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Everything posted by Returntoglory

  1. No reason we can't aquire all three in the off season whether via the draft or free agency. You want Allen to prosper? Give him the protection all QB's need! Mr GM, build us that wall! ?
  2. Watching the Colts game right now once again they put the graphic up of the offensive ranking from last year of the Colts and then with the addition of their first round pick and additional upgrades, Luck's O-Line is night and day and they are dominant! This has to be the focus of the draft and free agency.
  3. Can't stop yourself from sneaking in a little jab, eh?
  4. WTF Didn't Edmunds put his hands up on the Darnold TD pass????
  5. And WTF would you expect the young leader of this team to say???
  6. He also had one of the worst WR Ensembles in College Football. If you cannot see the talent this kid has, you best stick with beer league soccer.
  7. BINGO! I counted a total of three today and NOT ONE was called! Disgusting ?
  8. What a POS! NO WAY he gets out of this. It will be interesting to see the position the players union takes on this. Unbelievable! ?
  9. Truthfully, we need a new stadium and it needs to be located near the downtown area. OP is just a pain in the Butt to get to, especially in the winter time. I can envision a new stadium located downtown that has rail access coming in from multiple directions. That's the Ticket
  10. Bell didn't "Have to sit out" he chose to do so. His workload would have been less had he come back do to the emergence of Connor. He F'd up and time will show that to be the case.
  11. I'm interested in what the apologist's have to say about this class act on Bells behalf? Not even returning a text from your QB thanking him ?
  12. Because Jim's all about family and he wants to see his nephew succeed.
  13. Sign him! Have him live with Uncle Jim to get his Sheize together!
  14. Just like the clowns on the radio this morning. CONSTANT pokes towards McDermott and his development of Allen, cutting Peterman, bad coaching decisions, etc. Smart ass comments that only inflame the situation and of course, they know will piss McD off. I know they're sticking up for Schoop, but seriously, I would not waste my time with the hacks. BUT when it's the only game in town and you have a contract...
  15. All these idiot's do (Schoop ESPECIALLY) are ridicule the Bills organization and McDermott especially. Then they have the stupidity to do it leading up to his show! They have to know he's probably listening. Non-athletic asswipes who are clueless questioning an NFL headcoach? Yeah, I'd be pissed too and hang up! ?
  16. I know. I'm being facetious. Would be nice to have an athlete like this on the team.
  17. Whatever brand gloves this guy is wearing we need to order a few cases for our Bills! He drops NOTHING!
  18. Me thinks this is a sign(well, it is,but you know what I mean) of a big game for Shady this weekend. I'm on Vacation this week in my wife's neck of the woods near Woodstock NY. As I was wondering about Sundays game, I went around a corner and was confronted by this sign is on Rte. 212. GO BILLS!
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