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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. Not if they don’t reel these players in. Theyve kind of been doing whatever they want whenever they want.... large gatherings, restaurants, bars etc.... and that just what we hear. I’d imagine some of these dudes are hooking up, not wearing masks when they should, not following stricter guidelines cause they’ve seemed to go away and everyone got lax. If they are not going to avoid all this, they’d need to be sequestered but I guarantee the NFLPA won’t do that. At this point I feel like the players want to play, but they also don’t want to be locked down by guidance. Cause I bet it’s there. But players are doing there own thing. All it takes is one. Think about... Cam is a social butterfly. Just watch all his off-season videos. Dude hangs around dozens of dudes all the time. You don’t think this guy has multiple people coming to his house a day? You don’t think he’s going here or there between practice and going home? These guys he has over, you think they socially distance? Lay low? This all stems from not following the guidance....
  2. Agree. They should have very strict rules. It can possibly affect other teammates, their families, the entire game, tv deals etc... Me being in the military we can’t even go to restaurants. It may jeopardize the mission. There mission should be to play football. Shoot they all make like $25- 50k a game Minimum. Some are making almost a Million. I seriously think they should start to consider sequestering players with very strict family visitation rules. But set up living facilities at the team facilities.
  3. It’s already been said if you’re asymptomatic it makes it much harder to spread/contract the virus. My wife was symptomatic, slept in same bed, under the same roof etc.... symptomatic and I never got it, kids never got it.
  4. They should isolate those who tested positive and not go to the facility... but I’d say by Tuesday. If no new cases, allow only those who test negative in the facility and they should be sequestered until after the Bills game.... meaning they sleep and stay there for the next 5 days, tested everyday.
  5. At some point the Titans organization should have to bite the bullet. Yeah it sucks, they are a solid team. But why should the whole league be punished if 1 teams continually tests positive. We knew this was gonna happen. And could have happened to any team. If 1 games is affected, sure, get a fix in the schedule. But beyond that, when does someone say, sorry....
  6. What’s crazy is Fresno has a couple WRs that were there at the time who are now in the pros.... only if Josh could have been there. One of the biggest Blunders in Frsno State history.
  7. I was born and raised in Fresno and watched all of Carrs games, mostly in person. Carr came up under Pat Hill who was a big local guy recruited heavy in the Valley. Finished under Tim Deruyter. A Texas A&M guy, didn’t recruit the valley well. Josh wanted to go to Fresno too. What’s bad is Deruyter recruited bums for QB while Josh was at Reedley just down the road begging to go to Fresno. Deruyter didn’t last long.
  8. So if you had to guess.... would you say week 12? First game? After bye week. I’d supposed he may get back on the field week 9 or 10. But not be cleared until full go week 12. I think that’s even pushing it.... has there even been words on his rehab?
  9. What is the timeline on Feliciano? Can the Bills legitimately expect him back by week 12? From what I read is 6 months. Is Feliciano realistically gonna be able to play this year? I think we are seeing a rotation just to get everyone playing time. To be able to later on in the season to throw a player in there if needed.
  10. Even if the Titans play on Tuesday.... there’s less time off for teams playing Sunday game followed by a Thursday night game.... they will be fine.
  11. I just think if occasionally you put him out there.... it get the OT thinking “shoot, what’s this guy about”... then Ed surprises him cause he’s quicker than he looks. But obviously get him in there on 1 downs or whatever analytics say it’s more possible to run... tendencies. I mean, watch his pro day, college highlights. The guy is quick in space. Is he an edge rusher? No but could he collapse a pocket or bull rush a OT? I think so.... you could even slant him inside off the edge and bring a blitz to set the edge....
  12. I really want to see Ed Oliver play DE in some packages.... 4.7 40 yard dash, 7.1 3cone.... I think he’s quick enough to set the edge, bull rush, add a little more beef to the DLine... Just throwing out ideas to keep offenses guessing and maybe help the run defense. Bring in Damon Harrison for some beef... multiple teams are looking into him as we speak. front 4 Heavy package....( I mean how fast is Murphy? Probably slower than Oliver theses days.) Ed.... VButler....Snacks.... Hughes
  13. Gotta stop Waller and Jacobs... Oakland is gonna be fired up and coming for us after a loss.... Their strengths are our weakness. Also Daryl Williams will need a good game vs Maxx Crosby.
  14. Kroft has the ball in his hands when his but hit the ground. Plays over... at the time Kroft shut the ground the defender maybe had a hand on the ball. Not until the play was clearly over did the defender grab the ball with 2 hands... it’s not even a tie. Why that every single person who watched the replay felt it was a catch, not an interception or even a tie.... but the refs couldn’t figure it out bothers me the most.
  15. I just don’t think the quickness speed or size is there on the DLine... there’s not a lot of weaknesses, just not elite at any position across the DL.
  16. The out and up on the sideline to Beasley.... or Screen pass to Motor
  17. Smoke was asked about his injury Friday and it seemed as if it was kind of still bothering him. I think since Davis was playing well they decided to not risk anything. But you’ll notice in the video I think it was from Wednesday or Thursday last week, Smoke had his right upper calf taped up behind the knee....
  18. This game could wreck this team with the next 3 games!!!
  19. Aaron Donald should be blocked every play... his 2 plays this game he’s been unblocked, go figure
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