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Posts posted by SCBills

  1. Just now, Roundybout said:

    I hope it is, hope she wins two terms, and your ideology is exterminated from the country. Especially if you enjoy voting for a guy who shoves cemetery workers while using it for his stupid commercial. 

    Yes, I prefer the guy who pretends to care over the people who caused this to happen with their incompetence and can’t even be bothered to express condolences to the families. 

    When it’s been 3 years and still they can’t reach out, yet somehow Trump visiting the cemetery at the request of Gold Star families is the story our media is fixated on…

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, Roundybout said:


    Hopefully the country shares this sentiment

    “I just want this to end”


    Says the man upset the media makes this the story, when Trump was invited by Gold Star Families and had the decency to show up.. compared to Biden/Harris, who it’s now being reported have never reached out to the families.


    Those that can’t separate Trump’s actual problems (and he has many) from the media contrived issues that they then project on him, are why a Harris Presidency is a real possibility. 

    Low info, easily manipulated voters who still believe the media is an accurate arbiter of the truth. 

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  3. 1 minute ago, Draconator said:

    The examples given are poor examples. I say nothing to see here. 

    I’d agree.  It seems to be projection from an agent on what he believes is going on over there. 

    Jets fans seem to think this is coming from Reddick’s camp. 

    …which if true, would actually be better evidence of “disarray”. 

    • Like (+1) 8
  4. 14 minutes ago, hondo in seattle said:


    The P-Squad is full of unspectacular players every year.  The spectacular guys make the final 53.   


    Yet despite the overflowing mediocrity of the p-squad, every year we fans will fall in love with one of those marginal guys while barely paying attention to the other marginal guys who weren't good enough to make the final roster.


    I guess it's kind of like going to the animal shelter and falling in love with one particular puppy that nobody else wanted to adopt.




    Mostly true, and we don’t know exactly what we have in these guys, but Alec Anderson, Ryan Van Demark and Ja’Marcus Ingram are all guys we developed on the PS, who are now 53 guys. 

    And it seems now, more than ever (or maybe it’s just confirmation bias) teams are calling up PS guys all year due to injury. 

    Richard Gouraige and Mike Edwards strike me as guys who could compete for the 53 next year, especially if we let Spencer Brown walk and perhaps Van Demark & Grable are competing for that spot. 

    I also like having vets in KJ Hamler & Kareem Jackson on the PS just in case .. baseline level guys at uncertain positions, who we can play, if needed, and expect them to at least be competent out there. 

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  5. Pretty easy actually..


    Allen is the only player we have who steps up in the brightest moments. 

    Everyone else, so far, plays at the same level or chokes.


    Compared to a team that collectively steps up in the Playoffs around Mahomes. 

    Injuries play a part too, but that just can’t be the excuse when it’s every year thus far. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, Tenhigh said:

    You deserved that!

    I'm not so sure that isn't a parody Twitter handle.  Name is "The Femminist Turned Housewife".  The description says "All opinions are my husband's ".









    There can't possibly be a woman that funny.  

    Account is followed by a ton of disaffected Dem women from affluent areas that I’ve followed and/or interacted with on the app, so I think it’s legit. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. Initial 53's?


    QB - Same


    RB - Better


    WR - Worse


    TE - Better


    OL - Same


    DE - Worse


    DT - Better


    LB - Worse


    CB - Better


    S - Worse


    But if we want to compare the ending 53 to our initial 53?  I'm not willing to concede WR's were better last year.. they were objectively bad last half of the season & this team has the potential to be better at DE than last year. 

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  8. 1 minute ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    And yet the people from the most "godly" parts/economic classes of America have the largest percentage of babies born out of wedlock.

    What about "no significant likelihood of long term health issues, but will need hospitalization and will be facing serious pain/discomfort for a month or two?"

    I would say leave that up to the woman. 

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  9. He did hit on Gabe Davis & Khalil Shakir on Day 3. 


    That said, I think taking guys for Special Teams in RD5, when we haven't had particularly strong Special Teams play lately, is a tough sell and worth re-evaluating. 

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  10. 3 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    OK, but still ... how unhealthy is unhealthy enough?

    Severe birth defects, while I would carve into legislation, is a slippery slope because we’ve seen countries essentially eradicate Down Syndrome due to this.  Is that morally ok?


    I couldnt force a woman to carry a pregnancy if it was causing her a complete inability to function daily and/or threatening her long term health.. recognizing that this could, of course, be abused to justify abortions for other reasons. 


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  11. 2 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Well, maybe in some cases it's "do whatever you want to do, you can always fix it later."

    But there's a lot of other situations. Woman thinks she's in a stable relationship with a guy; he takes off with another woman when she's 20 weeks pregnant.

    Woman finds out her baby has a severe birth defect.

    Woman herself discovers that pregnancy is causing her serious health effects, vomiting multiple times a day, unable to eat, possibly will need to be hospitalized unless the pregnancy is terminated.

    Woman loses job (maybe because employer deduces she's pregnant) and has no way to support a new baby.

    Uber-controlling man forces himself on woman, she gets pregnant, is scared to leave relationship until she gets help when 20 weeks pregnant.

    Woman discovers that she was born in the wrong body, identifies as a man, is uncomfortable with the notion of being a "pregnant man" (haha, that one's just to get the trolls agitated)


    Many reasons. More than I could think of here, but all "valid" in some respect beyond "I changed my mind and adopted a shelter cat instead"



    In my examples, exactly which ones qualify as "losers?"

    To clarify, I’m only speaking on elective abortion where both the baby & mother are healthy. 

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  12. 4 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    Well this is an unhinged rant not based on any reality. Just feelings and propaganda. 

    For anyone who is curious as to why people actually get abortions:


    “The reasons most frequently cited were that having a child would interfere with a woman's education, work or ability to care for dependents (74%); that she could not afford a baby now (73%); and that she did not want to be a single mother or was having relationship problems (48%). Nearly four in 10 women said they had completed their childbearing, and almost one-third were not ready to have a child. Fewer than 1% said their parents' or partners' desire for them to have an abortion was the most important reason. Younger women often reported that they were unprepared for the transition to motherhood, while older women regularly cited their responsibility to dependents.”


    Seems like policies promoting safe sex and contraceptives would reduce unwanted pregnancies while programs to make raising and caring for kids more affordable would reduce abortions for people who currently can’t afford to raise kids. 


    Those reasons do still align with “do whatever you want to do”.   Maybe they’re valid reasons to some, but they still reflect a willingness to have unprotected sex and then absolve oneself of the consequences leading to the ending of another’s life. 

    And given religion would likely make someone predisposed to keeping the baby, the absence of religion likely does play a part. 

    • Thank you (+1) 2
  13. 10 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:

    Which is why a wise Supreme Court would have stuck to the issue before it in Dobbs: the 15 week abortion ban.

    As the age of fetal viability shifts earlier through technology, it was prudent to examine Roe's strict trimester approach. The Supreme Court took that approach off the table and we're left with extreme positions.

    Such is pure democracy. The type the founders kind of warned against ...

    This is where I am from an ethical standpoint & I think pro-life groups should focus on the tech piece, as we know babies can feel pain as early as 15 weeks, maybe earlier. (Likely earlier as we learn more about development through advances in technology)


    Its a truly ghoulish discourse because the right wants to act like all these late trimester abortions of healthy babies are happening.. they’re not, but in the second trimester, some are due to various issues outside health.  But then the left wants to pretend the baby is akin to a blob of cells, which is hard to reconcile when a baby recoils as its life is taken by a needle headshot or dismemberment…



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  14. 17 minutes ago, Tommy Callahan said:

    Thats a tough sell as most seem to support some form of choice.


    Pushing for bans, will push people out of the party.





    Thats essentially what’s on the ballot. 

    Republicans pushed for a very strict abortion law, and got it through a red legislature & governor.


    Now Amendment 4 proposes an aggressive pro-abortion remedy, and asks voters to choose between strict restrictions or a wildly pro-choice remedy that they would not otherwise support.


    But that’s the risk run by pushing strict laws out the gate.  Incremental gains should have been the strategy, clearly. 

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  15. 9 minutes ago, The Frankish Reich said:


    I'm guessing it passes, just as every other pro-choice ballot measure has passed since Dobbs.

    So "leave it up to the people of the states" isn't good enough anymore? 

    It sounds like it could get defeated.


    One of the Florida newspapers polled it and it is falling short of passing with more people voting against it as they learn more about it. 

    But, as you said, every other pro-choice ballot measure has passed, even in the reddest of states, so…


    No, I’m completely fine leaving it up to the states.  The pro-life movement needs to win hearts and minds, and right now they’ve been out-messaged and out-spent to a massive degree.  



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  16. The first real test to see if the pro-life movement can get its act together.


    Im pro-life, but have to admit that we weren’t, at all, prepared post-Roe and have been haphazardly trying to legislate while getting out-messaged and out-funded 10:1, even being soundly defeated in ruby red states. 

    Amendment 4 in Florida is the first time I’ve seen a coherent push from the pro-life side. 

    If they can’t win this one, the movement needs to regroup, because you can’t keep taking L after L with no course correction.


    Will be an interesting one to watch. 


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