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  1. The only way to "fix" the problem is to affect the bottomline
  2. Barracks built in 1927 - Pearl Harbor, HI
  3. You guys are all so fragile. Life is hard, wear a helmet
  4. Saves 3.4MIL
  5. BBB is moving up in draft
  6. I dont know. Listening to him speak, I don't think he has it in him to be a puppet. Time will tell
  7. QB known for not sliding getting slandered for not sliding. Can't make it up.
  8. It isn't over. Josh is having a terrible game but we are in it
  9. I said this all along...Did we actually doubt this would happen??? Bills play down to competition, we all know this, lol
  10. Interesting. I highly doubt Daboll will come back to Buffalo. https://twitter.com/WesSteinberg/status/1724197383435653206?t=R0qblbD1bBnV4o_bt-24jw&s=19
  11. None of the swinging helmet drama matters if Josh isn't playing
  12. Cowherd is cowsh*t. Media Personality only. Does this for clicks and viewership. Seems to be working. His take on our o-line is invalid. Also, is JA17 all of a sudden 33 years old. Also, his take on Offensive HC's over Defensive HC's is another blunder. He is comparing every coach to Andy Reid when leading with that metric. That immediately puts all other coaches behind the 8ball.
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