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Posts posted by Returntoglory

  1. Reminds me of June 14, 1987. Mets-Phillies game. Keith Hernandez made a crucial error that cost the Mets the game. 


    On the way out of the stadium, Hernandez was being heckled by these two guys and he finally lost it!


    Rumor has it that he ( or another person) spat at the two hecklers and hit the one dorky heckler in the head!


    These are the serious consequences that can occur when you harass a professional athlete after a game,  people!!





    • Haha (+1) 5
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  2. 15 hours ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    Yeah, it’s a new day with the Bills. There was a time that was realistic. It just isn’t a thing now. Tickets are the most expensive that they’ve ever been and demand is higher than ever. That’s not hyperbole. 

    If you are willing to go when the weather sucks the prices drop. If you’re willing to go if they are losing, same thing. The prices for prime opponents is through the roof. The Bills are currently one of the most expensive tickets in the NFL.



    I've been to over 50 games over the years.


    It's a question I've wondered about just recently.


    Unfortunately,  true to form, I can't get a response from the Bills. 


    Even a FU would be appreciated ;)


  3. 1 hour ago, Kirby Jackson said:



    The only avenue that exists to my knowledge is the veteran of the game. Each game they honor a veteran on the field. That almost certainly comes with tickets. You can probably check the website to apply for it. A woman that I work with just had her 98 year-old grandfather on the field at Yankee Stadium doing something similar. 

    Yeah, No.

    Just curious. I moved out of state 2 years ago and of course, being local was much easier AND affordable to score tickets.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kirby Jackson said:

    The Bills really don’t sell individual game tickets on a broad basis. They have a season ticket waiting list. They do have some but a very, very small percentage. They certainly aren’t carving that up into different segments.

    Really, the only way to get tickets is on the secondary market. If the Bills are bad, they become a little cheaper. If you go when the weather is lousy, it’s a little cheaper. 

    I understand that.

    Just wondering if there is ANYTHING setup for Veterans. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    First, I was one of the biggest Araiza defenders during that time citing a complete lack of evidence of any kind linking him and a ton of evidence suggesting maybe he was not involved.  I pointed out her lawyer posted screen shots of her diary the day after that literally said she didn't even know how she got in the room, did not know who was in the room, and questioned her own behavior in playing a role.  I pointed out that her own friends gave official statements saying he was not at the house when the incident happened.  I can keep going...but the point is, I thought it was ludicrous to convict this kid off nothing other than a civil law suit anyone can file when there were not even any charges filed.  And his lawyer made it so obvious their case was weak and desperate in the media.  Did not mean he was innocent, but it did mean there was no evidence at suggesting he was guilty either that had come out.  I urged everyone to WAIT until we have real information, not "claims" by someones civil attorney whose only job is to pursue money conveniently after one of the kids from the party made it to the NFL.  Especially since she wrote in her own words 24 hours later that she didn't know who was involved and then conveniently only filed a civil suit against the guy in the NFL.  


    Second, none of that matters.  The fact I had to argue with so many people here those things who were ready to hang the kid is the point.  The media wanted blood, the fans wanted blood...I had a poster here threaten me physically because he said I was supporting a rapist.  He later apologized and it was all good, but that is how charged up people were.  


    Third, soooo many people were not satisfied with cutting him, they attacked Beane and McD for taking "too long" and "only doing it because the story was leaked".  McD and Beane handled the situation perfectly, they didn't dodge questions, they spoke candidly to the media and for long periods of time, they made themselves available and gave the kid a chance before making a decision to cut him.  And when they cut him, there was a LOT not yet known and the kid had to go defend his life and there wasn't room for football.  


    To now flip the script and fault them for cutting him is crazy.  


    PS:  HE IS A PUNTER.  Lets not pretend he is the missing SB piece.  

    PS: He's a human being that deserved a fair shake.

  6. 14 minutes ago, JoPoy88 said:

    Yes. No choice.


    Again, any other team could have picked him up any time after the Bills released him. ANYTIME (since you appreciate caps lock.) None did. 

    It wasn’t until after both the DA investigation was completely concluded and the civil suit was completely settled in Araiza’s favor that he was brought in by KC. (Yes I’m aware the Jets brought him in briefly but nothing came of that.)

    That alone should tell you that every other team in the league would have done the exact same thing the Bills did.

    This is not about "Any other team". The Bills were in the driver's seat and chose to walk away. When the other teams saw this, no doubt they felt "Well, the Bills must know something we don't".

    In the end, nothing kept them from bringing him back in and ultimately, signing him.

    22 minutes ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    Very few people wanted Mahomes at 10 that draft around here, so lets not pretend he was the obvious pick and we passed.  In fact, most people here had Trubisky as the top QB or Watson.  And almost everyone wanted to take Watson over Mahomes if we had gone QB at that time.  Araiza, there was nothing the Bills could do there, they had to make that move, and they were dragged through the mud by so many people here and in the media for not doing it "sooner".  And Worthy...KC is a great fit in KC where he gets to be a 3rd or 4th option behind Kelce, Rice, and Hollywood.  But Bills already had their fill of smaller WR's, they needed a bigger outside target who can be more physical as we have not been the more physical team in our playoff exits.  Roles and situations are a big part of a players fit and success/failure in the NFL.  Bills needed an outside guy that isn't getting blown up every time he is jammed at the LOS.

    Once again you are among those who use the " there was nothing the Bills could do there, they had to make that move" B.S.


    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. 1 hour ago, GunnerBill said:


    They had no choice but to cut him. Had he already played a single NFL game he could have gone on the commissioner's exempt list and the Bills could have long grassed it. That option doesn't exist so it was a choice between answer questions about whether your punter is a rapist every week for 12 months until it resolved itself or cut him. There unfortunately was no third way.


    I think the mob rule, trial by social media trend is one of the most damaging elements of modern society and have said so many times on here. I had at the time and have now huge sympathy for Araiza and how it played out. Even if he had done it, even if he was guilty, he is entitled to have that determined by a court of law not a keyboard warrior pile on. That is the justice system. It is precious and we must defend it at all costs. 


    But sadly once things went as they did the Bills had no option. 




  8. Just another horrible mistake by this "Organization". 

    Based on the information they had at the time (AND THE LEAGUE) they should have stood by him. 

    Once he was exonerated, they should have run, not walked, to him and try to sign him. But Noooo... We don't want a certain segment of our fanbase to
    get upset by signing an alleged or wrongly accused player.

    I wonder if the Pegula gals had a say in this ? I bet they did.

    It's the culture we sadly now live in and I F'ing HATE IT!

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