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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. mbe, mbe it wouldnt have mattered. nobody really knows 😉
  2. theres only so much cap space to go around, not sure how Beane was supposed to "fix" the Oline this past offseason. good teams sometimes lose close games. happens. this is still a playoff team, we will be fine.
  3. Josh slipped, pretty sure it wouldnt have mattered if he didnt tho, leftside of the line got destroyed.
  4. i dont mind going for it, gotta bow up if yer gonna do it tho...... gives them something to think about over the bye i guess.
  5. honestly im ok with that hold, scoring too fast puts Henry back on the field, i dont think anybody wants that. ill trust in Josh to finish this. i dont wanna see the Titans offense anymore.
  6. seriously, should just let them score a td here.......give us more time to go score
  7. meh, looked like Josh had 2 guys open there
  8. yes, Tannehill with that smart veteran play. clap clap clap Levy
  9. alright O, lets see a nice loooooong time consuming td drive here.
  10. havent seen him in quite awhile. nvm, there he is.
  11. if yer gonna blitz a LB it should probably be Klein, he tends to get home.
  12. poor Levi getting picked on even when hes not on the field
  13. lol PI on Levi Wallace huh? good stuff ESPN
  14. no PI there? he didnt turn and look for the ball. another example of nobody knowing what PI is in this league i guess.
  15. ya doesnt matter how good your pass rush is, if the QB is getting the ball out on the 2nd step, its gonna be a rough night. need to adjust
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