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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. Why Roberts? And don’t say because of Punt Return ability...
  2. This is my stance... Butler is a beast and Harrison is coming off injury. Addison, Oliver, Butler, Hughes Murphy, Jefferson, Harrison, Epenesa I would also like to see Oliver out at DE in some package. He ran a 4.7 40 and had a quick 3 Cone.... Just Bull rush the OT.... Addison, Oliver, Jefferson, Hughes could be disruptive.... or Klein, Addison, Butler, Oliver, Hughes Like a modified 3-4
  3. Don’t be so sure of that due to COVID... I think most people are taking it serious and if someone is breaking the rules set in place by the NFLPA don’t be surprised if they pick up the phone....
  4. I think either way, football shouldn’t be at the top of anyone’s list. We all have a lot of work to do. Staying positive is one of them. Learning to truly respect each other regardless of opinion, politics or whatever is one of them. At this point if your stance is, I gotta take care of my family and ensure they receive the care and maintain our mental and physical health etc... I get that. But we are all beyond inconvenienced right now. I couldn’t imagine living in one of these larger cities where at the bottom of my building is chaos.... nope. Gotta go!
  5. Yep cause if both teams and coaches all test negative everyday for the 6 days prior to the game... all players and coaches on the field that day are negative , that virus is gonna go crazy.... Question is, of the 65 players including the practice squad players... can they dress 46? Players are going to get it... but it won’t be from the field or each other. It’s gonna come from outside.
  6. I mean, would you feel uncomfortable if 20 of your friends tested everyday for 4 days prior to you guys going to a bar by yourselves and acting normal. No face masks, no distancing... you all tested negative and you are the only ones there. Been clean for a week. All tested. You gonna worry about getting the virus from them? Not saying the NFL is fail proof.... but if everyone on the field has tested negative for days everyday leading up to the game, how easy is it going to be to get the virus on the field?
  7. My question is.... day of the game. All players, coaches etc will be tested probably 2-3 days everyday leading up to the game. If everyone on the field is negative... what’s the likelihood someone contracts the virus from the field?
  8. No. Playing football, being around his teammates and family I’d assume are the things he loves The most in his life.... He can still have all of that. My point is he has the ability to have everyThing he loves. Just can’t come and go and have his family come and go like he wants. The reason he even has the ability to be in a situation to say that , it’s an inconvenience and not worry about having to go to work is because of football, his teammates and coaches that have helped him get to where he’s gotten. Family is important 100%, health is the most important but that wasn’t his issue. But to be like, it’s gonna be tough to watch the kids all day, she’ll have to stay at home when I’m at work, it’s just not what I want my family to do...etc. I have no problem stating that, that situation is not near or even close to how bad millions of Americans have it now. That actually seems like an amazing situation. Just saying I’m not feeling it.
  9. I get what you’re saying but he made it seem his decision would be based on the inconvenience it would cause to his family, girl and kids. Having no one there or anything to do. No help for 4-5 months vs health concerns of his family or kids. Yet there are millions of Americans going through much worse, having to make much tougher decisions to just keep food on the table, pay rent and still actually have health issues. He’s a millionaire, he can get help. The organization will get him and his family in the best situations they can. He could get a Nanny or have his sister in-law be there. But the situation dictates you keep it minimal and that’s it. No changing after tomorrow.... I just thought it may have been more. An inconvenience is some of these military families that make next to nothing after joining, with kids, at some army post thousands of miles away from your family and you have to deploy for 15 months... Give me a million dollars, just 1. And I can sit on an island for 4 months with my family.
  10. Not really filling Tre’s reasoning for not wanting to play.... “cause his family will have nowhere to go”, “his family can’t come in town”, “his girl will have to watch the kids by her self most the day”.... I get it. It’s tough. But 4-5 months of doing that won’t kill you. In this day, that may be the best thing. Im in the military. We can’t leave the local area, we can’t eat at restaurants. My family can’t just come visit, I can’t just go visit them. I don’t have family here.... all that and I don’t have a billion dollar support system helping me. I don’t have millions of dollars... Yes it will be tough, yes it will suck at times. But I’m sure the organization will ensure you and your family here will get all the nicest amenities and anything your kids and girl needs they will do it to the best of their ability.... To each his own...
  11. No Nsekhe will back up both Tackles, Daryl Williams will back up both Guards.... but I ask, Who’s the backup center? Bates?
  12. I take it Bills found Feliciano’s replacement.... Ford stays at RT- Nsekhe Swing T Daryl Williams swing interior OL.... Dawkins - Spain- Morse- Winters-Ford Who is Backup Center?
  13. Please go somewhere and fight the police and give them everything you got!!!!! Seriously go get Em
  14. Lol you are lost.... something went wrong with you. Go Bills. Jesus these people....
  15. I just can’t with this guy anymore.... it’s to the point I can’t take him serious anymore and I’m starting to feel childish
  16. You don’t have a clue! My nephews have been farming since the age of 9.... I’m telling you they don’t stress and feel like they leave the house it could be the last time they see there family. Just stop already....
  17. You still don’t get it.... because you don’t know... admit you don’t know and regardless of how well you were trained at your job it’s a hard question to answer. Because it is. But you want to down play it cause you’re the man....
  18. Again you have all the answers and you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about. Farmers do a more dangerous job? You’ve never patrolled the streets, dealt with these situations, you’ve probably never served in the military and have no clue what it’s like to feel threatened. You are just that guy who knows everything but doesn’t have a clue... who would run into adversity and fold because you have zero courage. I’ve seen your kind over the years and you act like everything is so simple. You’ve taken the easy path to everything and always passed blame on something else. Your answers are Bull shiz and pathetic!!! Frickin Farmers!!! You don’t have a clue!!! You’re an idiot!
  19. You got it all figured out... you should write local law enforcement and state government and tell them the best way to handle it. You make it seem so simple and it’s not. I wish things could be that easy and simple. But you understand there’s a lot you don’t know. Have you ever patrolled the streets? Or served in the military, know what it feels like to do a job and put your life on the line? Just curious?
  20. I see where you’re coming from, but how many bottles from the crowd have to be thrown before you try to disperse the crowd? All I can say is it’s a bad situation and I wouldn’t advise my kids or any other kids to go down there at night. It’s asking a lot to have a hundred cops de-escalate a crowd of a thousand or multiple hundreds of people screaming from the get go. One bottles tossed, then another, then a couple more. What do you do?
  21. Some of that may be the problem. But I feel most of the problems stem from antagonists in the crowd. Many write ups state it’s always peaceful during the day. The protesters are actually gathered and doing what they need to do... but as time goes on, day turns to night, things start getting thrown at police, fires are being started, the protesters become more brash and more in your face.... In Portland the fact that individuals were destroyed a federal building, so federal officers were called in to curb the violence. The “protesters” didn’t like it. They retaliated and turned into a back and forth. But the fact they are called protesters is irritating in itself. It’s protest during the day, instigate and destroy at night. And I just have a difference of opinion because I don’t think the police are just attacking people. Are innocent people being pulled in and harmed because of the action of police due to others inciting or at antagonizing? Yes...
  22. I get it.... I’m glad we can agree there is just some BS media out there. But when it’s blatantly lying, caught in the act. Trying to rally others in the name of police brutality even after breaking the law and trying to spread a fire on a federal building. I think that said the whole story pretty much. But yes. We are fed and shown the minimum to feed a narrative. I can be free minded and respect anyone’s opinions and beliefs. I can treat others with respect and dignity regardless of where they stand. But I just can’t follow a narrative that is obvious. It’s on both sides and this anarchy and violence needs to stop.
  23. All black peoples lives do matter!!! What’s your point?
  24. Just stop. You think it’s protesting and I don’t. Fine. That doesn’t make either of us right. and I don’t care who posted the video. The point is the dude acted as if he wasn’t doing nothing. Just like a lot of other people think. “They’re just protesting”.... dude was caught lying, video saw him jump a police barricade, fuel a fire and was shot. Meanwhile the girl acted like he didn’t do anything wrong. BS. If you agree with it, so be it. If you think breaking the law and inciting violence in the name of “protest” is fine, so be it. Is BS and it’s a bunch of losers with nothing better to do, cause obviously they can’t figure out what peaceful protest means. Cause what he was doing says nothing of peaceful protest. BTW how are you going to argue this dude was caught red handed and screamed the cops assaulted him?! How is that propaganda?
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