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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. i like Petermans effort on that crap screen play, but hes gotta learn to not block like that. Cut block or get outta the way. dont need QB leading with his shoulder/head trying to block a busted play.
  2. did our pass protection look like Tyrod would have been able to get Sammy the ball on the only route Tyrod seems to be able to throw, the sideline bomb? Btw, that throw Tryod is sooo good at, its a low percentage play. Dont care how good he is at it. It rarely moves the chains. This offensive showing tonight is the reason they let Sammy go, might as well get something for him. You can have a future HoF reciever, and if u dont have anybody to get him the ball, doesnt matter how good he is.
  3. the thing about the Lynch trade, the whole league knew Lynch didnt want to be here, Lynch was an off-field problem on multiple occasions. Bills had very little leverage in dealing Lynch. Lucky we got what we did.
  4. cept Shady produces. sure hes older, high cap number, but he produces.
  5. what has Sammy done to make him untradeable? people acting like hes a first ballot hall of famer on a perrenial super bowl winner. Hes barely been on the field for half his career games. He has a QB that rarely gets him the ball. Hes in a contract year with an injury that hobbles the best recievers mutliple times. You dont let a guy go for nothing, and u dont overpay for somebody u have no idea will earn that money. He wasnt reliable. Reliablility>potential upside. All i see here is a smart business decision. As for Darby, he was bad for half the season last year......dunno y, dont really care, but if u dont think he "fits", and hes shown a tendency to be bad, then make the move. These are logical moves. This league is all about what have u done for me lately?, and what are u worth? Cant fall in love with guys. Its a business.
  6. while this is all true, we dont use Clay or the middle of the field anyways.
  7. been waiting for a successful screen pass for years, ty Bills
  8. i know its only preseason game1, but i cant wait to watch all the missed holding calls this year when our d-line is out there. they look ferocious, and ive seen at least 3 missed holds already. liking our d-lines effort so far.
  9. Barrett isnt a QB. Ohio St, while being an excellent college program doesnt run an offense that produces NFL caliber QBs. Just not setup that way. This coming from a lifelong Buckeyes fan. Avoid their QBs like the plague. Now if u wanna draft RB, DB, OL, from the Bucks, go for it.
  10. edelman isnt a star, hes a product of their offense. hes also a pompus prick, but he sure moves the chains. welker did the exact same thing, that tells me its the offensive scheme that is more important than the players. too bad they didnt break each others jaws tho, would have been a nice.
  11. so being able to cheat a safety up on the line or keep an extra LB as a spy in the box doesnt allow the defense to put more pressure on run downs? i disagree with your assessment. much easier to run the ball with a safety 15 yrds deep instead of 7.
  12. Vince Wilfork, Richard Seymour, Bruschi, Vrabel, Ninkowicz, McGinest......Hightower...Collins, what do they have to do with the Pats secondary? ill agree to disagree, np there, but ive never thought of any Pats defense as top 10, ever. they get the job done no doubt, but they can be scored on. all the years of playing the pats and its always been the offense that worried me. Go Bills
  13. you made my point, that a gamemanager needs a spectacular defense to win. do we have a spectacular defense? we might now, nobody knows yet, certainly didnt have it last year. btw, Tyrod is the wrong kind of threat, when defenses only have to play the run it certainly makes it easier on them.
  14. i dont think u can classify what the Jets have this year as an NFL team. thats how bad they will be. of course its part of the plan tho.
  15. he was still a threat, and how good was Denvers defense that season?
  16. clearly i never wrote "never". Pats go through defensive backs like we go through QBs. that tells me they find the spot plug and play. the majority of their secondary players are no names, sure a few stick. and every once in awhile they open the bank for one. but none of that made me fear their defense last year when we played them. and if it wasnt for a colossal fail on the falcons' defense, we'd be talking about how much fun it was to watch the Pats lose that game and how their defense stunk.
  17. How many game manager QBs have won Super Bowls without a Hall of Fame caliber defense? How many run first QBs have won one? of course people werent expecting Tyrod to be a gunslinger. Kinda why half of Bills nation wants him gone, yesterday. The goal is to win it all, not be happy we made the playoffs. You honestly think Tyrod can take you to the promised land?
  18. it worked just fine, sure our running game was #1, did it equate to wins? nice to be great running team when u have a lead, didnt happen often last year. when youre down points late in the game and have to throw, are u counting on Tyrod to bring home that win? when defenses shut down our running game last season, and they did quite a bit, regardless of the numbers, we were screwed. anybody that watched the games could see it. balance is needed. and no, defenses didnt stack the box all the time, they didnt need to. but when they did, bye bye running game. but this all comes back to our poor defense, if only they had turned the ball over more, or scored more, or etc etc. our d didnt make Tyrod fail in the passing game at key moments every game.
  19. 6 ints is a nice number if your throwing for over 4k yrds and high 20s in tds. 43 sacks taken didnt help either. sure hes careful with the ball. thats nice. u know what opposing defenses thought last year? load the box, try to stop McCoy hope Tyrod doesnt connect on a long fly route or break the pocket. play 1st and 2nd down like that, keep the Bills in 3rd and long, win. u cant honestly tell me that the lack of a passing game doesnt hurt the offense. and remember, alot of his passing stats came in garbage time. lotta garbage time last season.
  20. 17 tds, 6 ints, 6 rushing tds. 3k yrds. pedestrian numbers. 22nd ranked QB in power ratings. u claim this high scoring Bills offense, your QB is sub 20 passing tds......cmon. 23 tds responsible for isnt a playoff QB. little over 1 per game isnt winning anything. and u cant argue that he helps McCoys numbers in the running game when defenses stack 8 in the box knowing that your QB isnt a passing threat.... Tyrod having to complete passes over 5yrds on 3rd down last season absolutely killed this offense. meanwhile a defense that admittedly was subpar couldnt ever get off the field, and when they finally did, got put right back on. Did u watch all the games where Tyrod failed repeatedly on 3rd down? was mbe 1 where he didnt.
  21. not impressive at all, youre bringing up teams from 10+years ago, last year they may have been #1 in points allowed but they were mediocre in everything else. you could move the ball on them. and yes, Belichick is a hall of fame defensive minded coach. They won the Super Bowl last year, but boy was the defense in that game terrible. none of his teams have been known for their secondary. relevant considering we're discussing Gillmore. lets not forget, Patsies had the easiest schedule by far last year.
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