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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. on that note, ill be moving on, was a thrilling debate.
  2. was that what you were showing in this thread? "football knowledge"?
  3. the fact that McD left Peterman in there after the 3rd pick shows how much faith he had in the kid, misplaced or not, he left him in, in the hopes he would work through it. that speaks volumes about how much faith they have in Tyrod. McD being a defensive coach, is probably relying heavily on his OC. Clearly Dennison doesnt believe in Tyrod. to be honest, Tyrod hasnt given him reason too. mbe Dennison is bad, imcompetent, etc etc. or mbe Dennison knows that our veteran starter cant run his playbook, and that hamstrings the way he calls a game. its the classic coach wants players that fit his system, coach has players that dont problem. they say good coaches can fit their system to what their players strengths are. what are Tyrods strengths? his feet, yes, what else? honestly cant get beyond his mobility. QB is there to pass the ball. we have a runningback.
  4. lol 1st off, i never said he should be traded, i merely was giving reason why, logically, the front office may be inclined to move him. 2nd, we already have a hole where Cordy played, and its because, he hasnt played.....
  5. worse how? if he is now a player who is oft-injured, with a huge contract, then its trade time. youre only worth the money if u play. yes players get hurt in football, thnx for pointing that out to all of us morons. ffs. he hasnt been reliable in the past 2 seasons, chronic foot/ankle/leg problems in a LT, alarm bells are ringing. lets not forget the part about whether he really wants to be on the field or not. of course u dont trade a top LT, if hes contributing and u can trust that he will continue too. unfortunately, Cordy isnt that guy at the moment.
  6. probably because Peterman is a passer. if Tyrods benching was on Dennison, it makes sense, Dennison wants to run quick pass West Coast offense. Pass to set up the run. exactly what Tyrod isnt capable of. Dump off passes in the flat dont count. Everything we saw from Peterman, little as it was, showed he was better at the passing aspect of Dennisons offense. of course he went out and laid a huge egg, and the experiment ended. these coaches are trying to keep their jobs. i refuse to believe, that 1st year coaches are simply phoning it in, making decisions detrimental to the team just so they can have "their" guy be successful. Dennison has been successful elsewhere. He hasnt had a full season here. he gets the benefit of the doubt with me, because, ive watched 3 years of Taylor not be able to run any kind of passing offense successfully. do you have to give Dennison a pass? blindly trust him? absolutely not. for me though, the sample size is far too small atm.
  7. lol.......your picking all superstar players........cmon man. Cordy isnt that. Hes good, but hes not untradeable good.
  8. lol.........so much cherry picking. i stand by my original post.
  9. coaches may be to blame for the offensive problems, its also likely that they dont trust their QB enough and limit the playbook severely
  10. so, u named all new additions, that havent missed nearly an entire season......well played. /golfclap
  11. best ability for any player is, availability. Cordy is in the doghouse, gonna be hard for him to climb back out. when coaches question your toughness, or desire to get back on the field, well, thats not good. great O-lineman are hard to find, great players get a longer leash, not sure how much leash Glenn has left. it may come down to money, some people dont like watching their money being taken with no results.
  12. thats just it though, to some here, its Tyrod or gtfo. Doesnt matter how bad Tyrod plays, hes their guy. I have never seen a QB play so badly, for so long, and have so many, including national media types, make sooooo many excuses for him. Tyrod wins on occasion, but it sure isnt because of him. Hes gone next season in any event.
  13. the illusion of playoffs, magical. at any point this season, has this offense, been good enough, to win a playoff game? most important position on the field is medicore at best. we win despite Taylor. if the defense doesnt play like a super bowl calibre defense, we dont win at all. not the recipe for a playoff team. of course, this isnt Taylors fault, its the coaching, lack of talent around him, offensive line, Obama, etc etc etc.
  14. of course they dont, but good QBs do it far more than Tyrod. Good QBs also hit wide open guys in stride. Good QBs also throw guys open. Good QBs also dont throw late. Good QBs dont take sacks at terrible times. Seems to be a pattern here.
  15. some QBs would audible out of that play seeing the box stacked like that......
  16. the only adjustment Reid had to make at halftime was tell his QB to start looking for Kelce.......he will kill us the entire second half. Kelce was open nearly the entire first half.
  17. oh most definately, but people on here acting like everything is fine now, not even close.
  18. guys are happy with this offense? up 10, with our defense basically pitching a shutout so far. no pressure on the offense, had the ball most of the first half, one td......really cant be happy with that right? thats not a playoff team type performance. glad we are winning, but cmon.
  19. careful, youll break a bunch of rose colored glasses in here.
  20. if McD had known ahead of time that Peterman would throw up all over himself in his first start, then started him anyways, that would have been a bad decision. McD couldnt have known that, Peterman has been a solid player all through his college career, beating future NFL talent. Tyrod has been bad. the team was actually winning despite Tyrods play. did it blow up in McDs face? sure, but he had seen enough of his veteran starter...... i cant fault McD for trying.
  21. i agree, i cant wait to watch Tyrod throw a coupla bombs down the sideline that sail out of bounds.
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