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Everything posted by galept

  1. One of the tougher opponents we'll face this year so I don't expect this to be pretty, but I'm mentally prepared now for an ugly win or three throughout the remainder of the season.
  2. There were a few good sound bytes, but half the interview was Rich trying to get an unfiltered answer out of Allen, which he is never going to do.
  3. I think we'll be able to score just fine, so I agree with Dline. Would love to see Rousseau continue to be all over the QB.
  4. Dunkirk Don? I don't get it but I'm curious because that's where I grew up.
  5. I was thinking someone on D line, or a WR. Gotta get to Mahomes but we also need to outscore them, and also I think Diggs & Co. want revenge. He was the last to leave the field in the playoff loss, and I feel like in his mind he continued to stand on that field all off-season. There's no way he's forgotten the sting of that game.
  6. I read every new thread.
  7. Yup, don't care about power rankings.
  8. Don't mind the team receiving some attention but this is borderline worthless until we show that we can beat the Chiefs.
  9. This is one of those "get over the hump" games, which will make it so very painful if we lose. It's a must-win in my book.
  10. This ridiculous post seems to be the hill you want to die on for no reason, so I'll let you do it.
  11. I don't have to show anything. You're the one that made the terrible comparison. You tried to build up Josh Allen by putting Aaron Rodgers down when Aaron is doing almost the exact same thing every single week. You should have just praised Josh Allen and left it at that.
  12. OP should have said those last two sentences and left it at that. My, how quickly "humble and hungry" has gone out the window. I think I would actually be embarrassed if one of my friends who like other teams saw this post. Not only is this a clear attack on a future Hall of Famer for no reason, but OP doesn't even seem to understand that Rodgers is sitting down with AJ Hawk (his former teammate) and Pat McAfee for half an hour every single week to be interviewed.
  13. My guess is, right or wrong, the league doesn't want to be known for ending someone's career because they smoked pot. As you know many states have legalized it as medicine. It's only a matter of time until it's legal in all sports and all walks of life nationwide.
  14. I like the momentum this game gives us, especially while some other top teams stumbled. Winning record now and I don't think we'll be looking back. This also helps silence the folks that were worried about Josh Allen, which I counted myself as in that camp. Can't wait to see more of this.
  15. If he doesn't have a great stat line vs WFT it won't just be these boards that will be full of doomsayers. It will start to become a media narrative and I'm not looking forward to that kind of negativity.
  16. For some reason OP is trying to delegitimize anyone who isn't exactly like him/her. Making people feel like they don't belong here, and aren't "real" fans, is absurd. We are better than this.
  17. Serious question. Are people allowed to watch the game and have a different takeaway or do we all need to be like you?
  18. Have some perspective. They earned that reputation. We haven't earned diddly yet.
  19. The SB window doesn't stay open forever. Folks want us to strike while the iron's hot, and so can you blame them if they're frustrated that Allen is currently not what he was last year?
  20. Wonder if Josh really does get a little too amped up with a full stadium.
  21. We need a chat. Keeping up with this thread is too much.
  22. Start pre-gaming. Grab yourself a morning cold one to pass the time.
  23. I'd ask that you not words in my mouth. I didn't put a lot of thought into my word choice.
  24. Bushmills. Good man.
  25. IMO, one Superbowl, or a couple, will not make up for two decades of getting spanked by the Patriots as they win six rings. It will not make up for the coaching and QB carousel that we had. It will not make up for all the losing seasons and the lack of playoffs and playoff wins. I hope we're humble and appreciate knowing that the bleeding has stopped and that we finally have a great team.
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