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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. thats why Josh got paid. right there. also noticing the max protect on passing plays this week. shows the coaches are aware and willing to change.
  2. i need the o-line to show that they can actually play today. go Bills!!!!!
  3. lack of adjustments in the 2nd half cost us this game. dont care about how close it was, dont care about the blocked punt, thats a fluke. when a defense can get after your QB all game with just 4, you arent going to win alot. all i saw our OC do about that was.......nothing. he didnt chip with a TE, he didnt run screens, did nearly nothing to slow down that pass rush. cant win like that in the NFL. hell, Pitt got pressure with 3 on a few plays..........that......is on the oline. if youve got 5 guys that cant block 3, thats a problem.
  4. i find it funny that some think deactivating Moss was the reason we lost this game. the gameplan we had, bad or not, wouldnt have used his skill set. Steelers D is legit, always has been legit, even when they were missing starters last year against us. Bills and Allen havent played well against them the last 3 meetings, even though we won 2, and were basically in the majority of this past game. also, Steelers run defense, is very good. sure peeps wanted to see more runs cuz the pass wasnt working, mbe it would have helped, kinda doubt it tho. its this simple, the offense went with what works for them the majority of the time, just so happens it didnt this game. Steelers offense struggled, they made adjustments in the 2nd half, we didnt really. thats what NFL football games come down to, u cant just pound people with talent like in college if things arent working, in the NFL u have to make adjustments, cuz everybody is talented. we didnt, and we lost a very close game due to it.
  5. doesnt mean hes actually a starting caliber QB. what today means is the Texans are a mess, Watson is benched, and somebody had to play QB....
  6. Allen seemed a bit uncomfortable in the pocket today, and for good reason. depending on the routes, and the coverage, if the oline doesnt give the QB, any QB, enough time, ya sure, the WRs will look mediocre. clearly they arent, they proved that last season making play after tough play. it is possible tho that defenses dont respect Sanders anymore, add to that the loss of our over the top threat in John Brown, defenses may be able to sit more on the short passing game.
  7. honestly dont see Moss as being a huge factor if he had played. clearly our O Coord isnt really into actually running the ball. he'd rather run QB draws all day and hope that our very expensive "MVP" QB doesnt get hurt in the process. Devin lined up at WR a ton today, mbe hes more of a threat in those formations than Moss would have been and thats why Moss was scratched. really seemed like Moss just didnt fit todays gameplan.
  8. meh, im still not sour on Levi, dood does more than enough to justify being the #2 CB for this team. i know many have wanted him gone for years, nobody seems to be able to beat him out tho to replace him. barring a very high first round CB selection or a high $$$$ FA CB signing, both of which are not really feasible for this team currently, there isnt much out there to replace him. overall Levi plays just fine, today he got burned twice, each time he had above average coverage on the reciever. things happen. both lines still worry me, they were the reason we couldnt get past the Chiefs, and they appear to be trending that same way again.
  9. lol yall still think Tyrod is a starting QB in this league huh? ahhahaahahh thanks for the laugh, needed it after watching the Bills offense today.
  10. u can blame the coaches, playcalling, etc, etc. when it comes down to it, the players have to make plays, coaches didnt make Josh overthrow 2 wide open recievers who would have walked in for scores. coaches didnt get penalized by the refs. i not saying the coaching isnt part of this, or the playcalling, but this is a whole team fail.
  11. last time this team has run a decent screen pass??? u know, the play that slows down really aggressive pass rushers......
  12. think Pitt has figured out the QB draw.........how bout not running it again
  13. you peeps still on about the PI calls? this is the NFL, nobody really knows what PI is or isnt. the only thing consistent about NFL refs and PI is the inconsistency of the calls.
  14. NFL, No Friggen Logic. happens every year, expected the D to be the problem, turns out its everything else. 1st game and all, but still..........
  15. tough play, defense has played well. gotta score more than 10 points in the NFL. time for the O to do their part.
  16. lol this offense right now..........finally run it, into an 8 man front which Pitt has rarely done today. losing the play calling game today.
  17. was Devins running so piss poor earlier that we have to expose our very expensive QB to countless hits for the rest of the game? really dont need our team MVP to get injured........
  18. welcome to another start of an NFL season, where everything u expected is wrong. go Bills!!!!!
  19. bit worried about our interior run defense against Harris, im betting the Steelers try and attack that all game. go Bills!!!
  20. lotta RB fighting for gameday spots, Moss has been hurt a bit, mbe just a scratch due to that.
  21. thats all fine and well, but the NFL is more about, what have u done for me lately, and lately, he hasnt played. he puts in nearly a full season, plays well, then peeps will stop with the doubting. its really on him. until then...
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