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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. that catch by Knox, that was a TE doing that. very nice. gratz on the td Motor.
  2. always have been, that lil extra shove or trip or ankle twist after the play, etc, etc, been doing it for years.
  3. while true he had it in his arms, that needed to be a better pass as well. no need to make a backup WR struggle that much for that catch.
  4. hard not to notice that our DL rarely gets free rushers at an opposing QB, and Josh seems to have free rushers in his face multiple times per game. mbe just the amount of passing plays we run, dunno. its a problem tho.
  5. on field and off field are two different things. he's a sh@t talking problem starter in just about every game he's played in. his fans know it, and the multitude of people who dislike him definitely know it. just cuz yer "good" in the community doesnt mean your peers on the field think youre all that great.
  6. hold on hold on, Edmunds is a Blitzing powerhouse? cmon....
  7. cuz nobody likes him, its a popularity contest and hes a prick.
  8. what they mean is theres no place that they want to go to. these guys want the best of the best.
  9. critical game, sucks not having guys to rely on. oh well.
  10. how refreshing it was to watch a game where my team didnt have to beat the opposing team, and the REFS!!!!! gg Bills.
  11. he plays solid, have to cut down on the flags tho. im much happier with the O Line when hes playing tho.
  12. no Vilma.....Josh is that tough, he held up cuz the play was over.......
  13. ugh Devin, prefect backside cut lane for a huge gain missed.
  14. it too bad u cant disagree with a person without being a disrespectful fool. not sure why exactly u latched onto my post but youve shown your not worth the effort here. does it make u feel like a man? lol internet tough guys...
  15. this is very good xp for Dane and Levi, no doubt id rather have Tre healthy and out there, but this is excellent for both of them, especially Dane.
  16. senior year, and i didnt need to pose like a 12 year old afterwards...... anything else?
  17. ya im getting tired of the posing that goes on after what seems like every play. just juvenile.
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