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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And to reinforce my earlier comment….if any of you are taking kids to London, please be SUPER careful with them at all pedestrian crossings. (Strongly consider holding their hand….even if they resist.) You don’t realize how our brains have been trained to look in the opposite direction for oncoming traffic. It can be VERY dangerous.
  2. Don’t look now but you’ve become a pathetic partisan fool. You wouldn’t know/admit evidence if it bit you in the arse. No disrespect intended….or maybe a little actually is.
  3. I hear Lisbon is really nice this time of year. Just saying. 😉
  4. Give me a break. In the Biden corruption case you take that mountain of evidence and say ‘what evidence’? Shameful. And all you have to do is look at the post, just above mine. Enough said.
  5. No offense but have you been in London traffic? There’s not a chance in the world I’d have my kid ride a bike there. That’s especially true with the fact that they drive on the opposite side of the road. They literally paint which way to look on every street corner. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen a pedestrian step out into traffic because they were looking the wrong way.
  6. I find it fascinating that all of the resident leftists want to populate a thread about Biden’s obvious corruption with distractions about everything but Biden’s obvious corruption. I’ll ask again, when did all of this corruption become so acceptable? Is it just overlooked as a means to an end? And if so, what’s the proverbial end?
  7. I can tell you exactly who I am. I’m a guy who loathes the current corrupt political class in BOTH parties.
  8. It’s already been done. It’s on the air every night on two cable networks for almost eight years now. 😉
  9. How early do the bars open in North Carolina?
  10. Not sure why this is even an issue before a single down has been played. This seems like a thread for after we cannot run the ball with any success….again. Please save this for a week from Tuesday. 😉
  11. Trust me. I worked within the inner circles of School Districts for decades.
  12. That’s an odd response…but I’m guessing it’s probably time to change the candles at your Get Trump altar. 😉
  13. No idea why this thread is narrowly focused on Allen v Brady. I don’t see the connection. Allen has NOT been common denominator of the Bills recent playoff failures. Either shift this ridiculous discussion or end the thread.
  14. No problem here. But…you seem to have a problem with the dependent using the mug shot to their advantage….which is after all the topic of this thread. In the end, the long awaited mug shot was a HUGE mistake.
  15. Close. The Union only funds enough Board members to give them a majority on the Board. The Union more or less ignores the other members.
  16. So in your version of America the prosecution should be able to use a mug shot as evidence at trial? Interesting…and utterly frightening!
  17. I see. So you go with the principle of guilty until proven innocent? Wonderful! At least we know the kind of society you’re trying to create.
  18. I apologize, it must a real pain when there’s a counter narrative to the state prescribed one.
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