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Everything posted by bigduke6

  1. proof that as long as you produce, are at the top of your game, the off field stuff doesnt matter. just win baby.
  2. he went through tons of ***** fans. most of them post here.
  3. good for Nate. still getting paid to do what he loves. hes been through a lot, and hes doing better than 95% of the world.
  4. just play well, keep your mouth shut, dont do anything dumb off field, people will jump back on the Von wagon quick like. fans have a short memory if you produce and arent annoying. show us, dont tell us.
  5. when i was younger and less jaded, games were an event. friends, family, tailgating, the game, the whole experience. weather never affected me, i sat in the upper tier, in the wind for the '94 Bills Raiders Championship game. temps were near zero with wind chill reaching 32 degrees below zero. now? i dont want to be around all these people. i dont want to fight traffic. its just not worth the effort. ill sit on the couch at home, comfy, not being annoyed by drunk guy #3 next to me.
  6. takes time to comeback from injuries like Vons. especially at his age. hope hes the old Von this coming season. its good that hes confident, ready to go, show me, dont tell me.
  7. Dak wants 60 mil per huh? cool, so do i.
  8. yep, pull a Patriots and "donate" to a "charity" that Josh controls.
  9. found the 2nd best QB in the league atm. ez A for me. its a team game, but having a top 2 QB after all those years of suck, is fantastic. Allen is 1B right behind Mahomes at 1A imo. hes done great with the roster, finding no name guys who become guys. he goes and fills needs. is he perfect? no, but he has helped change this franchise into a destination for players. A
  10. meh. i dont really see much in Lawrence tbh. i get it though, whats the other options? maybe he continues to improve and becomes a top ten QB. maybe he doesnt and you just spent a sh-tload of money on a top 15 QB who barely breaks into that 15 imo. whatever, gratz Jaguars fans. makes me happy that either the Phins have to pay Tua a ridiculous amount, or cut him loose. should be fun.
  11. stats can lie either way for whomever is looking to push a point. we know JA17 is a baller, let the rest of them be ignorant and hate on him. its not a fight worth fighting. in the end its about wins and losses, and the NFL is the ultimate team sport. that being said, Lamar as MVP last season, with the stats he had, and the team he had around him, was one of the dumbest things ive ever seen in the NFL.
  12. this doesnt surprise me one bit. USWNT played in Mexico some time ago, and the stadium had fully kitted armed security ringing the pitch. body armor, tac helmets, pistols, the whole shebang, for what was a tiny crowd compared to the capacity of the stadium they played in. Central and South America is no joke. the security situation down there is a mess. so you want to send celebrity millionaires to some of the highest per capita cities for kidnapping, riding around in armored vehicles? the insurance companies must be having a fit. next WWC is in Brazil, and you have to wonder how safe its going to be for all the teams/players. no hate to these countries, but you cant ignore just how unsafe it is for foreigners, even in the tourist zones. you couldnt pay me to go to Mexico, the cartels run a 1/4 of that country outright, and have their fingers in nearly everything else in the other parts. Brazil isnt much better. just another example of how your boss really doesnt care about you. its all about the money.
  13. a lot of money for a guy who relies on somebody else to throw him the ball on a consistent basis. Vikes better hope theyve found a QB.
  14. for a first round pick, who was a man to man corner in college, its beyond me why he was drafted by Beane and McD. surely McD, a guy who knows corners, knew there was a possibility of Elam not being comfortable with playing in a primarily zone defense. round peg square hole. Elam has shown flashes of being a good corner, hes also shown to be a liability with penalties. just not sure what you do with this young man. im sure his confidence isnt great at this point. seems like a dumb pick, that has now affected this young mans future and wasted a valuable pick in the process.
  15. Floyd was the sneakiest signing Beane ever pulled off. he was great the first half of the season until he got injured. played hurt the rest of the year and you could tell. sorry to see him go tbh.
  16. zero issues with Beane or the contract. its what got Von here, and he was playing to the contract before the injury on that garbage turf in Detroit. happens. the contract was never going to be for the full 6 anyways. Von gives us something this season, great, he doesnt, hes gone. is what it is. Von bringing down Mahomes to win the game is easily forgotten it appears. every team that wins the final game of the season needs a bit of luck to help them. someday, hopefully, luck will be on our side. id say we've been lucky a bit, found a top QB that most thought wouldnt amount to much. luck giveth, luck taketh away at times.
  17. didnt mind Boomer or Simms. im sure theyll be replaced with 2 guys that are either more boring or are louder and know nothing. either way, watching pregame shows is a waste of time now anyways, theyre all bad. imagine whats really happening here is, fire old guys with big contracts, hire new guys for less. happens everywhere.
  18. never heard of the other 2 guys so dont care really, Claypool though, has been around, and theres a reason he cant seem to stick anywhere. worth a flyer on him i suppose, wouldnt expect much though.
  19. great player, bit of a douche. maybe hes a good person, dunno, just know what i see on the tv etc. imo the hate isnt because of the winning, its the other stuff.
  20. people may look at Coleman as Benjamin, id rather look at him as possibly a Mike Evans. Evans isnt a burner either, but his big body is going to get him in the HoF eventually. ya it may be a stretch, but u cant teach size.
  21. Bears took the full time to see if somebody would wow them with a last minute trade. nothing more. no reason not to use the entire time and see what happens.
  22. zero confidence in the Bears developing this kid or setting him up for success.
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