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Everything posted by Returntoglory

  1. Diggs is a major D-Bag! He indeed did quit on this team and Half -assed multiple plays. Beane built a contender but the judas know as Diggs pulled the same BS he pulled in MN and hung this team out to dry. I wish him nothing but misery on the field the remainder of his pathetic career!
  2. Could Josh have a bigger supporter than The Greatest QB of all time? I'd love for TB to mentor JA .
  3. No comparison. 99% of baseball fans love Pete a feel he should be in the HOF.
  4. Where in Europe are you my friend?
  5. This video says it all, as far as I'm concerned. https://youtu.be/JdyG_pPfSIU?si=sIzIch0Q1wSJVqt-
  6. He mirrors the ***** show that society has become.
  7. For some, It has ended.
  8. It's a long Journey my friend.
  10. ***** Diggs! He's a POS for quitting on this team and fanbase! He quit at various times during the season, forcing Beane to move on from him. I hope the O-line coaches daughter spills the beans of this loser.
  11. Damn. He was one of the best EVER! Rest in Peace Mort ❤️
  12. Man. I can't remember. I think it was a big trade with the Bills or something like that. I'm going to check my files later when I get home. It was a good one though, that I remember 😁
  13. https://www.foxnews.com/sports/bills-josh-allens-ex-talks-sex-and-the-city-moment-following-split-nfl-star Brittany Williams, the former girlfriend of Buffalo Bills star Josh Allen, opened up for the first time about her split from the NFL star in a recent podcast interview.
  14. I used to listen to Chuck back in the day on WGR and call in frequently. He was entertaining, to say the least. My memory is foggy but I eventually got PO'd with GR and "The Coach" over some continual mis-information and other crap, so I pulled off a big prank to show how they were quick to report news without fact checking. I created an elaborate AP Press release and faxed it over to them and sure enough, they immediately went on air to report the " Breaking news". Later during the broadcast ( After repeating the news numerous times) they admitted their information was not legit. I also coined the phrase with Chuck " Speed Kills" and he began to use it. Always got a kick out of that. Anyways, thank you Coach for the entertainment ❤️
  15. One of the very best ever!
  16. As stated. I did use the search function prior to posting and there was NOTHING on this subject in a post topic.
  17. Hi. Could you please link me to any past posts with this subject matter? I don't mean discussions buried in other posts, I mean a seperate post with this subject matter. I'm asking because prior to my putting this post up, I did a search and found nothing. Thanks,
  18. How do you measure a Quarterbacks success? bet·ter1 adjective 1. of a more excellent or effective type or quality. Similar: superior finer of higher quality greater in a different class one step ahead more acceptable preferable recommended a cut above streets ahead head and shoulders above ahead of the pack/field
  19. Nice! I need to drive to the Raleigh NC Wegmans and see if they have any.
  20. Please post a link to any past post on this subject. I don't mean a conversation within a different post, I'm Asking for a direct post on this subject. Thanks
  21. You realize that this has only been posted as a topic once, right? That's according to a search I performed prior to posting.
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