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Everything posted by Returntoglory

  1. Once the ball was dislodged the forward motion of his hand followed BUT IT WAS NOT IN CONTROL!
  2. It's on Tyrod now. THIS will go a long way in determining his future in Buffalo.
  3. Jaguar RB pulled his own helmet off. NO PENALTY??.
  4. I've heard rumblings about pot use. Take it for what it's worth.
  5. As a former USAF member I agree 100% with this poster. This should be a non issue. You were accepted into one of the top AND hardest institutions in the country and you now have an active duty obligation to fulfill.
  6. He has a military commitment that must be honored. One of the best educations in the world comes with a price and both he and his agent know this.
  7. Are you referring to me? I never said I spoke for everyone in the military. Also, inter-service ball busting is fine among those who have served, but when civilians do it, not so much. Unless you have served in the US Military, them you will NEVER get the immense pride we have for serving our country and how serious we take those who disrespect it.
  8. So called Fans? So if you're a fan you have to follow your team blindly and without question. Gotcha
  9. 50/50 eh? You follow it that closely? The bottom line is that it's disrespectful, any way you want to present it.
  10. Actually he can speak for many in the US Military. Most actually by a very wide margin. And yes, I would say that anyone who serves his country and is putting his or her life on the line for our freedom has an opinion that has more relevance, depending on the subject of course. And Chair Force? That's a good one! Because, you know, all of us Air Force folks ever did was sit on our butts and did absolutely no work nor contributed to anything of significance to our nation's defense. What Branch of the military were you in again??
  11. It was my honor. I'm sorry, but that old adage never did fly with me. You can disrespect and protest many things, but the flag of our nation is sacred and it represents all those who fought and lost their lives to defend the rights and freedoms that so many take for granted. All you need to do is attend a few military burials and realize that what is beneath the flag that adorns the coffin it is covering is the body of either a US Veteran or a soldier. It is sacred. Are you a Veteran?
  12. I'm sorry but as a USAF Veteran I would not like to see this person in a Bills uniform. If the Bills did ever sign him( Which of course they will not) then I would have to think long and hard about supporting this team. The disrespect that he has shown the US Flag and our nation is not forgivable, IMHO.
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