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Posts posted by bigduke6

  1. 1 minute ago, par73 said:

    You could not dream up a worse scenario. All the starters in at the beginning--- and they were awful. There is no middle linebacker, and both lines are awful. How do you fix these problems?

    u cant,  at least not right now.  you eventually fire the coach,  make him the scapegoat and hope a new hire can somehow turn these guys around.

  2. people seem to forget that for a RB to be successful,  you need much more than just the RB.   how often do you see top RBs switch teams and continue to be successful?   hell,  they rarely stay successful on their original team for an extended period of time anymore.   there is a reason why RBs are valued so low now.  you need 5 other guys to also help make that RB be good.


    Zeke was on fire his first few years for the Cowboys.  helped that the they had one of the best OLines in the league at that point.   injuries,  guys moving on,  suddenly Zeke cant RB anymore.  the biggest problem with the NFL running game now is the majority of college teams dont use a power running game anymore,  mostly spread offenses,  which leads to a glut of OLinemen that cant block for that kind of run game.    college has become a wide open passing fest cuz its easier to teach pass blocking quickly to young kids.


    Wiscy employs the  power running game because its tradition, also a tradition of zero competent QB play.   Taylor appears to be good,  just how many NFL lines are built for what he can do though?   im sure this is about money,  it usually is,  and im sure theres a team out there that is just desperate enough to make a move for him,  will they have a line that can accommodate Taylor and continue to make him look good?  highly unlikely.


    either way,  must suck to be a Colts fan atm.

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  3. on paper,  no,  the AFCE is not being overhyped.   however, we see each offseason teams that win the offseason and seemingly get better,  but crap out.   AFCWest comes to mind last year.   alot goes into being a good team,  luck,  hard work,  intelligent coaching,  etc, etc.    some of that you cant control no matter how much money you spend.  every team in the league is 1 or 2 key injuries away from being terrible tbh.   we wont know whos actually legit until the games are played,  but on paper,  sure the AFCE looks to be really tough this coming season.


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  4. sounds like McD was genuinely shaken by that conversation with Diggs.    makes sense with how McD responded that day to the media.   


    ive had zero issue with Diggs his entire tenure here.   he balls out as hard as he can 24/7.   hes a team leader,   does the dirty work,  and gives a sh!t.   the Bengals playoff loss was so friggen terrible that i felt the same way Diggs apparently did at the time.   


    i said it back when it happened,  least it seemed like he cared while the rest of the team looked like they could care less.   cant fault the guy for wanting to win and possibly questioning wtf is happening with the organization.


    ill take a guy who is legit passionate about winning,  shows his emotions a bit, over somebody whos just going through the motions to collect his paycheck waiting on the offseason to come.  if he becomes a locker room cancer,  then you show him the door.   highly doubt it comes to that,  Diggs isnt that kind of guy imo.




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  5. one mans fear mongering is another mans pragmatism.   Josh needs to be Josh,  but,  Cam was considered indestructible as well,  and it didnt last.   all it takes is one shoulder injury on a goal line dive,  or one head injury,  or etc etc etc.   getting older in the NFL is no joke.   bodies start to break down overnight for some.   while Josh is indeed an ironman up till this point,  you never know.


    what really needs to change is the line needs to give him hours to sit back there and sling the ball with a clean pocket,  the thing that made Brady and is making Mahomes look so good.   we need receivers to get separation,  a running game that is a threat,  playcalling that doesnt rely on Josh making plays with his legs.


    this team needs Josh in the game,  uninjured.  the offense dropped off when the UCL hit,  as expected.    yes that was in the pocket,  but it shows just how much this team relies on Josh being Josh. 


    3rd and 2,  13 seconds left,   win or go home game?   go be an athlete Josh.   3rd and 2,  8 minutes left in 1st quarter vs anybody regular season,  caution. 

    nothing wrong with being cautious.

  6. 14 hours ago, Tanoros said:

    I think it’s safe to say that demeanor also didn’t make Diggs any happier. I’m sure he acted the way he did for several reasons, but just think about his upset we the fans were then imagine someone like Diggs who is on the team and is as passionate about winning and playing to the max every snap. Could he have handled it better? Sure, but atleast he showed some fire that no one else seemed to have. 

    exactly what i thought at the time watching Diggs blow up at Allen.   the team as a whole looked so lethargic,  so uninterested in the game,  that i was fine with Diggs acting like a player who gave a s&#t compared to the rest of them.   not saying they didnt,  but man it looked bad.

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  7. to go 13-3 with a first year offensive coordinator,  and a defensive HC who obviously doesnt help much with the offense,  is no small thing, especially taking into account  all the extra stuff that went on last season.    Bills O started out fast,  i imagine with a large dose of what they knew from the previous seasons O helping.   Dorsey gets more comfortable,  starts to add more of himself into the offense as time goes on,   injuries happen,  O becomes limited,  then stagnate.  still managed 13 wins.   imma give Dorsey some rope.  lets see what happens.


    the hate,  whether its for a player, coach,  whatever,  is just something people do to try and cope with perceived failure of something theyre invested in.  somebody has to be the fall guy.  when in reality,  if you look at things objectively, with a level head,  and look at both the positives and negatives of a situation,  you can make a more informed decision or opinion on something, and not look like a fool.    lashing out emotionally rarely ever leads to a positive ending.


    also,  keep in mind,  eventually defenses/coaches get enough tape on a new coordinator,  what his tendencies are,  they adjust.   if the coordinator cant adjust likewise,  well,  not going to be as easy.   happens with players also.   i wonder if Dorsey just didnt adjust enough,  or were his hands tied by personnel and injuries.  Josh's UCL injury was a bigger deal then was let on.  defenses knew it and adjusted their gameplans.  you could see it.

  8. 5 hours ago, DrDawkinstein said:



    Gotta be coaching, imo.


    I think he's still upset that Dorsey & McD refused to get him the ball when the team needed a spark the most. Feels like he's sending a message of "If you dont think I'm that important to our success, look at what you have on the field without me". And again, this isnt about him getting touches as much as not being relied on or called upon when the team could use his contribution the most.


    I'm just guessing but there really cant be much else.

    could very well be this ^.   same thing happened in Minnesota.   he got tired of the offense and Kirk and wanted out.  now Josh is definitely not Cousins,  but theres something here clearly.  whether its personal between Diggs and Josh,  or its an offensive thing,  who knows.    need to get this figured out before the season starts.


    McD and Beane are concerned.  so that tells me that they dont really know whats upsetting Diggs.   that tells me its a personal issue between Diggs and Josh,  that the two of them need to work out.   Coach and GM cant do much about that.

  9. Colin isnt wrong about this.   i think any Bills fan with half a brain knows that the lines are always a problem,  regular and post season.    have we fixed OLine?  mbe,  remains to be seen.  Saffold being gone is a major step in the right direction.   the national media may miss the intricacies of our team,  but it just comes down to,  Bills cant run the ball,  and cant rush the passer.    if you cant do at least 1 of those 2 things with consistency,  you're not winning Super Bowls.  we cant do either as of yet.

  10. not a fan of these international games for my team.   i get the reasons why they exist.   it puts players and teams who are very structured outside their comfort zones and is shows on the field.   the following weeks game usually suffers as well.    this isnt a "home" game for our Bills.  its an unneeded distraction for a team that will have to play at their very best every friggen week to keep up with the murderers row of teams in the AFC,  especially for any chance at homefield in the playoffs.



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  11. id seriously take a look at him on the cheap.   CB was not a solid position for us last season.  Tre did not look like Tre (who knows if he will bounce back this year).  Elam couldnt get on the field with any kind of regularity for some reason.   add in the injuries to Benford who may be a better option at safety.   least Levi has the experience.    was he consistent?  mostly.   there was always 1 play per game where you shook your head though.     he was a solid #2 that played the majority of snaps, with offenses absolutely targeting him as much as possible,  he also,  imo,  drew alot of flags that were very questionable from the Refs.   the anti Sauce,  who gets away with more uncalled fouls than any CB ive ever watched play.

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  12. we didnt get anything for Edmunds?   sure we did,  5 years of LB on the cheap.   he played ok,  not worth that contract he got from Chi town though,  imo.

    i still remember him launching into the wrong gap in his rookie year against the run,  letting a team that was backed up on their own 2 year line,  break a 60 yard run.   i thought,  well mbe he'll learn from that,  hes a rookie.   still shot the wrong gap all the time.   still couldnt tackle with leverage.   he was good at clogging up the middle on passing plays,  not good enough when it mattered,  but good some of the time.  beyond that,  what did he bring?


    mbe im  wrong and and my eyes deceive me.   we'll see.    you cant pay every position top dollar.


    when it comes to Ed.   is he sought after?  are  teams salivating to get their hands on him?  doesnt feel that way.   Ed has been lackluster tbh. 

    if we get nothing for him as you say,  oh well.   again,  got 5 years of him on the cheap.   not every guy is actually worth something.

  13. i so hope this bows up on the Jets.   i honestly dont care about Rodgers being their QB tbh,  i think hes just about done.    never been a fan of Rodgers,  think hes an entitled douche.  hope he has to go back to GB with his tail between his legs,  or just outright retires.   every friggen offseason is the ARod show and its boring.   hes pulling the same crap Farve did at the end of his career.  it was tiresome then,  and its tiresome now.   ARod and Farve held GB for ransom every offseason,  leveraged as much money as possible.   while some might think thats smart,   it is,  for Farve or Rodgers.  not the team,  or the fans.   GB is a small market team,  paying outrageous amounts to the QB hamstrung them in being able to build a team.    both of them could have had multiple SB wins if they hadnt been so greedy.   then they shift the blame to the FO everytime the team fails.    its not about the team or fans though.  its about them.  

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