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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. Last year he was 10…. So he’s regressing. Got it! MVP candidate on a team that are front runners to win the SB. Makes since. Legitimately I’d say he 8-10….
  2. I agree. If that’s true. The media being, everything you’re seeing on the media. The pictures, the journal entries etc…. What if the police have no evidence of any of that? Those pictures could be from 4 months ago, the journal entries could have been written last week… my point is, if the police have no record of any of that (cause she went the next day)…. Is it really evidence? Only the police report and the police evidence are going to help this case, her case.
  3. That’s the question. What does the SDPD have and what facts do they have? Anything that supports all this stuff over the media? If not…..
  4. She if anything was beaten. She called the 3 guys she’s accusing 10 days after it happened. Anyone who does something like that, gets accused of rape or even assault usually gets charged criminally relatively quick. It’s not like she didn’t know who did this. She accused those 3 within days. With that kind of “evidence” why would it take almost a year to just file a civil suit? What does SDPD know is my question? What evidence do they have?
  5. I don’t understand with all the photos of her neck, bruises on her leg, she was bleeding elsewhere…… went to the police, rape kit etc….. and nothing? Hand written journals of who knows when they were written. This whole thing is a mess and doesn’t make any sense. Her lawyer is just putting all this stuff all over the social media, news etc… like “look how bad this is”….. yeah it looks bad. Bad enough to had done something last Oct/Nov!!!! Why now? Did the police have this same evidence??? If not, why not? Looks criminal to me. But many lawyers don’t expect criminal charges. None of this passes the smell test!!!!!
  6. Not saying I agree or disagree with you….. But the journal entries are moot to me. Shoot can she prove when she wrote these? Even if there were a date it’s a handwritten document. Not to hard to fabricate and say “I wrote this the next day”….. but yet it was 6 months later. I could go as far as saying…. Write down your stories so you don’t forget what you need to say, so you don’t get twisted or caught in a lie about what you said. Not picking sides, it’s just the journal entries can’t be end all be all or even considered evidence.
  7. Araizas lawyer I think spoke on it as well…. I could be mistaken I think at the end of the day Araiza is gonna point the finger at the other 2 guys and say exactly that
  8. 100% speculation here…. But the thing I find the most interesting is the recorded phone call. Supposedly he admits to hooking up. This call came 10 days after. But he also makes the comments that she should be tested for STDs. As guys we know that type of comment is made after the fact. Meaning Matt did hook up with her, but then later found out she slept with other guys…. That’s where things went bad. If it was a g@ngg b@ng he lead supposedly, is it more likely he telling her to get tested for STDs cause he has STDs? Or basically telling her yeah we hooked up, but I know you hooked up with more dudes that night you should get tested. Like a yeah we hooked up, but you hooked up with a bunch of guys and (he didn’t like that) told her to get tested. Remember this call was 10 days after the night in question, Matt was more than willing to answer the phone and talk. Most guys I’d assume would not even answer if they truly knew what had happened. I think that is Matt’s side of this…. I just don’t know why someone would “lead a gng bng” then tell someone to go get tested for diseases……
  9. Something to consider is, how many of those punters have consistently played in inclement weather or cold weather?
  10. Matt will be released… this is going to take months if not a year to clear up. I predict Jordan Berry will be our punter come Wednesday
  11. Question is what punters are available? Jordan Berry seems like the only option.
  12. In this day in age…. You have to just let it play out. I’m not taking anyones side. This is sloppy and has just too many questions to be answered. I hate responses on here that say “this looks bad, just cut him”…. Why? There is too much false accusations that get thrown around daily. If he’s guilty let them prove their case, if he’s not the truth will come out. That’s it. I am not leaning one way or another and I could care less how this “looks”….
  13. The LA Times says it was the Football Team that “Gang Raped” …. I will just wait for the facts. This can go so many directions
  14. I want Bass to get a shot at 55+ yd FG I know he’s got the leg for 60 but McD never lets him go for it
  15. The fade to the corner of the end zone is such a low percentage play…. It’s laughable
  16. Tasker said “rookie out of Texas”…. Tasker is having a bad day
  17. Offensive plays this next series….. over/ under 5. What you got?
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