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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. pitchforks for Beane? for what exactly? with what little he had this past offseason, yer lucky u got what u got. no GM is going to hit on 100% of his picks, or free agents. ya'll assume Beane didnt want to address O LIne or TE or whatever in the draft, mbe just mbe the draft didnt fall his way, and he took what he could get without reaching. theres no science here in evaluating players, there is no 100% yes, or 100% no, its grey, its muddy. How many peeps said Mahomes would be crap in the NFL cuz he came from an air raid offense? tons. tons of guys in the league that had decades of experience. tons. nobody really knows. look at Allen, mbe the people crapping on him are still right, even after last year. we dont really know. most of this stuff is extremely complicated and alot comes down to dumb luck. so in hindsight, as outsiders its really easy to say, hey we needed, this, that, or the other thing. Beane knows where and what our deficiencies are. that doesnt mean everything lines up so that he can easily fix them immediately every season.
  2. pretty much, no dominant teams atm, games being decided by inconsistent reffing and fluke plays. makes me wonder if this is something the NFL truly wants, nothing gets the gamblers salivating like parity and inconsistency.
  3. ive been hesitant to declare anything about this team since week 1 tbh. i stated here many times that i didnt see what the guys in Vegas saw about this team being the Super Bowl favorites all season. i sincerely doubt they will be after this week. the offense has looked dreadful on more than one occasion this season, we have zero running game to open up cover 2 defenses. we arent really set up offensively for late Nov-Dec football. now onto the defense, the so called "Legendary" (stat wise until this week) defense. i posted the Legendary article earlier this week, and while the stats backed it up, the article didnt take into affect the fact we played so many garbage QBs. we got fat off terrible offenses. even the Chiefs were playing like crap when we finally beat them. not so much now. add these things all together and i think any rational person would be hesitant to expect Super Bowl at this point. we need some sort of running game, spread offenses dont work if your QB doesnt get time to throw. mbe this is fixed with missing players coming back. right now the trenches are the problems. also, u cant turn the ball over and expect to win consistently.
  4. was a weak O LIne draft this year, and where we were picking i believe Beane thought it best to address the D Line due to its depth in the draft. plus, the guys we did have are getting old and will need to be decided upon when i comes to letting go, new contracts etc. drafting D LIne allowes Beane more flexibility this coming offseason. he couldnt foresee the injuries on the O Line. Mongo while being merely average is a huge upgrade over having to rely on Ford, and Brown was starting to play very well until u know what happened. Beane is no dummy, he will def address O Line this offseason. keep in mind that we were cap strapped this offseason so anybody who thinks we could have found something worthwhile for the O Line via free agency is dreaming.
  5. ffs not even touched till 9 yrds down the field..........run D is about effort. show some!!!!!!!!!!! ya ya i know its over, dont care.
  6. lol y does Diggs throw a somewhat late forearm into that camera guy? camera guy looked like he was about to say something to Diggs afterwards ahahahahh
  7. would be nice but behind this offensive line i doubt Taylor would be half as good
  8. look, we all have expectations for this team, nobody is playing well atm. u look around the league and this crap is happening to just about every team. seemingly good teams losing to garbage teams, players who are considered great or good looking like garbage. it happens, its not just us.
  9. how sad is it that i have to look for a flag after every stop?
  10. exactly, the best RBs dont do anything without holes.
  11. ya u just cant lose to teams like the Jags, theres very little wiggle room
  12. when the offense is working we're still a mediocre to bad run team, and welcome to Nov-Dec football with garbage weather, where if u cant run the ball, the games get much harder to win. spread offenses are great if u can actually block, hard to overcome teams that win in the trenches.
  13. lol Knox just leveled that guy......welcome back Dawson
  14. jebus if u watch closely at how violent the O LIne and D Line are hitting each other right now, youd think this was the playoffs.
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