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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. should be carving up this Titans defensive backfield. hope Daboll figures out the needed adjustments.
  2. Titans played a defense u dont typically see there, probably negated anything Daboll had dialed up there.
  3. not the result we wanted, but Josh did the right thing there, dont take a needless hit, dont force something.
  4. just seeing Jeff Fisher puts me in the F the Titans mode tbh. never liked that smug jerk i can remember Fisher running trick special teams plays on us during pre season games just to rub it in. F him.
  5. friggen ESPN doing a whole bit about the Miracle...........im still salty about that forward pass...
  6. Baker has looked meh this season, mbe injured more than we've been told, mbe OBJ is a huge negative for their offensive cohesion. could be anything really. just doesnt look right this year. Darnold looks like terrible Darnold again. would still take Baker over Darnold at this point. Brownies have had some terrible injuries this year, not sure what the Panthers problem is other than they played terrible teams the first 4 weeks, McCaffrey being out is a big loss as well.
  7. was a big Sabres fan for years, last few have sucked the wind outta me. i really started to dislike the team, Eichel, etc. what i saw last night has me interested again. not just cuz of the win, but they played friggen hard, they earned that win. dunno if the Habs are good or not, ive heard theyre expected to be a bottom 10 team. regardless, Sabres put in that kinda effort night after night, they will win the fans back. cautiously optimistic. also, very happy for Okposo, he seems to have found the fountain of youth. hes been a whipping boy for a few seasons, rightfully or not. still happy for him.
  8. still not sold on the Cards tbh, they find a way to suck it up in the 2nd half of every season.
  9. pats fans were def terrible, alot still are. chiefs fans, at least their message board posters, are the friggen the worst. ive read posts about wishing injuries on other teams players, personal attacks, the list goes on. i hope beyond hope that Bills fans keep it classy.
  10. Gilmore is a great corner when he wants to be. also expensive.
  11. is Ertz still good? not a flame, im never really interested in getting older "names" who dont seem to do much anymore, but wanna get paid like they are. if he was missused in Philly and can still ball, good for the Cards i guess. i dont mind Knox, hes playing well.
  12. honestly wasnt all that interested in Watt in the first place, often injured, getting old, wanted more than he was worth, and id heard stories about him playing selfish at times with the Texans. much happier with what we currently have.
  13. i love my wings with neither, am i a bad person?? 😔
  14. this is the game where we find out if Star really is the difference on our DL. so far he appears to be making others around him better, but against Henry we will absolutely find out. key to this game is Bills need to score early, and often, make the Titans have to throw to stay in the game, take Henry out of it. i like our O vs their D. stop Henry early, score early, no turnovers, go Bills.
  15. Cowgirls would ask the moon for Diggs. dont think Ford gets much in return. depth at CB is the one weakness we have, and finding anybody thats a huge upgrade at the right price point is extremely unlikely. other than that, dont mess with whats working.
  16. pick plays shouldnt even be a thing in the NFL. thats the crap that the Pats used to run all the friggen time to get cheap yards and first downs. i know the NFL wants exciting offensive games, pick plays arent exciting, they rarely go for big yards, and it makes it nearly impossible for any defense to stop them if done correctly. they really are an unfair advantage for an offense that runs them well.
  17. i love Beas on the field, off field, well thats his business. if he cant keep the two separate then its a problem. guy still performs, and fills a function that nobody else really can on this team. i believe teams are taking him away lately tho, would explain the drop in actual targets. Diggs isnt getting tons of work either tbh. i worry he will eventually get upset about it. this is just a function of how the games are working out tho imo. guys need 2 be team players if they want to contend. drop in stats hurts them, yes, but how badly do u want to win is the question. its tough. the job is to win.
  18. easily one of the poorest ref'd games ive ever watched, been watching 30 years. i fully expect to see alot of talk about it this week from non Bills fans, probably more than how the Bills actually won the game tbh.
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