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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. So Typical…. Can’t just execute. I get it, it’s cold. But if there’s a will there’s a way for the Bills
  2. Mac Jones tries to hard to re create Brady…. Even the run on the field to the opposite end to fist pump. I don’t hate the guy but he’s seen too much Brady video
  3. Correct me if I’m wrong…. But aren’t those QBs also the QBs of first place division teams? Allen may be up there if Buffalo was first. But we are not, that should piss you off more!
  4. As much as we need interior OL through the draft next year…. It’s safe to say CB is probably now on top of the list. This sucks, but maybe we can grab someone who is available or snag a PS guy.
  5. On obvious passing downs you can’t expect much from this OL…. But yet this coaching staff will say…. It’s all about the point of attack, winning your 1on1, fundamentals…… how about get creative. That’s a fundamental of football. This OL sucks and the pockets will suck too! Good luck Josh
  6. Yes. I just wish Daboll had more play designs to move the pocket around or get Josh outside the pocket. You see Dallas do this ever so often getting Dak outside
  7. WTF DOESNT DABOLL GET ALLEN OUT OFVTHE POCKET????!!!! This OL sucks, please move the pocket!!!!!!!!! Dude why is this so difficult?!
  8. Josh tries to hard to get Diggs the ball…. Josh needs to move more. Why Daboll doesn’t scheme him to throw outside the pocket occasionally is beyond me. Mobile QB, move him around!!
  9. I’ve been saying for years it’s this team just going through the steps…. We run the same defense every week, the offense looks the same. There’s no creativity, no thinking outside the box, no twist in game plans etc…. For god sakes we were getting the ball smashed down our throats and we stayed in 4-2-5 base Nickel package?! Why?! We have no run game…. Why not more fly sweeps, quick hitters to our WRs, quick passes over the middle to Knox? A 2 yard pass can lead to 5 yards gained. 2nd and 5 is better than 2nd and 10. Last week was nothing but 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 10…. Punt, no yards gained cause we had every route runner going 15 yards down field. Yes we are not physical and yes we get push around trying to stop the run, but the game plan never seems to adjust, change or throw something different at opposing teams. it’s almost like McD is so proud he thinks if they just win there 1on1s, win the point of attack and don’t turn the ball over is good enough to win…. I don’t see it. His “fundamentals” is the key to victory is crap. Dude, think outside the box and create game plans and packages, play schemes, defensive alignments that the other teams say “wtf” is that…. We haven’t seen that. Keep teams guessing. The Bills are too easy to game plan against and predictable!!!!
  10. Cause it’s a physical sport. This Bills team just isn’t physical enough in the trenches. McD thinks they are. Yet it’s been proven in multiple games they can’t run the ball or stop the run. If we take McDs word… it must be all poor game planning. Now it’s on the coaches. Reasons are….. Poor play in the trenches, Game planning and coaching.
  11. Listening to McDs post game ain’t nothing gonna change cause he said himself he thinks this is a physical team. Sure thing coach.
  12. Exactly….. that’s why they practice. That’s why they are called professionals. Game plan something they haven’t seen. Throw some 5-2 at them, blitz the CBs, put Oliver to the strength side as a DE a few times with Harrison and Butler…. But no, 4-2-5 Base Nickel. I don’t understand why these coaches just stick to the same crap!!!!!
  13. I’d like to see this team run a 3-4 (would look more like a 5-2 with Hughes playing Weakside OLB, not every play but to match physical run teams. Rousseau, Oliver, Harrison NT, Butler, Hughes
  14. It pisses me off he won’t acknowledge the plays they are calling or trying to execute just hasn’t been working. Yo coach! Game plan can be a reason for losing. Keep running that same Nickel Zone Defense….. Not being able to run the ball or hardly block is the issue on the other side. He believes this is a physical team…. Well then, your game plan sucks! Against physical teams you gotta cause confusion up front by moving people around and crowd the line of scrimmage. Just lining up and saying “win your 1 on 1”…. Tells me you’re delusional. Cause that’s not gonna work with these guys
  15. If this team doesn’t make the playoffs….. next year might be his last if he does it again
  16. Honestly don’t care…. After 10 games I’ve seen enough to know the Bills can’t win a championship this year…. I doubt they win the AFCE. That’s the reality of this season.
  17. They should have had a big man package. I wanna see Oliver at DE on strong side. Oliver, Butler, Harrison, Obada, Hughes 5-2-4…… Hughes can drop back/out from time to time. Not a single team is scared of this offense or defense…. The film has exploited our weaknesses
  18. Where’s McDs BS post game press conference? I need a good laugh. We are to the point I don’t think anyone is buying into his process….. Smash Mouth football…. Well we have our Base Nickel package….
  19. That’s funny cause I say we lose 3 more…. Potentially 4. Best record realistically 11-6 Worst 9-8, no playoffs.
  20. This is so beyond a player here or there….. I just can’t wait to hear McDs excuses etc…. *Gotta look at the film. *Everyone has to do their part, coaches too. *Theres a few plays I know Josh would like to have back. *I gotta do better. *Cant turn the ball over. Coach why was it hard to stop the run? Would an extra DL or extra LB help, why stay in the Nickel knowing they were gonna run? From the outside it looks like no adjustments were made.
  21. First time since getting Josh Allen and first time since the McDermott era I hate to say this isn’t the staff or the coach that will lead a team to a SB championship. Last year was a good year but teams have taking a lot of the film and a lot of this teams tendencies and hold us down. Interior OL and DL are terrible. But McD, Dabolls offense and this Nickel Zone Defense cant do it!
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