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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What these morons simply don’t understand is that Biden was doing it BEFORE Trump even ran for President. As is often said….useful idiots!
  2. Which is exactly why they need full subpoena authority for banks and internal agencies to be FORCED to turn over the records. I’m not sure why you find this to be so complicated.
  3. Agreed. The numbers that I simplified above probably give an indication of why Billy B stockpiled so many of them during the Patriots run. He understood that if you only have one pick in each of the later rounds you’re not going to get a single consistent starter out of that ENTIRE bunch but once every five years or so.
  4. How is this a conspiracy? These people aren’t hired as whistleblowers AGAINST the agencies. They’re generally hired because they AGREE with the agencies. That doesn’t make them evil….it just makes them normal! The mistake is thinking that what they report is objective journalism.
  5. You can say this with a whole lot of words or just simplify down to what I said above, which is that we’ve moved long past anyone carrying about these so called public servants siphoning off cash….in BOTH parties. Very few people care and nobody in the Washington does. It’s now become normal and expected. The mistake Trump made was to bring it up.
  6. I was on the road all day yesterday traveling to and from a speaking engagement. I drove thru a McDonalds to get a fast ‘lunch’ on and off the highway. It’s over TEN DOLLARS for six chicken nuggets, fries and a Diet Coke. Sure….there’s no inflation! 🙄
  7. With all due respect, I think you’re missing the underlying narrative Joe. See my short take above and you’ll know what’s really going on here. Everyone, both Left and Right, should be expressing more concern.
  8. Let me boil it down for everyone. The lesson learned from the saga of the last almost eight years is that it’s no longer considered a crime for elected officials to use their position/influence to siphon money off the top for their personal benefit. The crime is calling attention to it. Period!
  9. That’s a pretty neat summary. In short it says your chances of finding a consistent starter are: Round 1: Two out of three Round 2: 50:50 Round 3: One out of three Round 4: One out of four Round 5: One out of six Round 6 and 7: Good luck
  10. Dammit! After waiting all day by the phone I never got a call.
  11. I look at it much like Gene Hackman’s line in Hoosiers when he’s addressing the pep rally before the first game: “THIS is your team.” The draft is over. Free agency is over. Preseason is over. The roster is set! Now it’s up to the coaches to do something with the roster they’ve assembled.
  12. There are traditionally two differing perspectives I read on this Board. On the one hand, leading up to the draft, there are those who put extreme value on draft position and rounds. They typically don’t want to see the Bills trade any picks away believing that they are super important to the future of the roster. And on the other hand there are those who look back on the most recent and previous years and ask ‘what was that all about?’ as they watch players flame out, be traded away, or leave on their own. I’m not sure if they’re actually the same people who just change their minds from March until August, or if they’re two distinct camps of fans. Either way, if you take a big picture perspective I always contend the entire process is a total crap shoot with tons of moving pieces. Drawing hard lines in the sand is a fools errand!
  13. That’s true as well….so we agree. It’s pretty much get the QB right and you’re a contender. But, you need to get a bunch of other guys right to be champion.
  14. I wouldn’t go that far. Think of it this way, without Josh this team has Tyrod Taylor at QB and not much of anything else. It’s four years ago all over again…but we did back into the playoffs and end the drought.
  15. Well done. So as I say every year around this time….geez that was a whole lot of practice, training, and chatter just to swap out two or three players in backup roles. But at least 40 guys will get to tell their grandkids that they got to suit up for an NFL team for a couple of months. 😉
  16. Goose, I think you'll find that I'm willing to listen...please describe the 'fraud' you claim to have been perpetrated
  17. Don't kid yourself. This is NOT about 'one guy'. This is a trial balloon for what's sure to follow.
  18. I don't think that's it. My theory is that they've decided that the country is no longer worth 'saving' as it's currently constructed, or originally founded, so the natural reaction is to support a free-for-all where everyone just tips their hand into the well, whether they are non-taxpayers, illegal immigrants, and/or public 'servants'.
  19. I’ll ask you right back then…for what? What was given or promised by Trump in return? Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not defending Trump in this conversation. But I haven’t seen anyone make an official claim on what you’re alleging. I return to the same basic question: When did Democrats, who’ve always claimed to be fighting against the System and for the Little Guy, become so accepting of corruption that supports the System and benefits the Big Guy? Something happened to change them somewhere along the way.
  20. I can bash Beane as much as the next guy, but from what we’ve seen Torrence appears to be the real deal at RG. Let’s hope it’s true.
  21. With just that alone we could’ve gotten a full dome! 😉
  22. I’m not sure I understand but I’m willing to see if you can explain. You say this occurred “6 months out of the WH”. If true, how is that corruption and how does it compare to the Bidens? Once an elected official is out of office he or she is a private citizen. Where’s the influence peddling? What influence does Trump have once he leaves office? I’m not following.
  23. We’re going to find out Goose. By now you should’ve learned not to believe everything being reported. As an attorney I thought that’d be a freshman year course….no?
  24. That’s true, but I didn’t see the Bills do much of anything to change the course of events in their favor during this offseason. This has felt a lot more like cap management than a plan for success. Trying not to implode is not the same as moving forward.
  25. Ha! I’ve listened to every opinion there can be Goose and whether you want to hear it or not there’s tons of disagreement to go around. That’s why we don’t just agree with the government in a free, non-fascist society. And…. I didn’t say it was a bid. I was OBVIOUSLY making an analogy to a similar publicly governed competition. Fraud, my arse!
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