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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. and missing the tackle while doing it. i havent been an Edmunds hater, his play the last 3 weeks has me definately souring on him tho.
  2. ah, so these Refs do know what holding is.........of course its on us tho.
  3. sorry to hear that, feel free to ignore it everytime u see it.
  4. turning sour on Edmunds, just not seeing his playmaking ability.
  5. so very very Billsy to let them back into this game by ridiculous plays.
  6. i find it hilarious that a B+ instead of an A.........makes this much of a problem. this board never ceases to amaze me lol...... u acknowledge the shortcomings yet its not ok to point them out? too funny. your projection for the Phins doesnt mean much, every season is different, they looked like hot garbage, was that due to our D, or their ineptitude? probably a bit of both. Phins were barely a playoff team last season and stunk up the joint against our backups......dont tell me theyre good. are the Steelers good? D played fairly well against an old limited QB with zero running game, and Pitt just lost at home to a team that underachieves on a regular basis. u like facts, how bout those.? and ffs....man my whining and complaining.......thick and heavy right? love how this day in age, u point out facts that are fairly easy to see if your eyes are open, and its complaining or whining. im too old to ignore things that slap me in the face just to have a feel good victory, this game counts, we needed it, its one step towards the final goal. moving on.
  7. well clearly what u think is correct then. im not here to change minds, i spoke mine, i stand by it. gl
  8. honestly not sure what your arguement is here, both Tua and Brissett are bad, and that makes my point. the D didnt face a top offense, they played well, against a bad offense, hence, B+..........give them an A if u want, whatever. enjoy the win, was it a Super Bowl caliber win? No, thats the goal. if u cant see the teams limitations against what appears to be an inferior opponent, and u just want to savor the win. good 4 u. im a Bills fan, im certainly happy they won, i dont root against them or any player, but im also a realist.......if u want to ignore the problems and just hope they dont cost games (already has cost us one), well gl 2 u and anybody else thats taken this stance here. one last thing, every, EVERY, game counts here. this isnt MLB, or the NHL, or the NBA, where u can suck it up for a quarter of the season and then make the playoffs, every game matters in the NFL, especially if our goal is homefield in the playoffs. i dont want to face the Chiefs again in Arrowhead, with a full stadium, to advance in the playoffs.
  9. and? u think Brissett is good? is he a top 10 offensive threat in this league?
  10. lol how was my post whining? i gave them a friggen B+, they beat the top offensive teams in the league the same way, they earn an A+.......ffs. acting like i called them sh#tty......
  11. B+ cuz Miamis offense is baaaaaaad. this wasnt one of the top offensive teams in the league, and they played against a backup QB.
  12. pass rush A+ (more plz) Edmunds D (not an Edmunds hater btw) Punter D (hes far too slow) offensive line C (still offensive) Allen C (bad mechanics, poor throws) running game B- (did enough, up the gut long tds are rare, goal line was ok, Moss had to really earn those tds ) overall Defense B+ (keep at it D, looks like we need it this year) overall Offense C+ (not flashy, problems are still evident) ST B (did their jobs, punter scares me) its a win, doesnt feel like a good blowout win tho. on to next week, go Bills!!
  13. ive noticed that on all the offensive players faces, they know its not right. now they have to figure it out and get back to the way they can play, and have fun.
  14. its not even about Josh's paycheck. its more about this defense, while looking good here early, wont hold forever, and what got us to the AFC game last year, was near MVP Josh. if we dont have that, i fear for the year.
  15. gj Josh, took what they gave u, and didnt take a hit. A+ all around there.
  16. i feel......relieved, that its a win. statistically 0-2 teams tend to not make the playoffs. i do not feel good about this offense at all, its not Super Bowl caliber as of right now and after last season, thats what we need 2 be or its a failed season in my eyes. The defense can only do so much.
  17. agree about the D, they seem fine even tho i believe that Pitt and Miami arent good offenses, and neither team has a QB that any defense should actually need 2 worry about. Miamis being young and raw, and Pitts being old and limited. run D looks good tho, although neither team has done much running.
  18. its more about how u win or lose tho. if u cant see theres issues, and yer only happy cuz its a win, then good for u.
  19. gj Moss and blockers, held onto the ball, didnt give up, well done
  20. McD looks worried, not about the score, but he has this face right now that says, i can see the problems, and i have zero idea why they are now suddenly problems, and i have zero idea how to fix those problems.
  21. D has looked good, but, theres a caveat. Faced 2 teams with bad QBs, i know Rothlisberger is going in the hof, but he was terrible last week mostly due to his arm limitations, Tua is young and not good, got injured, and Brissett is a backup for a reason. Running game D looks better, not so sure about the D overall tho. its a good start, hope im wrong.
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