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Everything posted by Stank_Nasty

  1. Lets give them the chance to show some playoff dominance before we go through all the hassle. Personally i'm stingy with nicknames.
  2. oh look. the 345th thread from the OP since 2019 about something hindering the offense. In other news...... what is wet and i'm gonna die someday!
  3. that literally makes no sense. nothing over the last 2 seasons has shown that.
  4. it was a host from boston radio that went onto an espn morning show. it wasnt his own show. he was being asked about his thoughts on the game.
  5. I swear to god the whole Boston area is clinging to the bellicheck factor. It’s like their “break glass in case of emergency” last ditch effort. I just listened to a Boston radio guy on an ESPN interview talk for 3 minutes about how Bellicheck owns mcdermott and lives in his head…… after we’ve just taken the last 2 division titles and are 3-1 over the last 2 years. Elite mental gymnastics
  6. And they have the better defense…. Which for some reason everyone outside of buffalo, and you apparently, keep forgetting.
  7. i usually just burn in my large ring down in the gravel lots. but i've had a couple of ragers in trash cans up there in the stadium lots. maybe 6 or 7 years ago though.
  8. I wouldnt say it was a first. 5 years ago i woulda probably been rooting for the quickest way to a wildcard and not had any confidence we could reel off 4 straight. One of which was a trip to foxborough..... but that was then and this is now. A lot has changed(#17)
  9. I've thought about it as well. It was a losers mentality. I guess i thought we were done with that sort of behavior. I said it on here at the time and it seemed pretty simple to me. Colts beat them and we handle our business, its ours. I was annoyed by the people already packing it in when it came to the division at that point.
  10. First off i'm not tripping out about the weather at all. i think its manageable due to lack of wind and precip. but i'm not sure if you're being purposely difficult here or what. Acting like those temps arent drastically different than 25-30 is absurd... I worked in general contracting for 10 years through my late teens and 20's here in the lake effect area of erie, pa. 25-30 degrees was fine. when we got down into the 15 or lower it was downright mind numbing. you categorizing mere freezing temps with near sub-zero temps and calling it all just "cold weather" honestly is just foolish. I'll call it a day at this point though, because its silly arguing over it.
  11. Big time. Its goes from manageable to downright overwhelming. no... its really not.
  12. Mannnnn.... you are so spot on with all of this. Ive been ranting about it since we owned the Pats defense in their house. The bills d gave up 14 freaking points on MNF and got label soft for the rest of the season. The freaking Pats are a bottom feeding run defense and its CRICKETS. And you're right about how its been "how will Allen and the offense handle the pats d"..... how about how in the world is a rookie qb gonna handle the NUMBER ONE defense in the freaking league!!!???? Although i will say that on "Get Up" this morning they all agreed the Bills had the edge this week. Most of the comments were centered around how awful its gonna be for the Pats D absorbing hits from our big 250lb Oak tree at qb out in the cold.
  13. even with watt doing what he's done that defense is still ranked in the mid 20's in both yards and points allowed. Their offense is also ranked in the mid 20's in yards and points. They are a bad team. I'm at a loss on how they weaseled their way in.
  14. 24 with winds at 5-10 mph. 20% chance of precip… At’ll do.
  15. i've seen 3 former players in the last 3 weeks put out top 5 qb lists that all have Allen in it. Not top 5 in the conference. Top 5 in the NFL. Saturday, Scott, and Clark. Meanwhile Orvlosky said he'd be 5B to Burrows 5A... see how that works. thats actual names behind my claims. or maybe they're just bills homers too? as a sidenote i've also seen 2 different analysts say it was a complete joke that Jackson got in over Allen.... Becaust thats what it was. A complete joke.
  16. oh ya. I can jam in dry snow conditions all day. its that rain just above freezing temps thats absolutely unbearable..... unfortunately i'm pretty sure thats whats coming.
  17. I’ll be there. Wasn’t gonna miss a chance to watch them clinch at home in person…. Realllllyyyyy praying the most of the precip moves out.
  18. right. sorta cowardly on my end, but i would like for them to have as many chances to be eliminated as possible until we have to go there. lol. 3 seed locks us into arrowhead most likely where the 4 seed means another chance at tenn. i like that matchup better, even with henry back.
  19. not that i'm for dodging teams or anything, but i think i would much rather have to play in tenn round 2 as opposed to heading right into arrowhead again.
  20. i've always been one that said the weather talks were overblown and that there's really only 1 or 2 truly game altering weather games a year in OC. That being said, this year has been freaking AWFUL. Its definitely got me rethinking my "anti-dome" stance, now that we've got a qb that basically goes thermonuclear anytime he has a taste of nice weather. yes.... its been a weird year.
  21. very few people share this sentiment. in fact i've had talks with other actual pats fans that dont believe what you just said there. Heck, most of the media discussions about that game even ended with "it most likely would have been a different outcome without the wind".... moral of the story is mcdermott has basically owned the pats for the better part of 2 years now. Any pats fan overly confident in a rookie qb heading into a division champs house during the playoffs is slightly delusional. Barring another anomalous weather event, its just not something i'd be confident in as a pats fan.... Its basically clinging to a false narrative that insinuates bellicheck has some sort of mystical hold over buffalo. Which has been completely shattered over the last 2 seasons. also you're speculating in parts of your posts that the pats actually drive and score off certain defensive and offensive drops. i'm referencing plays that happened in the freaking ENDZONE. and stop acting like jackson dropped 2 passes the first one was nearly impossible to catch. thats merely an attempt at an errant throw.... you are realllllyyyy trying to warp things man.
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