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Everything posted by CEN-CAL17

  1. “Why is 6 afraid of 7?....” cause 7 8 9.... sorry I just see the numbers. I’ll go back to work now.
  2. Lamar was stopped all day.... Baltimore has great field position most the day, he completed a pass here and there. Take off the 60 yard TD he throws under 100 yds and rushes for 40. His first TD came from the 4 yd line that should have been backed up by 12 in the huddle. Then the 60 yd blown coverage by Poyer and the Snead TD where Edmunds was out of position and left his zone open. Lamar did enough to win, it wasn’t that impressive. Baltimore’s Defense and our lack of offense was the difference in the game. Lamar did nothing special that makes one say, “Lamar beat us, Lamar couldn’t be stopped, Lamar made plays left and right,” that didn’t happen.
  3. The Stance by the league is they are going to let players battle a little for position, to be a little aggressive and not call everything if both sides seem to partake in contact..... in this case, it was 100% on the defender making contact in the back of Foster, hitting foster initially in the right shoulder to the head with his right hand followed by another hit to the head with his left elbow well before the ball was there. There was zero contact initiated by Foster the entire play. That’s PI.... McD should have challenged and stated “the defender was draped on our guys back and hit him before the ball was there, our guys back was turned and he didn’t initiate contact the entire play”. There’s no way you can defend that is not PI....
  4. If you were to randomly ask any unbiased fan what or who would to see in the Super Bowl? I’d be willing to bet 90% would say Baltimore and San Fran. Well it looks like both have all but locked it up for #1 seeds and home field advantage. Not sayin Baltimore is not a better team than Buffalo but both those teams will be looked after now. More so..... I mean listen to analysts this morning.... Baltimore’s Defense won that game. Baltimore has great field position all day, a few calls not called etc. Lamar had 40 yards rushing and without that big pass to Hurst he finishes under 100 throwing, Ingram was shut down and a blown coverage against Snead. Yesterday’s performance wasn’t anything to Gaga about MVP.
  5. Crap call.... but then they lied lol
  6. The league has to fix that intentional grounding crap Brady does.... Dude was blocking, back turned to Brady and the throw wasn’t really even close.... 83 was in the area. BS!!!!!
  7. Funny.... What happened to everyone calling NEs Defense the best in NFL history?! They are good but the Kool Aid was legit early on.
  8. I want to hear McDs answer on this.... Its all contact by the defender, no contact by Foster. If they were both playing a hands game fine, but that was 100% Defense.
  9. This team desperately need a solid #2 RB.... I agree RT #1 priority. I like Geronimo Allison 6’3” 210 with some stretch the field ability on a cheap deal. Focus the draft on OL and defense.
  10. What a crappy day on offense all around. Bad play calling, bad execution, bad drops, McD not challenging a huge call that even my Pats friends were like “100% PI”.... played like pussies on Offense! Mentally and physically
  11. Could possibly have the lead! Convince me that wasn’t PI on Foster...
  12. Throw the damn challenge flag. Absolutely nothing going in our favor, Foster knocked around well before the ball was there, contact to add and nothing.
  13. I’m pissed... that is obviously lead to this and could have helped us huge
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