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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. our head coach clearly needs more, CLAPPING!!!!!! 😋
  2. Stevenson isnt exactly making me feel good. holding the ball out there for anybody to take.
  3. lol that fake is so dumb, it never works, the league knows we run it and it sucks. either sneak it or gtfo. someday we may actually need a fake, stop running it until its actually needed.
  4. cmon Ed, as we've seen all game, low and late is ok, dont go for the head. having a gg tonight tho, keep up the pressure.
  5. i love less flags, i hate no flags on dirty plays tho. plays that cause injury. thats a problem.
  6. would u rather have a QB who lasts for only 4 years? cuz eventually hes gonna take the wrong hit at the wrong time. he nearly did that earlier. if his foot was in the ground a split second b4 he got hit, its bye bye knee. we cant afford that.
  7. also, im tired of watching Allen run and take big hits, i get that hes basically our running game, i dont need our quarter of a billion $ QB turning into Cam Newton, the guy who cant hardly play anymore cuz he did the same thing and the injuries piled up.
  8. absolutely criminal no call going low on Allens legs waaaaay after he threw the ball away......ffs refs. that crap should be a fireable offense.
  9. i still had hope, without Tre thats all but gone now, our D isnt good enough to carry without him imo.
  10. to run head down straight into an offensive linemans back for his 1.8 yrds
  11. i swear there could be 6-8 flags on every fricken play in this league. not only was Jordan Offside, then hes got his hand in the face of Williams.... i know theres holding on every play. probably 3 holds at minimum from both sides...
  12. lol Neal got away with one there, easily could have been pass interference.
  13. may take him the entire season to get back to playing condition, i hear that virus really does a number on u when u get it. seems he spent time in the hospital, thought he was gonna die.
  14. Saints injuries are on offense, so far our D is doing just fine. Saints D is actually pretty decent.
  15. well cant blame that one on hero ball, Josh had plenty of time there.
  16. nearly got this helmet ripped off, cool stuff NFL. really watching out for those players.
  17. that first offensive drive is pretty much what most of us wanted to see. keep it going Bills!!!!. good stuff so far.
  18. pretty nice payday for a guy who isnt a franchise QB and most likely never will be.
  19. and Taylor behind this current line would probably be crap. theres more to being a good productive RB than your own talent. u need a line to at least give u a chance. our current line cant do that.
  20. build from the trenches out, thats how id fix every team in the league. u dominate the trenches, doesnt matter much what else u have. Dilfer won a Super Bowl cuz his teams lines were crazy good. great Oline play can make a mediocre RB into a god. great DLine play can make mediocre back end players seem amazing. the premium positions are always the Lines, and of course QB. great QB cant do much if hes running for his life every snap tho.
  21. every coach wants to go into every game with the best players he can. i think McD is just disappointed at the situation hes in, (he's not the only one) was only a matter of time before guys who chose to not get vaxxed start costing teams games and or playoff seeding etc. thats their choice, and whether u like it or not, it hurts their respective teams. McD is just being diplomatic when answering questions about this. im sure he respects their choices, but, im sure he'd rather have his full arsenal to compete in these games. its a sticky situation. best ability, is availability. at the same time, if u cant rely on these guys, u gotta make some decisions come next season. doesnt appear this virus is going away, and most likely the protocols wont either. so do u put your faith in hoping that these players dont get it again, or do u move on. this problem, not handled correctly, will absolutely split a lockeroom, just as easily as it has split our society. McD and management are in a tough place.
  22. i fully expect more highs, and lows. one thing thats consistent about this season is, its very inconsistent
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