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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. interesting no call there, i continue to be mystified about what is actually PI or not in this league. glad it worked out in our favor for once.
  2. friggen overpaid man childs posing after every single play..........cant stand it.
  3. could u imagine World Cup soccer refs doing their jobs this poorly? there would be actual riots
  4. lol whole leftside of O Line false starts........nothing.....
  5. lets just start punting on 3rd and long. save us the misery.
  6. stop taking f'ng hits, dump the ball off to your RB...........
  7. holy crap, Devin didnt have to dodge 2 Def players in the backfield on that 2 yard run..... PROGRESS!!!
  8. lol these guys are supposed to be professionals, players, refs, what a joke.
  9. making garbage defenses look like the '85 Bears for the last 4 weeks....
  10. starting to wonder what the guys in Vegas see in this team. how are we the SB favorites? is it a sucker bet?
  11. between our lack of Offense and the weekly garbage NFL reffing, its getting really hard to watch these games.
  12. im sorry, with our O Line we arent beating playoff teams this year. we've looked ok against garbage teams until the last coupla weeks, we run into serious defenses, good, solid ones, its a loss. i dont care what the "stats" say, the ole eyeball test shows us failing.
  13. sucks for the Browns, most likely having to continue paying that contract, while OBJ hand picks another team and gets another contract, their own fault tho tbh. i wouldnt have touched OBJ back when they did. i wouldnt want him anywhere near the Bills even if he played for free.
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