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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. FYI for all the people worried about Petermans arm strength, Brady was thought to have a noodle for an arm when he was drafted. Arm strength isnt everything.
  2. offense looked like an NFL offense, QB looked like an NFL QB, time to turn the game off Also, plz retire the train whistle Bills. Thanks. much fun watching a passing game work.
  3. agree with all this, its very possible that ownership doesnt understand the actual game of football, schemes, how its played, etc. If, that is the case, then they need a football czar. Everybody has to be on the same page to be successful.
  4. we keep goin through the same mess every coupla years. i understand what the new regime is doing, not against the moves, but they better get the time needed to actually build their vision. we havent had a franchise QB since Kelly, well, we havent tried to develop one either. New coaches, new schemes, constant turnover. I get that coaches/GMs want "their" guys. We dump QBs faster than we can possibly figure out how good they are, usually because he isnt "their" "guy". Find one, develop him. 2yrs or less will very rarely find you a franchise QB. 3yrs, thats the minimum. If we dont give these guys 3yrs to get set up, then its a fail before it even started. I understand all the fans not wanting to wait that long, trust me, im one of them, but logic takes over. Brady cant play forever, very soon the AFC east will be up for grabs. Will we be in position?
  5. Marrone will suffer the fate of all coaches who dont have a QB. only a matter of time.
  6. sure he did, 2 of his throws were behind the receivers. the rest, hit them where they could make plays.
  7. "im really upset that this season is a throwaway already, im too good to waste away here, my line looks like crap, and my ankle hurts, get the f offa me"
  8. If McCoy was smart he wouldnt have said anything, Doesnt mean hes wrong though. If Kap was a very good QB he'd be on a roster already. Nobody wants the headache for a backup QB. Just that simple. Kap made his bones in the run option game. That flash in the pan gadget offense that worked for 2years then faded away. When Kap was forced to be a real QB he failed, like our running QB has failed. Wilson became a decent pocket passer while still being able to run. Why hes still a successful starting QB. U have to make defenses defend the whole field. If they know to take away your 1st read, then you run. they have you. Sure you might get a few cheap 1st downs, but when the game is on the line and u gotta pass to win, gg.
  9. Wood is a leader, a decent player, and its only a 2yr extension. Dont see the issue. Good centers are hard to find.
  10. hey, im not looking forward to it either, but we dont have the most important player on the field on this roster right now. QB. Besides, Brady plays for 2-3 more years, we arent making the playoffs anyways.
  11. i like what Peterman has showed. Hits guys accurately in stride, uses the whole field. 2 things Tyrod cant do. Dont care if u can throw it a mile, if u cant get it in the zipcode it doesnt matter. Tyrod can run, meh. Can count the number of successful running QBs on one hand. Overrated skill. Tryod starts week 1 though, gotta let him play his way out of the job. If he plays well, great, if not, Peterman gets the work, and we get to see if he can progress during the season. If he cant, then its off to the draft, where hopefully we will be in position to find a QB.
  12. tired of Dareus, willing to bet the FO is tired of him as well. Not much u can do though, cant eat the cap hit. So you just continue on until the problem can resolve itself naturally. He acts up, fine him, He does it again, fine him, rinse repeat. Dont let him poison the locker room, he will be gone eventually.
  13. people still acting like Watkins will be a 1st ballot HoFer. Guy couldnt stay on the field, and didnt have a QB that can use him correctly. Final year of his rookie contract, with an injury issue that often repeats itself in WRs. Really surprised the FO moved on from him? If, he mbe, had one solid full season of work, 2yrs removed from his lingering injury, and Tyrod showed any kind of improvement, Watkins would still be here. Not gonna shell out for a FA WR with Watkins' history. So the FO gets what it can for him. Seems logical. Way this preseason has gone, would be lucky to hit .500 even with Watkins, then what? Another mid first round draft pick with no playoffs? Heard this song before, and it sucks. We cant get free agents to come here, so we gotta build through the draft. end of story. Now we have draft capital, instead of reaching and being caught in draft hell, like the last 10 years. Find the QB, give him 3 years to learn, Brady retires, then mbe we're relevant again.
  14. Harbaugh has a look on his face like somebody just told him the world is really flat. Best part of the first half imo.
  15. i like Petermans effort on that crap screen play, but hes gotta learn to not block like that. Cut block or get outta the way. dont need QB leading with his shoulder/head trying to block a busted play.
  16. did our pass protection look like Tyrod would have been able to get Sammy the ball on the only route Tyrod seems to be able to throw, the sideline bomb? Btw, that throw Tryod is sooo good at, its a low percentage play. Dont care how good he is at it. It rarely moves the chains. This offensive showing tonight is the reason they let Sammy go, might as well get something for him. You can have a future HoF reciever, and if u dont have anybody to get him the ball, doesnt matter how good he is.
  17. the thing about the Lynch trade, the whole league knew Lynch didnt want to be here, Lynch was an off-field problem on multiple occasions. Bills had very little leverage in dealing Lynch. Lucky we got what we did.
  18. cept Shady produces. sure hes older, high cap number, but he produces.
  19. what has Sammy done to make him untradeable? people acting like hes a first ballot hall of famer on a perrenial super bowl winner. Hes barely been on the field for half his career games. He has a QB that rarely gets him the ball. Hes in a contract year with an injury that hobbles the best recievers mutliple times. You dont let a guy go for nothing, and u dont overpay for somebody u have no idea will earn that money. He wasnt reliable. Reliablility>potential upside. All i see here is a smart business decision. As for Darby, he was bad for half the season last year......dunno y, dont really care, but if u dont think he "fits", and hes shown a tendency to be bad, then make the move. These are logical moves. This league is all about what have u done for me lately?, and what are u worth? Cant fall in love with guys. Its a business.
  20. while this is all true, we dont use Clay or the middle of the field anyways.
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