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Everything posted by billsredneck1

  1. i've always been fascinated by the quick, snappy release, that's what i liked about nate as well as the insane pre season comp%. i just don't know what happens to him when the whistle blows at the start of games. i feel bad for him because that first game against balt. the weather was horrible. maybe it's the crap talk at the line that gets into his head, idk. i still believe he'll get a chance and shine. anywho, i've derailed not only the thread but what i am replying to. i better stop rambling, i'll start to sound like a stoned howard simon.? go bills!
  2. i can't tell who that was but he was lined up outside. i also can't tell which te that was, but i gotta say, i haven't been too impressed with clay....ever. he's dropped peterman passes...oleary would have made that grab. he used to make me so mad. you couldn't sack him cause he had such a quick release.
  3. i don't see that as a check down. i see that as the no.2 read. he had his mind made up who he was throwing to before hand. if that was nate people would be smoking him for making that decision. one ounce less velocity on that ball and it's a pick oleary makes that catch....
  4. i agree 100% every time i hear schoop talk, all i can picture is spit flying like he's got a super hot wing sauce on his lips or something.?
  5. i don't care what has been said, shoop is a spitting idiot. he doesn't know jack and it's annoying. i'll listen to his post game rants if i am pissed after a loss, but that's all he's got going for him...period
  6. shoop is like shemp from the 3 stooges... a day late and a dollar behind. he's a modern day version of the coach chuck dickerson minus the knowledge of actual football. bulldog i guess would be larry?
  7. ummmmm ok danger and battaglia on espn 950 am rochester at 3pm blow shoop away and make him look like a stooge.
  8. josh allen vs. vikings pass rush.....
  9. howard usually sounds like a stoned teenager or he's claiming his love for one of the sabres. dabol was probably dreading it, but had to do it. you should be in a dark, quiet place (heavily sedated) and praying your ass off....not for nothin how cool is that? hahahaha! get the roaster fired up
  10. hah! have fun admitting to your wife you have a problem and need help! enjoy the meetings and therapy. i don't know if you'll need a 2nd job to make the money up ,but you may to win your wife back. never ever ever ever bet on the bills. good luck to ya ....might wanna go to church before the game.?
  11. sal is good. his own show is the best of the bunch.
  12. that i would think would cause an employment issue.....?
  13. i myself will have to go to wgr550.com and play that segment. edit: i missed it cause someone backed into my truck at the store.
  14. well on his right side he has miller trying to block his guy and whoever cuts inside of mills. on his left, he's got whoever is skating ducasse backwards or turning inside of him. i think that recent grade ducasse got from pff? as being the best at pass pro is equilant to all the national love that tyrod got....til last night.
  15. i think allen's gonna be a gamer. as far as the bolded , it is quite a great thing to see. goff, wentz, jimmy g, rosen, prescott, mariota, wilson and all the guys you mentioned. this league is going to be fun to watch and very competitive for years to come. i love it. i mean, whoever thought the nfc west would be worth watching...
  16. but,but,but everybody said he was fine when wood went down! is it him getting beat by an entire dline stunting inside? ....or his lack of understanding what to call at the line?
  17. i listen to wgr550 everyday, especially one bills live. from 3-6 i usually listen to espn rochester 950 danger and battaglia. it's all bills and quite a cut above shoop and the bulldog. i do listen to a shoop rant from time to time. sorry sabres fans, but i hate hockey and it pisses me off that the instigators are on from 10-noon on football fridays. that queer accent is instigating for sure. anyway, my question is...what's up with nate orchard? i have not heard his name mentioned once since he was on one bills live the day he signed. i was excited we got him, loved the interview, but ain't heard jack about him since. one other thing (26cp) i was kinda hoping someone could start a thread listing all the various bills podcasts and programs. i could listen to everything bills related 24/7, but it seems like there's so many different podcasts and what not. from fb live to youtube channels and it seems like everyone has a podcast now. some kind of table of contents would be great.
  18. i don't think so, i think the vikes are looking ahead to a short week. they are probably game planning for the rams and figuring on coasting with base offense and d and just get it over with. i also believe we will see a much better defensive effort especially when it comes to pressure. if we can stop the run and get them in 3rd and longs.... dabol will have to cook up some stuff. some counter tre's, jet sweeps, a lot of 2 back sets to allow a hand off or swing pass to shady or ivory. send foster on a fly route every play. i think mcd will come through and not allow this team to drag ass. cousins schmousins
  19. i know, it just came to mind. i would have to say yes, it would be the biggest upset win with the spread being what it is. if i was a betting man, i'd take the points.
  20. and also if/when big ben goes down/out, the steelers won't miss a beat with rudolph throwing to washington.
  21. the vikes generally can rush 4 and they tend to blitz mainly on 2nd and long. we have to come out with some swing passes, trick plays and some quick slants. we have to go into 2nd down with 5 or less yds. then they can pick their poison...crowd up and get beat deep or shady/rpo gets the 1st. if we can get to 3rd and short, options will open up....especially if we are in fg position, we can take some deep shots and catch them snoozin. 26-24 bills. minny will get more crap for losing to us than we have for the first 2 games....then gb don't look so bad.... once we get to the titans....even at 1 and 3, it's all downhill from there. say we start 1 and 3....count in maybe 2 to the pats, we will go on a 2nd half roll at home. 10-6 will be very doable. the show ain't over til mcfat lady sings.... it takes a collective 12th man effort....even if it's at a distance....wecandooit!
  22. welp i guess i gotta pull for the browns.....
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