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Posts posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. 1 minute ago, joesixpack said:

    I can't remember the last time I had FUN watching the Bills.


    The closest thing I could say would be I've had lesser degrees of torture, nearing almost no torture in the best games.



    I think the problem is we been so conditioned for meltdowns that even when it would seem it SHOULD be well in hand I’m still losing my mind and stressing. 


    Raiders game was a perfect example of that this year. Should have been a fun game to watch but all I kept saying is “we aren’t up enough” and bracing for the meltdown. It’s just a product of the last 17 years 

  2. 1 hour ago, Buffalo Boy said:

    You must be part of the group on here that thinks watching crappy QB play is enjoyable?

    And Goff will always suck, and Bortles will always suck, etc.....   

    I don’t make snap judgements regarding this team. I haven’t made one about TT. 

    nah. in fact I've wanted a qb in the draft early last offseason and still want one now.... I wonder if people know how silly they sound when they say things like that. before last weeks game I saw people saying we are guaranteed to lose out and he'll get benched at halftime. right, becuz a player that's historically won more than he's lost is probably gonna lose out. its so absurd. there are gonna be so many butthurt people around here if they weasel into the playoffs with taylor at the helm.


    and FTR.... if we somehow sneak in I still want a qb early. 

    • Like (+1) 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Buffalo Boy said:

    With TT starting , it has been and continues to be painful.

    I will DVR this weeks game and watch the Panthers. If the Bills game turns out as I expect, I will delete it without watching it..,. Unless Peyerman makes it in, in which case I will forward to his playing time.


    You must be one of the group around here that said the bills didn't have a chance the rest of the way out if taylor started..... and then they won last week. lol.

  4. 24 minutes ago, xRUSHx said:

    I had a great time at the game thank you for asking. This board was far from my mind since I had a good case of beer in me , haha. I love the Bills and if Tyrod could play a full game like that first half I would embrace him with open arms, sadly the 2nd half happened and reminded me of why we are still in need of a better QB. I can only hope Tyrod shows up to the NE game like that first half over the way he showed up the entire NO game. Go Bills

    well at least we have that in common. cheers!

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Putin said:

    Dude just stop it already Tyrod is a backup QB period , you shut down the running and we're DONE ,  with 8 and 9 man in the box and we still try to run why you think that is ? defenses still have to account for A Smith passing game can you say the same about Tyrod??????


    I don't want tyrod back.... you apparently are missing the point.... which is without an elite defense and run game smith is only marginally more effective than taylor. I don't want either qb.

  6. 2 minutes ago, xRUSHx said:

    Haha, maybe. With your posts he is a HOF QB

    i'm wondering how confused and lost you felt at halftime this last week. you had said you already made up your mind you would be able to leave at halftime becuz taylor was starting and how they probably wouldn't win another game all year.... after all, it was guaranteed he would just have another couple of 60 yd outings right? that's basically what he's done is whole career, correct?


    i'm assuming you were making mental notes of all the little things you could complain about instead of just enjoying a good divisional win to keep the bills in the 6 spot. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, reddogblitz said:


    Settle?  H E double Hockey Sticks NO!


    Keep looking.  But don't dump what we got.  Bring in someone else and let him battle Hotrod for the job in mini camps, Training Camp, and PS.  Best man wins.  Like every other position on the team.


    I think we both want a better QB.  I'm just not willing to cut bait on Hotrod just yet when we have no one behind him.  When we have someone better, we can consider it.  Would be cool to try to get some depth at the QB position for a change.

    xrush has problems comprehending your philosophy. the minute somebody says we shouldn't just flat out let go of tyrod or says he should be starting right now, good ole xrushx puts words in your mouth about how you must absolutely be in love with tyrod and love 60 yd passing games becuz that's all he offers.


    a rational convo cant be had with that dude. he lives in extremes on this board.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  8. 13 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    The first part, probably not.


    The 2nd part I disagree with.


    Smith is a system QB who is extremely intelligent on the field. Not many QBS can do what he does with that offence.


    It thrives off being accurate, and very smart. And let's be honest, TT is none of that lol.


    So to answer your question i don't think Smith gets in with the Bills teams but would probably be a win better.


    But I also don't think TT would be close to 12 and 4 with that Chiefs team last year nor 8 and 6 this year.


    THe Bills defence this year is much better than the Chiefs and they both have an 8 and 6 overall record 

    bills defense is ranked 23rd yardage-wise this year. chiefs are 28th..... but the chiefs actually give up less ppg than buffalo this year. takeaways favor bills 23 to 21. again no big difference. so I don't agree that the chiefs defense has been noticeably worse than buffalo. both defenses have been bad for the most part, both tend to make up for it with taking the ball away at a solid clip.


    and i'm here to tell you that if the taylor and the bills offense had the luxury of the 7th best scoring defense last year like the chiefs did they may not have won 12 games but 10 to 11 wins is easily conceivable.

  9. 4 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    I don't know man.


    Wins/losses, Total TDS, Passing yards, Playoff wins, game winning drives. Has pretty much everything on TT.


    I believe his teams have made the playoffs the last 6 years as well.


    I think it's very hard to argue TT is as good as Smith



    you think smith makes the playoffs with the bills teams that taylor has been on? I don't.....


    think about those niners teams and then the chiefs... I truly believe there are about 20 qbs that could have won as many games as smith on those teams.  they just went 12-4 and the chiefs went out a traded up to draft a qb in the first!.... smith would probably be a slight upgrade but the cost increase would have to be slight as well.

  10. 3 minutes ago, billsfan11 said:

    Smith was an MVP favourite the first 6 games. Overall he's had a very good year. Yes he had a few bad games this year but so have all quarterbacks.


    Im not saying smith is great but he's had some very nice moments in his careeer. He's thrown for over 300 yards ,Twice in playoff games, with 4 and 5 touchdown games, and playoff wins.


    TT hasn't done anything close to that 





    they went 12-4 last year and he tossed 15 tds..... he's been along for the ride on most of the playoff teams he's played with. solid efficient ball. which is nothing to scoff at. but that type of qb play would be a lateral move for us. smith might be a bit better but not by much.


    but then again I guess this all hinges on if you think this years smith is the one he'll be from here on out or if you think he's more the player he was the previous 5 years before this..... i'm inclined to believe in the rule instead of the exception.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Green Lightning said:


    Umm, they're not even in the same zip code. Alex will throw before the break with anticipation, averages more yards per game than TT has only matched once.  Smith is a pocket passer and is accurate. Neither turns the ball over much but Smith is far and away a better qb than TT,  particularly for this offense.

    the bolded is just false... smiths career high for yardage in season before this year was nothing more than 3500. in that same season he tossed a whopping 15 td. career high for tds was 23. I would place a LARGE wager on smiths career win % being right on par with taylors had he not had elite defenses in both san fran and KC. look what happened to the chiefs this year once the run game hit a decline and defense disappeared. smith started losing. he has had the luxury of some amazing teams around him. not even debatable..... smith might be a bit better but not by much and this would be a lateral move.

  12. 9 hours ago, Shaw66 said:

    I didn't listen to it, but I suspect I know what they're talking about.  I've been noticing it around here for a couple of weeks.   


    Generalizing, of course, but I think a lot of fans assume it's impossible to beat the Patriots.   I've felt that way for a while, but I think that's not the way the coaches and players think about it. 


    It goes to the point McD, the Bills players and frankly most other coaches and players make all the time:  all they're thinking about is the next game.   And it's just a football game.   It's the same game we played in high school.   The outcome of most games is NOT determined in advance.   Sure, in high school and in college there are a few games on your schedule where you're clearly out matched, where you're lambs being led to slaughter.  But in the NFL, where the talent is pretty much equal across the board, "on any given Sunday" really is the rule.   Most of the teams can win any game on their schedule. 


    That doesn't mean that one team shouldn't be favored over another, because there are better and worse teams.   But it does mean that the outcome of most games isn't such a sure thing as a lot of fans assume.  


    Bills-Pats will be a three-hour battle, the same game we played in high school, except better players and better coaches.  Pats are favored, but it's foolish to assume that we can mail in the result.   Pats are well coached, but so are the Bills.  And the Bills are as motivated as any Bills team playing in Foxboro for the past 20 seasons.   This is a big game, and the outcome is not pre-determined. 


    I think there's more pessimism about this game than is merited. 

    It’s not just the pats game Shaw. I find it ridiculous around here this week. The bills just went to 8-6 after a solid performance and are sitting in the 6th seed and quite literally almost we see are people nit picking half’s and even certain plays to keep the negative narrative going on “certain players”. 


    Im 90 min south of orchard park so I don’t listen to their local radio guys but the 2 dudes that were on wgr on my way out of town back down to Erie were just awful. We had just put a sound win on the board to move to 8-6 and lift our chances for the playoffs and the whole 45 minutes that the broadcast was actually coming in for me was almost unbearable. Just negativity and picking out every sub-par thing that happened all game. WHY???? What exactly does that accomplish? 


    ive been all in on the bills through this whole streak. I know it’s hard. But what’s the point of being a fan if you can’t enjoy the good moments or the process. I keep seeing people saying they won’t buy in until they see playoffs. Seriously? So say we make the playoffs this year. Certain people will have not let themselves enjoy what has actually been a really interesting season. And even ridiculed people that have been positive. That’s so foolish to me. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  13. 18 minutes ago, JPP said:

    Win out and get into the playoffs....isnt that what we should all be rooting for instead of nit picking our QB.......what? think Peterman is gonna win out at the QB position....NO......play TT cause its our best chance....if they dont make the playoffs than continue the discussion on getting a top draft QB next year......which i would do regardless even if we retain TT........there are alot more issues on this offence than just the QB play far and large and if some cant see that than well.....pass the beer nuts.....

    Amen dude!!! I said something similar to this earlier today! The bills have a very real shot at a playoff birth. And the only thing I see is a certain group of posters keeping quiet for a couple days just licking their chops at the prospects of bagging on the qb again now that we are a couple days removed from a real nice win. Nit picking half’s and certain plays in the name of being right about a guy they claimed we wouldn’t win another game with. 



  14. 1 minute ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    Not sure what your issue is?  I'm not happy with how Dennison runs the offense and the fact that with a lead in the second half the Bills look like they are playing in quicksand and are usually out coached.


    The thread is building with Tyrod & Dennison and I am 100% convinced Dennison needs to go and Taylor remains the QB until the Bills have developed a first round draft choice.  If they go in to 2018 with the idea that Peterman may be the started I'll be disgusted.

    Sorry. You got the brunt of my irritation of reading through this post and finally commenting on it. 


    I agree 100% Dennison needs to go. I also want nothing to do with peterman as a starter. Taylor? Meh.... I’ve been ready to move on since this offseason but I’d be fine with another year if the rookie they draft needs time. 

  15. 5 minutes ago, mjd1001 said:

    What would have to happen for me to want the Bills to keep Tyrod next year...


    -The bills win the final 2 games of the regular season, make the playoffs, and win at least one game int he playoffs.

    -In doing all of that, Tyrod has the best 3-4 game stretch of his career so far.

    -Brady and Big Ben both retire or have injuries that will not allow them to play next year.


    Then again, even WITH all that, I'm not sure if I want him here.  I don't think he is awful, but the QB next year is going to have to carry this team if you want to make the playoffs, there are too many holes on the roster that are going to need to be filled, and a lot of current players are getting older and not likely to be as good.

    I want a qb drafted early no matter what this offseason but I think it would be absolutely absurd to not bring Taylor back after a playoff birth. Especially if by some fat chance they go 10-6. 

  16. 4 minutes ago, Billsfan1972 said:

    Played solid for a half and then Dennison put on the breaks (and Zay can't hold on to a ball in his hands).......  


    Oh and Shady can't gain yards in the second half either again......



    I can’t stand this trash. They won. I look at the game as a whole game. One in which they win 24-16. I’m sorry but I’m not gonna sit around and Piss and moan about a win that kept us in the wildcard hunt. Bottom line is if they find a way to win one of their last 2 they have a solid shot to be in. Why all the pissing and moaning after a win? How do people function like that? It’s mind numbing. 


    If somebody woulda came to me before the season started with all the moves this team made and said “you’ll be 8-6 and in the 6 slot heading into week 16” I woulda taken that everyday and twice on Sunday! And most every other bills fan would take that as well after our offseason and roster turnover... I prefer to just enjoy the ride. 

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