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Everything posted by Returntoglory

  1. Yep. The Bills will cover the spread. YOU'RE SCREWED!
  2. Few weeks? He just pulled him near the end of the 2nd Qtr!
  3. He can say whatever he wants at this point. Use whatever excuse he sees fit. The bottom line is HE QUIT ON HIS TEAMATES AND THE CITY OF BUFFALO!
  4. They also inherited a horrid salary cap situation
  5. He also could have approached the coach at halftime and asked him to pull him.
  6. Compare the lineups of both teams.
  7. Slow receivers Einstein ?
  8. Seems to be the BILLS plan, no ? ? I'm saying at least give his agent a call. Get him in for an interview. See where his heads at. And I think with more reps, JA will be fine. How many drops yesterday, SEVEN! Lack of effort from our alledged #1 receiver makes this at least apho e call.
  9. Thank you. Of course. The all mighty $$$ !
  10. He will be a Media nightmare for any team that signs him. No thank you.
  11. "Rather" and "Prefer" are not absolutes. But I get you. Drinks maybe? So we can get to know each other better and possibly bond? ?
  12. All valid points. The team is a Sheize show receiver wise.
  13. You're guessing on this. He's hungry and knows the clock is ticking. In the end his options are limited. It's worth a phone call, no?
  14. Yeah smart guy, I do. He's also looking for a home and long term contract after this year if he can catch a ride. Better option out there?
  15. Seriously. Maybe he can lead and motivate our current crop of receivers. Possibly help Benjamin pull his head out. Would definitely be close to being our #1 all things considered.
  16. That was my exact thought throughout the game. NO EFFORT! Seriously, WTF does it take to motivate some of these players? My God,if the millions in salary they make is not incentive enough or playing during a contract year can't motivate you, what will?
  17. I'm sorry. But if they signed him to a contract, I would be beyond pissed. The man is a HUGE distraction. You sign this person and there is no telling what stunt he would pull next. The distractions would be EPIC and totally put focus on non-football related issues. He's done this to his self.
  18. Semantics. Opted out = Quit
  19. Worse day of my life. I was a Zombie pretty much for a year.
  20. I remember years ago when he had his show I was getting so pissed about his attitude and negativity that i devised a somewhat simple but effective prank towards him and WGR. I don't remember the exact nuances BUT I sent a fax over to the station with an AP letterhead and really authentic looking copy in regards to the Bills signing someone very high profile. He and the station took it and ran with it full speed. I also gave him the phrase " Speed kills" which he ran into the ground ?
  21. A true Hero. On this day I salute my fellow Veterans who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our great nation.
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