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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. every time is see one of those holding calls where the DL man is falling down, i shake my damn head.....
  2. oh good, that ref crew throws the most flags.........id been missing flags in my Bills games.... 😆
  3. excellent start all around. keep it going. Knox needs to just run out of bounds, no need to get hit by 4 guys to get a 1/2 yd extra Go Bills!!!
  4. i hope Knox is fully back and ready to play cuz i feel like he's the key to opening up this offense again, especially against cover 2 type defenses. time to correct some of our problems. hoping for a solid game in all phases and a convincing win. Go Bills!!!!
  5. doubt NFL does anything about this for the rest of this season. its too late to fight the NFLPA. clearly there are alot of players who have "decided" to not get vaxxed. Star being out, Rothlisberger being out, Rodgers being out last week, Mitch, tons of other no names from other teams we dont really hear about, this isnt really all that surprising. the thing that gets me is, these guys have access to the best medical knowledge in the world in most cases, and i guess it doesnt mean much. sucks about Star, the odds were good this would happen tho. how long b4 another big time star or QB gets hit with it and cost his team games and or playoffs seeding etc? we shall see.
  6. gl with that Grudes, it does seem strange that he was the only person out of all those hundreds of thousands of emails to get busted. mbe he has a case, should be fun to watch. ill assume that if the NFL even remotely believes John may win the lawsuit, theyll just settle out of court to make it all go away, like usual, and we the plebs will never know what really is going on. standard stuff.
  7. lol at Watkins, im not surprised in the least. i was one of what seemed like the few who was glad when he wasnt resigned. everybody told me id be sorry, he was a top ten talent, etc etc. i didnt hate Watkins, he just couldnt stay on the field and wanted a huge new contract. thats why i waived bye bye and was glad the Bills did as well. he hasnt stuck with any team more than what, 2 years? since he left the Bills. shows how valuable he is.
  8. lol i cant wait for OBJ to get bored and start pouting at Stafford or whoever else is near by. hope he destroys the Rams culture and they fail miserably.
  9. nothing about the Mafia is good. steelers want to take that title and run with it, i say go for it. never been a fan of our fanbase being called something that has historically been terrible for its surrounding community.
  10. not defending Darnold here, hes been bad, but the team around him isnt exactly helping him, his receivers are dropping balls all over the place, no running game without McCaffrey, etc, etc. i believe Robbie Anderson had something like 9 drops in one game this season, thats disgusting.
  11. some of u really want Beane fired? i mean, its a team game, but hes a big part of the why and where we are. hes not perfect by any means, but its easy to see his rationale behind nearly everything he does. does that means it all works out? of course not, theres tons of moving parts on a football team. id rethink this whole fire Beane nonsense tbh.
  12. i told u so threads rarely end well. many could easily see the offense has been off all season. gratz on being right i guess. i actually told my dad that we'd be lucky to beat the Jags this week after last weeks performance against the Phins. guess i was right too, nobody cares. id rather be wrong. this forum does have a tendency to crap all over anybody that doesnt have the same view on something as you. so u may have been right OP, like i said, nobody really cares, its the internet, welcome to it. like much of our society, its divided, many dont want to actually see whats happening, everything is fine, carry on type stuff. just worry about u and when youre right, enjoy being right, too yourself cuz in the end, nothing we say here changes much.
  13. just what i was afraid of, the Bills, like the Chefs, have been figured out. u cant be one dimensional in this league and hope to succeed on a regular basis. the offense has been off all year, and it become really obvious the last few weeks that opposing DCs have figured out what works against us. u want to do what u do best, but if its taken away u need to adapt. appears we cant at this point. not looking good for the near future. gotta find some sort of run game.
  14. venting is fine, do it in a respectful way with a minimum of whining and youll be fine. check your emotional overreactions at the door.
  15. i think Beane knew we had a less than stellar line by the play in the AFCG. hard not to miss it. just wasnt the right year to rebuild it. was a weak OLine draft and with the cap # we had last offseason he couldnt do much with free agency. so he took the path of least resistance and addressed the DLine in a deep DLine draft. makes sense. i fully expect Beane to address the OLine this offseason, if only to make the depth better, but hopefully to actually improve the starting line. its just not that easy to address everything all at once and not mortgage the teams future. we all see the Rams and Tampa loading their teams up, but its definitely at the expense of the future. they may win now, gonna be huge problems down the road however. if they dont win now, will go down as huge gambles that failed miserably. this is more about the Rams tho, Tampa loaded their team with low cost old names without throwing away draft picks, and, they still have Brady. one of the first things that popped into my mind as well. these guys are still human beings, no matter how professional you are, things still affect u.
  16. i counted mbe 2 running plays where Devin or Zack didnt get touched in the backfield b4 they got back to the line, and that was against 4 rushers....... u can think that its Dabolls fault all u want, players need to actually perform their jobs in a semi competent way. the OLine was at an all-time trash level yesterday. end of story. now as an OC, how do u counter OLine play thats really that bad? screens? nope short passing game? tried that, didnt work. 5 step, or 7 step drop, guess not cuz Josh was running for his life all game. faked the inside handoff a ton, that may have worked if u gashed them up the middle a few times, but thats all Josh did was fake it, never gave it to Devin. what exactly were the options? there really isnt a way to cover up atrocious OLine play or DLine play. u win in this league in the trenches. always have, always will.
  17. one day, ill actually know what is, and isnt, PI in the NFL, one day...... up until now, the refs are so inconsistent, i have zero idea.
  18. the biggest worry i have about the O Line from this game is, we knew the interior was hot garbage, our tackles werent much better today. that, is, worrisome
  19. 2nd week in a row where i realize ive watched high school teams play better than these "professionals". same goes for the refs.
  20. he cant can he? i mean, its that bad. he should just come out and say its a terrible loss, own it. u cant ***** foot around this one.
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