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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. You got it all figured out... you should write local law enforcement and state government and tell them the best way to handle it. You make it seem so simple and it’s not. I wish things could be that easy and simple. But you understand there’s a lot you don’t know. Have you ever patrolled the streets? Or served in the military, know what it feels like to do a job and put your life on the line? Just curious?
  2. I see where you’re coming from, but how many bottles from the crowd have to be thrown before you try to disperse the crowd? All I can say is it’s a bad situation and I wouldn’t advise my kids or any other kids to go down there at night. It’s asking a lot to have a hundred cops de-escalate a crowd of a thousand or multiple hundreds of people screaming from the get go. One bottles tossed, then another, then a couple more. What do you do?
  3. Some of that may be the problem. But I feel most of the problems stem from antagonists in the crowd. Many write ups state it’s always peaceful during the day. The protesters are actually gathered and doing what they need to do... but as time goes on, day turns to night, things start getting thrown at police, fires are being started, the protesters become more brash and more in your face.... In Portland the fact that individuals were destroyed a federal building, so federal officers were called in to curb the violence. The “protesters” didn’t like it. They retaliated and turned into a back and forth. But the fact they are called protesters is irritating in itself. It’s protest during the day, instigate and destroy at night. And I just have a difference of opinion because I don’t think the police are just attacking people. Are innocent people being pulled in and harmed because of the action of police due to others inciting or at antagonizing? Yes...
  4. I get it.... I’m glad we can agree there is just some BS media out there. But when it’s blatantly lying, caught in the act. Trying to rally others in the name of police brutality even after breaking the law and trying to spread a fire on a federal building. I think that said the whole story pretty much. But yes. We are fed and shown the minimum to feed a narrative. I can be free minded and respect anyone’s opinions and beliefs. I can treat others with respect and dignity regardless of where they stand. But I just can’t follow a narrative that is obvious. It’s on both sides and this anarchy and violence needs to stop.
  5. All black peoples lives do matter!!! What’s your point?
  6. Just stop. You think it’s protesting and I don’t. Fine. That doesn’t make either of us right. and I don’t care who posted the video. The point is the dude acted as if he wasn’t doing nothing. Just like a lot of other people think. “They’re just protesting”.... dude was caught lying, video saw him jump a police barricade, fuel a fire and was shot. Meanwhile the girl acted like he didn’t do anything wrong. BS. If you agree with it, so be it. If you think breaking the law and inciting violence in the name of “protest” is fine, so be it. Is BS and it’s a bunch of losers with nothing better to do, cause obviously they can’t figure out what peaceful protest means. Cause what he was doing says nothing of peaceful protest. BTW how are you going to argue this dude was caught red handed and screamed the cops assaulted him?! How is that propaganda?
  7. Definitely. He was a stud at Center a position that warrants a solid backup cause Morse will miss some games
  8. Just because they aren’t charged with a crime doesn’t mean they didn’t actually commit a crime. You want me to prove something I can’t but yet you can’t prove anything yourself. Not what you read from a liberal source, or this was said etc... because you read something or have a case “you documented” that proves nothing. But what I say is a lie and you have all the facts. Got it. Keep up the good work. Federal agents are just driving the streets and abducting people. That’s crazy. I don’t believe it lol just like this dude got assaulted and shot for no reason.... document that as an unwarranted assault.
  9. Half these people have no purpose to be protesting other than they don’t like the police. So they get in their face, try to instigate a reaction, follow their movements etc.... then when something happens everyone blames the police. That’s not how it works. That’s not protesting. That’s not the right way to do anything. What happened to that crazy girl dressed up like an idiot, probably on drugs, dancing in the middle of a people barricade, making movements towards them as the were moving is just not protesting. It’s trying to escalate a reaction. I don’t think it’s necessarily rioting but I don’t have a problem with law enforcement thinking if you get to close to a building they are protecting they have the right to react. This is all dumb and childish at this point. These idiots in Portland have contributed nothing to this country ever. A very large portion of those individuals are homeless addicts that blame this country for all there problems. This is how they act and I’m sick of people defending this BS behavior. If my kids were to ever act like that..... nobody raises there kids to act that way. But so many people think it’s ok. Then raise them like that and see how successful they turn out... You don’t see people who are actually law abiding, successful individuals out there acting like that. It’s disgusting and isn’t protesting, it’s just not.... “for just being here” “peacefully protesting”........ all hopped up on drugs.... these are things people aren’t seeing. Look “dude got shot up for no reason”..... don’t believe it.
  10. Protesters or people rioting? were these people really abducted and assaulted? Or were that apprehended and taken away to be held accountable? Im 100% for peaceful protests. These people that were apprehended were breaking the law which is not protected under the constitution. If it were cop cars that would be ok? Well they would 1. Run if they saw the cop car or 2. The cop car would be attacked. Does that make it ok to break the law. I’m sorry you don’t agree with the tactic but it’s getting people who are breaking the law off the street. And that’s bad. We can agree to disagree
  11. That’s cool. Were you born in 97? Is that why you have nothing better? Is that why you are smarter than me? Or you’re always right... or just not open minded? Or is your view always the most logical? Or do you just support the objectives of the BLM organization? Not everyone is going to agree with you. If you support the BLM organization and the lives of Black people too that’s fine. But it’s two different topics all together. One has no business in sports is my point. My opinion, not yours. But if you can’t accept other people’s opinions then that’s a lot bigger problem than correcting or looking for grammatical errors. Yes I do. Can I prove it? No. But I do think money drives a lot of things in this world. I do believe there are individuals buying things, gear, helping coerce meetings Etc.... you may be thinking Billionaires are forking our money to drive the violence. Who knows.... what I do believe though is there are many individuals with money, paying people to get this, do that, meet up here and support these events. Absolutely.
  12. Believe what? What I wrote? Is this because you don’t believe it? So know where do we stand. You’re right and I’m wrong? Got it....
  13. Should the FBI, undercover cops, and other agencies drive around in big cars with lights and sirens etc? how do you know their rights weren’t read in the van? You act as if they were just driving around snatching people up. Yeah they were snatching people up, those that were rioting and inciting violence against federal agencies which is 100% against the law. You obviously side with the Chaos vs civilians of the city, business owners etc who want law and order restored in their communities. You need to understand there is nothing anyone can say or do to stop these people. Thousands of them are being paid and receiving guidance to continue this anarchy in the name of this election. Nobody should support that!!!
  14. You’re an idiot. You are proving my point. PS Obama called the people of Baltimore Thugs and Animals too! You obviously don’t see the difference between BLM organization and Black people’s lives matter. It’s all political but you choose not to see it because of your political views. My point is to stop making everything political and you go off on politics lol. And what are your thoughts about black people who won’t say Black Lives Matter? And Don’t support the black lives matter movement... You realize BLM organization is a racially created movement that is 100% political, though you said it would be an idiotic thing.
  15. Could you imagine if all this was flipped.... if BLM was actually a conservative group and actually helped their black communities and funded conservatives movements.... and BLM was everywhere you looked. Imagine how liberals would be acting right now considering how they handle issue like this.... Its proven that BLM organization is a political organization. Therefore it has zero place in sports. Sports unite us, politics divide us(at least the childish “adults”).... I don’t agree, it’s propaganda and free advertising for a Marxist organization. Its just like saying imagine what the liberals would do if all the illegal immigrants had intentions on coming here to vote for Trump. The liberals would fund that wall. The wall is about safety and sovereignty not politics. People lives matter. Black people have suffered a great amount. But we can all be better. Be better by not supporting organization that want to destroy our foundation and only fund a specific political agenda and are disguised as if it’s all about Black Lives and supporting their communities.... that’s the issue. People are just uneducated or just actually believe in BLM organization intentions. Which is fine... just not in sports ok!!!!
  16. Looks like a Vince McMahon Rory McIlroy look alike.... either way that’s an Irish man. Not PrimeTime
  17. Say what you want... his last couple years I didn’t see the same Cam everyone is preaching about being MVP. I saw a QB struggling in the pocket, I saw a QB who showed inability to make people miss, I saw a QB holding onto the ball to long, I saw a QB with accuracy problems, I saw a QB short arming most his passes due to injury, I saw a QB who deep ball was crap.... Cam hasn’t played solid football for nearly 3 straight seasons. But now cause he’s “100%” he’s gonna step right in a lead that team to a division title... I see things a little different that’s it. I think he will be rusty, I think he will struggle with timing, New England’s OL is weak, Erhardt Perkins offense is tough and takes a smart QB, colder weather I think will slow him down in the winter, I don’t think he will win over the locker room like Brady, I don’t think those coaches can change him, I see him losing and being, well Cam. Im not saying they aren’t better with Cam, I’m just not buying into all the Hype and I think Stidham will push him...
  18. I’m not wish any harm on Mahomes, love watching him play, he’s the face of the NFL for the near future and makes the league better.... But you put this kind of length on a deal, what happens if a Alex Smith situation happens or has a season ending injury that he never recovers fully? Do the Chiefs have an out? Or are they tied to him through 2032?
  19. Cam hasn’t been Cam since the 2016 season... every season after that he’s been shaky, up and down. Injured, a head case and missed all of last year. Now fans think he’s just gonna jump into a very dynamic scheme and just gonna light it up? The dude had a solid offense in Carolina and was the reason for their struggles!
  20. I wonder if they can run the numbers in the last couple weeks to see just how many people have tested positive and been asymptomatic? Seem like just about every case in college football these players have no symptoms.... Dr’s have been saying outs weakening, if that’s true will we see more people getting it with no symptoms?
  21. I don’t believe in this stuff all that much.... yes you have to have a good base, feet set when you throw, all that stuff.... But watch how Marino, Kelly, Aikman and all those guys from the 80s dropped back in the pocket, it was basically a back pedal to get depth. Just set your feet and throw. I just think some QBs are more naturally gifted and can throw accurately regardless of setup....or biomechanics
  22. I want to see more stats... percentages. For example, death rate from between 20-50 years old. I saw an article where 19 of 20 people who are positive do not have to actually spend time in a hospital. Most just stay home and are fine in 3-4 days. I get that this can be deadly for a lot of people, but the odds are, 95% of the people out there it will be as bad as a bad flu bug....
  23. I can stand by this grading here..... I might give our OL an A- (potential) just due to the fact that we have all 5 returning starters, plus some solid additions. But a B seems fair.
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