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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Hey Ron Since you asked, I would have stopped this before one Russian soldier set one foot onto Ukrainian soil. But that wouldn’t have given the military industrial complex the chance to soak the US taxpayer and wouldn’t have quenched the Left an excuse to punch Putin for their stupid and childish Hillary retribution l.
  2. Frank, That’s way too much typing for me to do from my towel at the beach. 😎
  3. Don’t look now Frank but you sound EXACTLY like the crowd that got us mired in Viet Nam. Back then we had to stop the spread of communism. I’m not sure what the heck we thinking we’re stopping now.
  4. What I find fascinating is how the Left trashed Trump for having been a Democrat. I’m beginning to understand why. The Democratic Party doesn’t stand for very much of anything it used to. That’s neither good or bad, just an observation….but it’s definitely fascinating how so many things have flipped.
  5. I’ve lived long enough that I… Ask not what my country can do for me Reject the idea of funding ridiculous foreign wars Still appreciate the lofty goals of the Space Program Go figure…..I’ve been sitting here for over half a century…and now I’m a Democrat! Who knew?
  6. The modern Democratic Party is completely off the rails. Who’d of ever thought they’d reject a Kennedy? Simply amazing.
  7. I’m extremely consistent too. I believe that we should be concerned about all corruption. Even when it centers around our elected officials. Can you say the same?
  8. So you’re saying there is corruption in Ukraine? Really? Go figure! Must be a new thing.
  9. Ha! So in your version of America we’d distribute federal funds on a per capita basis? Okie Dokie
  10. How do you know there’s corruption in Ukraine? I thought we weren’t allowed to ask about it.
  11. I’ve been saying it for years. When you listen to the news, don’t listen for the nouns and verbs, just listen for the adjectives. It’s there you’ll find the ‘all in’ bias of the so-called main stream media.
  12. Come on Hawk! How about going back to the era in which the black nuclear family hadn’t been utterly destroyed by ‘well intentioned’ social programs? Seems to me you’re cherry picking your history.
  13. Any chance they can get Josh to yell “Tonawanda” instead of “Omaha”? When he does, then you’ll really know he’s made it. 👍
  14. Brit, do you know if the NFL is still closing Regent Street on Saturday? They held a huge NFL Experience there when we saw the Bills five years ago. Not sure if the pandemic put a pause on that.
  15. You have got to be kidding! The provisions of the so called inflation reduction act don’t kick in for years. They have nothing to do with the current economy and even when they do, they are not focused on making much of anything better for the US taxpayer. As to your second point, the ‘adult’ nonsense you long for has also not happened , that is unless you foolishly believe American business likes a president who looks like he could die any morning. So, nice try.
  16. Have you been to California? It's a dump. All of these ridiculous progressive policies sounded good but have been a total disaster. They just elected a new mayor in Los Angeles who's on the stump day and night to fix homelessness....while the taxpayers saw this disaster coming for decades. We are taxed up the ying-yang and our roads are a graffiti filled, potholed, mess. The place is falling apart. A totally avoidable shame.
  17. Then you and I agree: BillStime is fighting a ridiculous crusade. And, more importantly, if ANYONE thinks that people are migrating to Red States because of the windfall of Federal benefits they hope to collect, they need to have their head examined!
  18. Nice try Hawk. Where the money comes from has nothing to do with where it goes out to. It comes in from US taxpayers per a rate schedule. It goes out at the whim of CONGRESS...not taxpayers. So, if BillStime wants to change how it goes out, his complaint should be with Blue State Representatives, not with Red State citizens.
  19. I always find it comical when any Administration takes the credit for the US Economy. If you're going to take that position you need to look at the specific policies or programs that lead to the increase or fall. With that in mind, I'm not sure what policies the Biden Administration is taking credit for here. They didn't change the tax code. They handcuffed American energy. They increased regulations on businesses across the board. They pumped artificial dollars into the economy. Which of those policies helped the economy? To my way of thinking, their policies only served to slow it down. Meaning we would have all been in much better shape had they simply done NOTHING. My two cents.
  20. You obviously have no idea how our federal income tax code works....but thanks for confirming it.
  21. So if I’m understanding you correctly you’re in favor of everyone pulling their own weight. Excellent! Get ‘er done. 👍
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