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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. im sure if we had overpayed for Gilly, everything wouldve been fine on offense this year. the fact the Patsies overpayed him means his future gold jacket is assured. same with Gilmore....
  2. Tyrod is back, i cant wait to watch him be mediocre. im looking forward to his 2 plays per game that make u say, hey, good job Tyrod. unfortunately, we need a QB that can make 2 plays per drive.... but, at least we wont have to watch a rookie throw up all over himself. Tyrod clearly has to start today, doesnt mean it wont be any less painful to watch than last week. fun to be a Bills fan. keep arguing whether or not it was a bad decision, like it really matters......
  3. yes, they struggle because the collegiate game hasnt prepared them for the NFL. which goes back to my original post. fans dont want to watch young QBs struggle every week, throw dump off passes, or game manage.
  4. Wentz is on his first truly franchise level season, not bad for his 2nd year, ill give you that. Watson, looked good, book isnt quite out on him yet tho. Goff, looks great, was considered a bust up till 9 games ago. Dak, regressing. Mariotta, hit or miss. lets throw in Winston, hit or miss. One guy, could be considered, worth watching for his play. possibly 2. not exactly must see tv. bout 5 QBs in the league that are worth watching. thats a terrible sample size. people want to see scoring, want to see the long ball. exciting plays, it just isnt happening with any regularity in the current NFL.
  5. you can be the best athlete on the field, and if u cant process the information, all that athleticism means squat. Successful QBs, more than any other position, need to be able to process the whole field, pre, and post, snap. Bill Parcells once said that he would pass on the most physically gifted players everytime, if they didnt have it between the ears. Belicheck does the same thing. Pats have the most college graduates on their roster by far compared to the rest of the league.
  6. am i really reading that the OC needed to call more downfield passing plays? nearly every long throw Tyrod has made downfield this year has sailed out of bounds.... if i was the OC, and saw this happen consistently, id make sure i dont call more plays that have a slim chance of the ball even being playable.
  7. i honestly believe the FO didnt expect to go 5-2 over the first 7 weeks. imo they thought that this was a play hard, try to win, trust the process year, not a playoff run type season. the moves the FO have made, while all very logical for a long term rebuild, dont really fit with "playoff push". FO clearly doesnt believe in Tyrod, for various reason, and he hasnt exactly given them reason to with his play. this QB change seemed inevitable, unless, Tyrod played at an extremely high level, which clearly he hasnt. just time to see what the rookie has, nothing more. the goal is to find a franchise QB and win the superbowl, not sneak into a wildcard birth and hope the defense carries us to a win.
  8. exciting NFL QB play has been in decline for years, mainly due to gimmicky collegiate offenses. true pocket passers who have all the tools, and can read the field rarely exist in college anymore. spread offenses, air raid, etc, ruins young QBs. when college coaches develop QBs that can do the things an NFL QB needs to learn in college, then NFL QB play will improve, and the league will flourish again. wouldnt hold my breath tho. college coaches arent interested in developing QBs for the NFL, theyre interested in wins. gimmicky offenses are far easier to teach than a true pro style offense.
  9. the bleacherreport article makes me think the guy who wrote it hasnt watched Taylor play at all. This crap has been goin on since he arrived here. He hasnt progressed. Defenses know how to take him out of the game. If u cant pass with any kind of regularity, u cant be a QB in this league, end of story. You can be the best athlete on the field, run around like crazy, but you still have to complete passes. the goal is to win a championship, not just make the playoffs. Crap game manager QBs, can def make the playoffs, they dont seem to win though. Passing, its what a QB is there for. We already have a running back.
  10. so thats your argument? because theyre being run on, that means Dareus wanted to be here? really dont see the correlation. mbe the process is failing, got nothing to due with Dareus phoning it in, and being shipped out because of it.
  11. whispers are that he wasnt buying in, and other leaders on the defense (Kyle) had tried to turn him around and he brushed them off. that means he didnt want to be here. if he wanted to be here, he wouldnt have fought the process.
  12. not apologizing for anything. Dareus didnt want to be here, was barely on the field, and grossly overpaid. its possible the run D has been poor due to his loss, but i dont completely buy that, not yet.
  13. so Beanes been in control for a whole 9 games, didnt even get to draft his first draft yet, and he needs to be fired? really? what questionable moves? Sammy? who was going to want a crap ton of money and couldnt prove he could stay healthy. Dareus? guy with a terrible contract that wasnt reliable? appeared he didnt really want to be here. gimme a break....
  14. peterman looking good, yes its garbage time, but the Saints arent playin prevent. still blitzing, playing zone. if peterman can throw deep shots and keep the ball in bounds. im sold.
  15. look at how fast Peterman gets rid of the ball. that makes a huge difference to an offense, especially the pass blocking. we all know Tyrod holds onto it too long, and my theory is he cant see the field, actually see the field cleanly cuz hes too short for this line. Petermans balls have zip on them, Tyrods release looks really slow in comparison. but this all the same crap we saw in preseason.
  16. will be interesting to watch the Tyrod lovers try and spin his play today. rapidly running outta excuses. u cant cover up the poor play from the most important position on the field all year long. just brutal to watch.
  17. Taylor isnt soley responsible for this stinker of a game. but he doesnt get a pass either. there were plays to be had. hes gunshy. that being said, this terrible loss happened in the trenches. Bills plain got beat on both sides of the ball. isnt a big surprise, was going to happen eventually. no big mystery as too how the Bills were winning and teams will eventually counter it. disciplined defensive line killed Taylor all game, no room to move, he cant see over the mess to pass, gg. Taylor hasnt progressed one bit. Hes a QB that needs everything to go right for him to be successful, he cant carry this team when theres no running game and the defense isnt stopping the other team as well as creating turnovers. He is what he is, mobile game manager. Just the facts.
  18. anytime Irvin and Faulk jump on the Bills bandwagon it makes me worried.
  19. am i the only one who thinks the description of Bills nation as the "BillsMafia" lacks class? ty to whomever started that crap. go Bills!!
  20. scout/analyst from MMQB on espn today, was talking about what true scouts think about QBs. One of the biggest things they look for now is balls not thrown to open guys. Said its almost as bad as throwing picks. Top of the list for QBs who do this? Taylor Kaepernick very similar QBs. mobile, not pocket passers, cant read whole field, etc etc. much of the reason Kaep hasnt been signed isnt his political views, or the circus that follows. Its his play on the field. Should he have a job, sure, hes better than most backups, but u add what he brings on and off the field, understand why teams would be hesitant to sign him. PS. Dont shoot the messenger, just relaying what the scout/analyst said about Taylor and Kaep.
  21. what exactly has JImmy G. shown? I remember this guy named Rob Johnson, man he had one great game as a backup, and some team payed a high price for an unknown quantity. bit surprised the niners payed that price for him. especially with the QBs in this upcoming draft, and Cousins being a free agent. been a bunch of backup QBs from NE to go elsewhere, and every one of them has been terrible. Not exactly the track record you would look for to trade for an unknown.
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