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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. Poyer is gonna be done for the game.... for precautionary reasons. Just like Wallace 2 weeks ago.
  2. We need to score here.... come out in the second half and score. New England will fold
  3. True. But I’d be blitzing a lot more. Blitz to stop the run. Cam ain’t gonna beat us with his arm
  4. I hate watching when Buffalo is sloppy. New England sucks!!!! Blitz every play have all gaps covered. Cam is not gonna beat us with his arm or smarts.
  5. I’m gonna expect a lot of running by New England tonight. Regardless of score. They are gonna realize it’s their best way to move the ball
  6. I like being the underdog!!!! I don’t like and have never liked when everyone picks the Bills.
  7. All these analysts before the season started put Cam on a pedestal. AFCE now has Cam, New England is now back in the contender talk is what they said.... after the first couple weeks they were drooling. While some were still skeptical and believed it didn’t matter cause Cam has sucked for the last 4-5 years. Now the analysts are making excuses for him. He was picked up late, covid season etc... Why can’t anyone come out and say,”He really hasn’t been good for 3 full seasons now. He’s lost his ability to be a play maker and he hasn’t done anything in a long time, he may be done”..... cause that’s the truth. Hopefully the Bills get after him tonight and prove me right. Regardless he’s been terrible this year!!!!!
  8. I’d assume if Buffalo wins tonight Pittsburgh is gonna rest week 17. That puts Cleveland in (if they win).... with Baltimore and Indy as the other 2 wild card teams. We need that 2 seed. KC looks beatable IMO. They may come off 2 weeks of not playing and have to play Baltimore, Tennessee potentially. They lose we get home field for AFC championship game. Bills just gotta win tonight.
  9. As it looks now, Tennessee should get the 4 seed.... Buffalo, Pittsburgh win out. That leaves Tennessee vs Baltimore. Buffalo gets Indy and Pittsburgh vs Miami. Unless there is an upset in the Buffalo or Pittsburgh game we shouldn’t see any of those 3 until AFC championship game.
  10. I saw it real time... it was obvious to me.... maybe the ref just happened to blink
  11. How many red zone targets has Davonte Adams got this year? It’s gotta be close to 35-40.....
  12. Either way it looks like there’s a good shot Baltimore vs Tennessee round 1.... winner gets KC. Unless 2or 3 seed gets upset. Bills need this 2 seed!!!! Let’s go. First the Pats, then Miami!!!
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