've begun to worry about the offense. Not sure how that equates to me being short sighted but whatever. The bills scored 30+ on the top 2 seeds in the AFC heading into week 11. Lets not just pretend they only moved the ball on scrap heaps.
  21. I'm also worried about the offense but this is one of the dumbest things i've read on here in awhile... The bills average over 30ppg and had only one game all season under 26pts scored coming into last week. Dramatic much????
  22. thats sorta what i was getting at. lolol.... i own kamara and ingram in 2 leagues.
  23. Who would even be running the ball for them in this case?
  24. These guys made so much hay off of play extensions last year. Doesnt seem to be clicking nearly as well this season.
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