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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. 4th & 2…..? Get that PS player Duke in the game!!!!! Defenses won’t know what to do!!!! (Either will Buffalo)
  2. 1:19 is an eternity from the 20. I’m not really worried about getting OOB, more worried about getting within legit striking distance. For me that’s the 10 yd line. I just hate the play call was double posts to the goal line. Yes bad play by Josh but I hate he had that play.
  3. These are questions McD needs to answer…. None of this makes since. Bills RBs should have had 30 touches yesterday being up 17. Nope Duke in on goal line plays and throwing interceptions.
  4. Point was to get closer to the 10 yd line… not to score. There was what 2 mins left? Bills were on the 20 yd line? Yeah, get the first down, the 10 yd line. Then go for the end zone. From the 20, a QB sweep or power would have been just fine. Im not thinking about scoring from the 20.
  5. I was yelling QB power or QB sweep at my TV!!!! Bills needed to get to the 10 yd line and take 3 shots from there. Use the damn timeouts, run the ball!!!! Bad decision and bad throw by Josh, play call was worse!!!
  6. I just find it funny McD in his press conference post game said something like Lewis needed to swat the ball…, Well coach… was your staff or the players or anyone talking during the game??? That kind of stuff should have been yelled out multiple times before the snap by everyone!!!!! Sounds like nobody said crap!!!
  7. Right now this team couldn’t beat either of those teams. We haven’t scored a TD in the second half of the last 3 games.
  8. Allen has no ability to rely on a run game. Defenses know this and it makes his job much harder. Yesterday should have been a game where Singletary, Cook and Hines contributed for 25-30 touches!!!!! But instead we got 18. A one dimensional offense will not succeed. Minnesotas defense was 100% pass there at the end of the game. I was screaming to run the ball. 2 Timeouts, we needed to get to the 10 yard line and take 3 shots to the end zone. That play at the end shouldnt have never been the call. Minnesota was waiting for it. This offense has fell off a cliff. Mostly due to play calling and not running.
  9. How I feel and what I see are different things… I still don’t trust this staff, still can’t run the ball, play calling has been questionable and health is still an issue. A lot of things need to come around in order to go 14-3. The Bills are not better than Miami at this point. Home field advantage may help. I think what we’ve seen the last 3 weeks 11-6 is way more realistic. Not a single TD in the second half of the last 3 games. Something is way off. Lost 11-6
  10. Plain and Simple this team currently has an issue running the ball… even when they can, they quickly abandoned it. Also having issues stopping the run. All on top of questionable coaching…. I’d ask McD…. “On Cam Lewis botched interception, were all the players and sideline yelling to bat the ball/swat the ball down, and not go for the interception? If not, why not?”…. Bet nobody said shiz, a PS guy called up trying to be a hero cause nobody is talking.
  11. That’s the point, call passing plays with shorter routes, your first, second third reads…. Not your 4/5 read… or run the ball, a draw etc… That play at the end was designed for the end zone.
  12. Like get creative! Put Oliver in a FB, try McKenzie in the backfield, motion him out. Do a trick play for once. There’s zero designed roll outs, naked boots etc… it’s Allen, 3/5 step drop, scramble and hope a WR gets open.
  13. The game would have been over if Lewis just swats to ball. That end zone shenanigans wouldn’t even had happened
  14. Yep, the whole defense, sideline and all the coaches should have been saying to swat the ball…. Nope, PS guy going for the interception! That was the game!
  15. Exactly 2 timeouts…. Run the ball, running a crossing route, anything. No we dial up a play where everyone is 15 yds downfield. It’s frustrating
  16. I honestly am kind of over this team. Been a fan for 35 years. Of course I want them to win, but over meaning have any expectations of a championship. There’s too many weaknesses. Play calling, Coaching decisions, and Health just won’t allow it in this league. Fans have complained about McD for some time now, I’ve never bought into it, but I’m starting to see the flaws of this staff!!!!
  17. How many carries has Hines got? Glad we traded for him! Duke is coming off the PS to play goal line and return KOs, who makes those decisions?! This team is frustrating. Don’t be surprised if we finish with a 10-7 record and miss the playoffs. The decision making is that bad!
  18. People only see the play… don’t understand things like that. Like how not having a running game hurts Josh.
  19. Everyone on the defense and coaches and sideline should have been yelling… just knock it down, knock it down. It was 4th down…. Nope, go for the interception.
  20. 193 yds to Jefferson…. Like 120 of those yards you knew Cousins was going to throw to him, and did, and completed it.
  21. I just wish Cam would have batted the ball away vs trying to pick it off….
  22. That doesn’t fix our coaches to make decisions that win Bills should have smashed that team!!!’
  23. The coaches/staff should have kicked the FG…. The staff should have opted to pass from the 1inch line or taking safety. That coaches…. Cam Lewis breaks up the pass vs going for the int on 4th down we win… There we’re way too many winning decisions that could have been made that make it not on Allen. Allen played bad sure. But there were bad coaching calls and easy plays that it wouldn’t have mattered This staff sucks… never really thought so, but today is all on the coaches.
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