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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. injuries happen. yep thats alot of cap space, you cant prognosticate injuries though.
  2. he was a waste of space for the Giants, just who he is. hes definitely gone after the season.
  3. most likely the Offside on Toney where he scored from Kelce. other than that, have no idea.
  4. not sure what Patty is so upset about, taking his frustration out on a ref like that, low class. you see how people really act when everything isnt going their way. good win. season continues.
  5. for those of you who dont understand the playcalling atm, its single high safety, with everybody else in the box. u cant run against that and get 1st downs. trying to take what the D is giving them, cept its failing.
  6. how hard this team fights in the Chefs game will tell us how the rest of the season will go. they lay an egg, they quit, season over. if its close, played hard, win or lose, shows us they still wanted it. if the team quits, McD is gone at the end of the season. gonna find out alot in the next few games.
  7. happy birthday Steph. sorry the team around you is failing.
  8. meh, not much there tbh. that being said, if Phillips is gone next year, i wont miss him. used to put up with him because he produced, the stupid penalties arent worth it anymore.
  9. so tired of extremely low percentage plays always going against this team.
  10. only a handful of receivers in the league that can catch like Diggs. ridiculous throw by Josh. fighting the weather, the refs, the eagles, and themselves, still doing work. f em.
  11. f this sh!t league. overpaid scrubs cant even do the basics. refs, teams, players, league, all of them.
  12. we at the NFL headquarters have heard from the fans, and we are pleased to give you more ref ball. you're welcome.
  13. soooooo, elbow to Kincaids head, no defenseless receiver call, and the last play our receiver is only allowed one arm to make a catch. good stuff refs, as usual.
  14. zero complaints about this game. team finally put all 3 phases together. fantastic. O was very good against a top D. D did what they should against the Jets putrid O. ST played great. mbe it was Dorsey, still hard to tell, its just one game. looking good though.
  15. well, we did completely rework an offense that relied on 2 above average TEs, only to have one go down, and have to revert to 3 WR sets again. so ya, he is kind of important.
  16. to think that Dorsey was being talked about as the next great HC candidate half way through last season. wonder what actually happened. all we see is whats on the field. something else is going on behind closed doors imo. if the offense feels like Dorsey just got the shaft, McD will lose this locker room faster than you can say Clappy, and will be gone at the end of the season. should be interesting. now fired one OC, made another OC want to leave, made a DC want to leave. not looking good. wish Dorsey the best. before Joshs UCL last season he had the offense humming. sucks to get canned, hope he lands on his feet elsewhere.
  17. who was the 12th idiot? us, for believing. doesnt matter who the player was.
  18. this friggen team. thats the season bois. pack it up. get Josh a sports psychologist. find a new head coach.
  19. lol gotta love a LS getting hyped after a tackle.
  20. throws that ridiculous ball to Gabe, on a rope, going against the grain, then brainfarts on a handoff. something is in Josh's head. this is all mental. notice how he doesnt have any joy on the field anymore, even when something good happens?
  21. whens the last time we've seen Josh throw long?
  22. whos whining? nice sentence btw. looking for a fight? you're not worth the time. smh.
  23. D makes plays, O doesnt. D does the simple basics consistently. O cant.
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