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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Some quick math says that the Herbert contract equates to $3,000,000 per game or over $40,000 PER PLAY! I mean, really? Come on Man.
  2. Don’t get me wrong. There’s money to be made in EVERY profession. The point is to do something because you actually like doing it, and not because you think you can get paid well. In my experience the people who make the most money in every profession are the people who enjoy what they do and are good at it.
  3. My wife would watch as the kids, who had already eaten at home, would take the breakfast, keep the chocolate milk, and dump the rest. Day after day after day…but since the Feds were paying for the breakfast nobody cared.
  4. Huh? When Trump was President we hadn’t started distributing the vaccine. I’m guessing he would have used the evidence and not pushed the vaccine AFTER everyone knew it wasn’t performing as the companies (and Fauci) said that it was supposed to.
  5. Tim, as always tell students…”do what you like doing and you’ll never work a day in your life”. There’s always somebody who makes more money than you do, even in your own profession, so don’t let that be your measuring stick of success.
  6. But since neither you or I can know what he would have done, so why don’t they just ask him? Probably because they don’t want to hear the answer.
  7. I thought your story was that the DOJ was and is independent of the president. Not any more?
  8. I’m guessing he would come out now and tell the truth…that he was lied to by people in the corrupt government….to which the Trump haters would roll their eyes. The End
  9. The court jester was never hired for his truth telling skills….but they were often the food taster for The King. 😉
  10. Hey! You of all posters should be proud of me. The deal was that I teach a freshman course while I did my graduate work. I absolutely loved teaching.
  11. There’s nothing worse than an attack on the tip or your ulna! 😉. Now there’s a sentence that I never thought I would type.
  12. You’re trying to tell me that after our exchange you haven’t even spent a second to look it up? Here’s a hint…it has to do with the credit card receipts which were shown on the same exhibit.
  13. Sort of….I did my Graduate work there on a full scholarship. Sweet gig!
  14. Just about any Internet site you search in will show you the view angle from your specific seat.
  15. Give me a break! You don’t even know why those photos were shown in last week’s hearings.
  16. I highly doubt whether Joe even knows what a secret is. He’s a total nitwit.
  17. Close. I’m guessing that a lot of it rides on how they answer the question in a debate.
  18. With all due respect….Biden is not guilty of treason. He’s guilty of trying to make a fast buck, padding his retirement, on his way out the door as VP and then shortly thereafter. I’m guessing he never thought he’d be back in the public spotlight, since he and everyone around him was SURE that Hilary Clinton was going to be the President through 2024. But the old crook was rope a doped into running for president in 2020 and it’s all coming out now.
  19. See my comment above. Inflation is ‘not a problem’ only if you don’t open the window far enough to see where prices were two years ago. Which is exactly the shell game the Biden Administration is trying pull over on the American people. The problem is that those people still buy gas, groceries, and everything else on a weekly basis.
  20. Speaking strictly as a USC Grad, I certainly hope not! He’d recently committed to the Trojans for the upcoming basketball season.
  21. To quote Richard Gere…I’ve got nowhere else to go! It’s really early here in So Cal. 😉
  22. Maybe this belongs in the Covid thread but was the hypothesis here that the virus did better in cold weather because people were more apt to be closed up, together, inside?
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