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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. F the Titans, and their coach.
  2. Tyrod, good guy, below average QB. wish him the best, glad hes gone. couldnt read the entire field, either chucked it long on low percentage passes or took off running. hard to win with that combination.
  3. not a fan of Von saying he would have taken less to play in Dallas when its his first season with a new team. he better ball out and not just be here for the $$$. makes him look like a Merc. we dont need those kind of players here. like i said, ball out.
  4. i like Poyer, id like him to retire as a Bill. he's gotta take a team friendly deal though, he's too old to break the bank on no matter how good he is. just the reality of the situation.
  5. im trying to watch this, everytime Mahomes talks, his voice makes me want to find something else to watch.
  6. i feel bad for Browns fans. i hope the Browns owners get exactly what they deserve, nothing. youve made your team look like desperate and low class. clap. again, sorry Browns fans.
  7. somehow we have to play at Arrowhead yet again. smh
  8. the correct answer for this player would have been, no answer. its really that easy. he's already failed his first test. mbe he smartens up. confidence is fine. hubris isnt.
  9. why is this 93 pages long? lol i thought taking RBs in the 1st round was a no no nowadays? really dont see our pick as a luxury pick when we still have big needs at certain positions. CB being one. also going to need a replacement for either Poyer or Hyde, cuz eventually going to lose one or both due to age or $$$.
  10. the justice system works differently for those of means or celebrity.
  11. Edmunds is polarizing for a reason, hes not 100% legit. if he was, nobody would be debating anything about him. is he worth the large contract hes gonna want? imo no. we dont debate about Diggs, or Allen, or etc. Edmunds plays very poorly at times. the coaches however appear to like what he does for them, regardless of what we as fans see on the field.
  12. id like to say Maybin, but tbh i didnt expect much out of him. he was a reach pick and everybody knew it. Williams was supposed to be a sure fire Pro Bowl type guy. then theres Donte Whitner. while not being a bust so to speak, the use of a prime pick on a safety puts him in the conversation for me. not his fault where he got drafted, but i feel like hes another guy that wasnt worth that pick spot. my pick is Williams.
  13. Josh is an exciting QB to watch, probably the most WOW QB in the NFL atm. im sure id tune in to watch most of his games if he were on another team.
  14. there is a reason Sammy is on his 5th team already.
  15. meh, gl with him Colts. havent missed Gilmore since he left. didnt care that he played well for coupla seasons for the Pats. didnt care that he did nothing with the Panthers. there are times where the player just isnt worth the money.
  16. we already know its a bad deal for taxpayers, everything is a bad deal for the people who actually pay taxes in this country. Bills had all the leverage. i didnt want them to move, so this Governor did what she had to do. really isnt much more to say about it. we dont have to like it though.
  17. i just cant stomach Edmunds at 14 mil per season. shop him imo. hes not absolutely terrible, and mbe he does exactly what the coaches want him to, i dunno. he still doesnt pass the eye test with me tho. hefty salary for a guy who appears to miss many many plays.
  18. depends, if hes that good, or the Bills value his versatility enough that he can play corner now, and one day he can replace Poyer or Hyde. sadly, they wont be around forever.
  19. i stopped reading after i read "Keyshawn's List". not sure how he still has a job tbh. he's terrible as an analyst. his takes are beyond bad. he's not well spoken. most of the time he looks disinterested in whats even happening. meh. putting away my bills fan hat, id still take Josh over anybody on that list. Brady is almost done, Rodgers is a regular season hero only, Burrows is one dimensional, Watson was ok, who knows what he is now, and Mahomes is right there with Josh, but i think id still rather have Josh. left off Herbert cuz he's not in that tier yet. hes close tho. still take Josh.
  20. PSL = pay for a seat twice. its a great scam.
  21. thing about that "peace" sign was, it wasnt really about peace, it was throwing 2 fingers in the Bills' faces, as in, we just beat u twice in the playoffs. thats a douche move by Hill. should it have been called? by the letter of the law, yes.
  22. 4,000 yrds 20 TDs last season, with basically zero help. mbe Ryan isnt fully done, hes close though. gl INDY. INDY fans seem to think its SB time now....
  23. if, in some alternate reality, Watson had become our QB yesterday, i personally would have a hard time rooting for my Bills regardless if he wins or not. at some point u need to take a stand. the Browns, in giving Watson the largest fully guaranteed contract ever, lying about actually investigating the off field problems, and making the contract so that Watson will barely pay for any suspension time, have shown us that they are now a win at all cost franchise. rewarding this person is low class. i feel for the Browns fans that have morals. i honestly hope Baker plays well and rebounds on his next team. not even a Baker fan, f the Browns owners. Watson is going to need every bit of the 230 mil to pay for his behavior.
  24. Watson better come out on fire, be a choir boy, or the Browns fanbase will riot and send that FO packing. should be an interesting show. kinda feel bad for Browns fans.
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