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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. Wife just bought the tickets online. Just figuring out travel options now
  2. Just say it. It feels sooooo good. Tyrod Taylor. Starting playoff qb....mmhhmmmm. Just rolls off the tongue. On a a serious note. If anyone is upset about what transpired today they need to leave this place FOREVER.
  3. Amen.... I was 14 in 99. Just a kid who really wasn’t invested in the team like I am now and the playoffs weren’t rare back then. In fact I think I went snowmobiling that day and didn’t care that I missed the first 3 quarters of the game in Nashville..... I sat around my office running the odds in my head all week and thinking about “what if”. But all the while not really believing it’s gonna actually go our way. This morning I was trying to think about how i would handle it or how it would feel to see them make the playoffs and I realized I can’t really even know or register it at the moment. I have no idea of what that feeling is. I honestly can’t figure out how I’m gonna feel. And I with ya about the not caring whether we get blown out in the wildcard or not. Just freaking make it! I don’t care who the qb is, who the coach is, or anything else for that matter. I’m just ALL IN on seeing the postseason and finally understanding that “feeling”.
  4. This joe Webb comment might literally be the stupidest thing I’ve seen on this board since I’ve been here. Freaking IMPRESSIVE
  5. I just don't get it.... how can that be a THING for 2 straight season. its so freaking fundamental.
  6. the counterpoint in which he talks about how we are last in missed run tackle % really is disheartening and hits a freaking nerve. especially becuz of how maddening the missed tackles were last year and how in the first 7 weeks of the season it had seemed McDermott and frazier had nipped that junk.
  7. ive been talking myself into this mindset all week. lol... and then I think about how every single freakin game that could have helped us went against us last week and I get all pissy and find myself kicking rocks. lol... one time baby. ONE FREAKING TIME CAN WE GET A GAME TO GO OUR WAY??? lets go bengals!
  8. are you seriously arguing that the bills defense has been good as a whole this year? becuz if you are that tells me all I need to know about you. speaks volumes. nothing left to talk about. oh my god.... you are horrible dude.... freaking horrible. he's won that the last 3 years with defenses that ARENT EVEN CLOSE TO WHAT MINNESOTA HAS.... you cant be this simple. i'm done talking with you becuz this is a whole new type of ignorant.
  9. well... i'm not. its getting twisted that way by awful posters. my argument was there is about 20-25 qb's in the league that could win games on that team. too which I was told taylor couldn't..... now correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't taylor have a winning record with 3 years worth of sub-par defenses? how exactly would he win less in Minnesota?
  10. right. that fact that I wanted a qb early last year..... pay no mind to that. apparently the fact that I pointed out that taylor has a winning record with 3 years worth of bad defenses and would obviously be winning with minn's defense puts me in the COT. thanks for proving my point. you mistake common sense and not just senselessly bashing a player for being in love with them. I thought I had a least favorite poster pretty well set in stone as of the last month. but.... congrats. you've taken the mantle. hard earned too I must say.
  11. my god you're awful. one thing I've noticed about a handful of you guys that lack the ability to think clearly or use sense in the qb situation we have is you live in extremes. the minute somebody doesn't jive with your complete bashing of a player and calls you on it, then they must love said player.... I freaking tired of taylor. he's just not enough. but dudes like you saying the stupidest stuff regarding the topic. its absurd. and the minute you get called on it, you label anyone taking up for the guy a COT member. and again anyone that uses that saying honestly just looks like a douche. its just a douchey. stop using it. its dumb.
  12. how about the defense I spoke of? that fact that you don't take it into account in this argument makes you look like a complete fool. you conveniently glossed over it becuz it doesn't fit your narrative. just the worst kind of poster. keenum is having a solid year. but its just really really really stupid to act like the talent on that team isn't shielding him. and you obviously have reading comprehension issues as well. I just mentioned I don't even want taylor around in the future. in fact I wanted a Watson or mahomes at 10 last year and was fairly irritated when they passed them up. so don't give me the douche COT bull crap..... which is lamest thing I've ever seen made up around here. basically when anyone even uses that saying I know what sort of poster they are on this board..... a bad one.
  13. that's literally all you have as a response? solid.
  14. this is beyond stupid.... taylor has a winning record with a defense that's not even half as good as minnesotas. they are the #1 scoring d in the league..... do you even come close to thinking before you type? I hate even going to bat for taylor anymore but stuff like this is just so dumb.
  15. so are you hinting that a guy like keenum would come to buffalo and have a better record over the last 3 years than taylor? becuz that would be really stupid.... and I don't even want taylor around anymore, I just cant stand it when people come on here and say the ignorant crap you've tossed onto the last couple pages. there are about 20-25 qb's that would be winning in Minnesota right now.
  16. I could be mistaken but I’m fairly certain 04 wasn’t win and in. We needed a jets loss and got it becuz I remember the stadium cheering when the jets score popped up and they lost and I also remember hanging my head on the way out thinking we had that game go our way and still couldn’t beat the freaking steelers 2nd and 3rd stringers.
  17. this is 100% how I feel. with a new staff and the roster turnover we had I would take the scenario every day all day long... but as for our chances right now? I keep trying to talk myself into it. becuz its honestly very realistic the bills could get in. but after watching the last 2 weeks of games and seeing not a single game around the nfl with playoff implications go our way I just have hardly any faith that changes this week. as for the topic of thread..... I think the bengals have a nice shot. they just handled a lions team that was playing for their season.
  18. Right. The 4th and 1 was the salt to the wound. 2 plays that directly affected points on the scoreboard during a one score game. no point wonder what if. But 2 calls that could have made the outcome look quite a bit different. The frustrating part is when you have such a flawed team you basically need the perfect game to get it done in foxboro. And then when it’s even slightly trending in that direction and as if the pats weren’t good enough already.... you have to Contend with blatantly flawed officiating that is DIRECTLY altering the scoreboard. And you can’t convince me that’s not wearing on an underdogs psyche during the course of a game.
  19. I don’t think this post has gotten nearly enough attention. After a 17 year drought this P.O.S. “Fan” is actually rooting for us not to make it. All becuz he’a Butt hurt over Taylor. Is there a way to proverbially tar and feather somebody on an online message board?
  20. It’s really this simple. Honestly..... his foot probably wasn’t touching and it probably wasn’t a catch but there is absolutely NO ANGLE that showed that conclusively. Nothing was there to overrule that td. Just didn’t happen.
  21. Well Flacco could be tossed into the lot he mentioned. He’s so very pedestrian. But I’m just being nit picky. I get the point.
  22. And if that happens I’ll be all in on peterman. That’s just how I roll! Let’s be dancing in January!
  23. Right. I can see how you came to that conclusion from what I said. Good talk, bruh. Fitzy is honestly just.... the worst. A real class act.
  24. I don’t even want Taylor after this year but your brain works in such narrow viewpoints that’s its downright impressive.
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