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Everything posted by Returntoglory

  1. Wow. Hurts my heart. Such an icon. Rest in Peace Mr. Butkus ❤️
  2. Disclaimer: I'm a former aircraft mechanic. Both Military AND Civilian. I disagree with your assessment of the Airbus A-350-1000 series. "Recognised as the airline industry’s large widebody aircraft of reference, the A350-1000 comfortably accommodates from 350 to 410 passengers in a standard three-class configuration, with 40% more area for premium-category seating." PLENTY BIG and has a 14 pallet cargo capacity.
  3. Jesus. Really?
  4. Kinda my thoughts. I lived in Europe for 7 years. The 6 hour difference does mess with your clock. I figured they would leave on Monday, Tuesday at the latest.
  5. Come on Bills Mafia. Get your multiple votes in for Josh!🤘
  6. NOT a rock band. Pop .
  7. The last time a "Rock Band" played the SB was in 2010. Gee 🤔
  8. Been there done that. Unfortunately I was playing hockey in Europe and tore my ACL, MCL & LCL in o e felled swoop. If he follows his Orthopedic Surgeons rehab requirements, he could be near 100% when rehabbed. DON'T RUSH YOUR REHAB OR PUSH TOO HARD! I was in a full metal polio type brace for two years BUT surgical methodology have changed and as I said, I trashed three ligaments. Not that it's good but thankfully it's just the ACL and he has at least a year of solid rehab he can utilize. Best of luck Trevon!
  9. EXCELLENT offensive game plan today!
  10. EXCELLENT offensive game plan today!
  11. Playing "safe ball" with Josh today.
  12. Well, that was efficient!
  13. But aren't you/we getting tired of the " I screwed up and this is all on me" press conferences?🤔
  14. I agree! It was that selfish Aaron Rodgers fault!
  15. Look at the crowd he's now a part of.
  16. Josh bashing? Sorry sunshine, I'm an invested fan(45+ years) and I have concerns about our QB.
  17. Yeah. Dating a Hollywood starlet WOULD BE less of a distraction. Oh wait! Josh has mentioned that he can't believe all the attention he's getting over his new GF.
  18. I remember your post and it got me thinking too.
  19. Could all the off the field happenings be distracting him ?
  20. Much has changed with Josh in two short years.First, the massive new contract. Then his Breakup with his high school sweetheart. Now dating a Hollywood star. Multiple national TV Commercials and then finally, the Madden 24 cover. Me thinks he has too many distractions that are having him take his eye off of the proverbial ball. Add that with my previous post of not having a " QB Whisperer" and you get my point. Too much too soon? Or much to do about nothing and just leave Josh alone, he'll be fine.
  21. Put me in Coach!
  22. And? Is it sinking in yet ?
  23. Josh needs help. Bottom line. McD has no balls to get in his face, nor the offensive experience to do so. Our window is closing and Josh is regressing six years into his career, NOT a good sign. He should have been better prepared last night but he was not Enough of this BS, it needs to be addressed and addressed NOW!
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