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Everything posted by billsredneck1

  1. whatever....thrown against the chargers d who would have eaten tyrod alive as well....starting in the HISTORICALLY BAD snow storm and then thrown in in the final minute of a playoff game. yep, that's plenty to judge him on. his throwing ability and basic qb skills run circle around tyrod's. but again ...whatever, tyrod won't be here next year and there's a very good chance with an offseason and training camp that peterman could negate the need for an alex smith. hate on him all you want,but he will be here next year.
  2. i will, but it's going to take a while to heal from yesterday's embarrassing offensive effort.
  3. what are you going to do with yourself when tyrod is gone?
  4. i feel the bills will draft a qb such as rudolph who may fall to them. i don't see them spending a lot to move up and i don't see them trading away a bunch of picks for a vet. i think peterman is going to win the starting job next year. just a gut feeling.
  5. and he could be had for probably less people think. jimmy g went for a second. we could send tt.glenn and a second....and still draft rudolph. call me what you will but if they decide to draft a qb and name nate the starter while building a core through the draft, i'm ok with that. if nate starts next year, i think he can be as good as alex smith.
  6. we would have been more competitive than a 3 point total had peterman played the entire game
  7. not to mention there was a second hit when he was down.
  8. that one over throw if on target would have changed the game. not to mention there were times where he chucked it away when he could have ran to the marker.
  9. and as much as i like romo calling the games....it's tough watching him point out wide open receivers. i'm going to listen to football monday on wgr tomorrow and i hope the first thing i hear is rico and castillo are gone. i thought maybe we give tt the 6 mil bonus , then trade but he can carpool with them right the he!! out of town! 3 points in 60 minutes is an absolute disgrace!....but then again, if not for andy dalton, we wouldn't have broken the drought to be embarrassed, so i guess i should be thankful. i want to see major changes this off season and i trust the mc staff to get us in the right direction for next year. i will try to calm down, nothing got broke,dinner smells good, the weather's gonna change, i should count my blessins,etc. BUT DAMMIT!
  10. yes i am...except that horse collar and late hit on tyrod was absolute bs! also the pick hit the ground!
  11. 3 fing points in 60 minutes GOODBYE RICO....GOOD BYE TYROD! SICKENING! EDIT GOOD BYE CASTILLIO and frazier can go as well.
  13. PUT NATE IN AND RUN THE HURRY UP.....if they can force a punt that is..... IT AIN'T OVER TIL THE FAT LADY SINGS!
  14. why can they not lay the wood to bortles at least once.... take the 15 and clothesline his ass!!!
  15. if we are still down with 5 left they should put peterman in.
  16. time for nate and a 2 minute td drive
  17. let's see what rico dials up here. the jags are just planning on seeing the same.
  18. if this jags d is so formidable , how did the niners roll up 44 last week? was it all jimmy g? are they that more talented of a roster? ...or is the media just riding the jags wagon?
  19. they are very comparable to the deep fryer or i wouldn't use it that's for sure. actually when you get the timing down, there's no difference. sometimes you might have to go 20 mins. a batch, but hey it's set it and forget it. like i said i haven't even scratched the surface with how many things you can do with it. i marinated chicken breasts once and they came out just as good as i could have done them on the grill......not the smoker, but the grill.
  20. the wings come out just fine. i put them partially thawed in a big bowl and lightly coat them with a little olive oil or regular oil. same thing if i make my own fries, they come out perfect. frozen fries are fine, just take a little less time.
  21. i love it mostly because of not having to buy a gallon of oil every time as well as the mess. it works great ,but i found i need to let the wings thaw a bit first. that works best. the other thing if you are buying one, buy the biggest capacity that you can. for instance, mine is like a 2.2 qt and does 10 wings at a time well. there are some models that i've seen that are 3.75 qt. my deep fryer is small so i couldn't really do more than 10 at a time with that. i love the air fryer. you can do so many different things with it. yep and do the steak fries last.
  22. since i can never do them all in one batch, i shake them in a big pan of sauce them put them on foil on a cookie sheet. throw them in the oven at 225. they end up perfect. not too sloppy.
  23. that should do it. i jack the temp a little higher like 385, but i got a new air fryer that i'm getting the hang of. edit: the above posters are right in that 15 for crispy.
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