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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And yet….without having watched them…you’re an expert on them? Because your daughter was ‘in the business’….that sounds right. But where’s the evidence John? 😂
  2. Apparently the Patriots decided that fans no longer needed a clear view of that funny looking obelisk out there.
  3. And right here is the most frightening thing I’ve read on this message board in years. God Save the King!
  4. Their blood thirst to arrest their political opponents is truly stunning. I never thought the country would come to this. Really sad.
  5. Keep telling yourself that’s there are people promoting slavery in 2023. The lesson kids need to learn today is that they can take their circumstances, no matter how dire, and turn it to good. Which is a far superior lesson plan than your low hanging fruit of ‘white folk are bad’.
  6. Kamala is a moron. The Florida curriculum doesn’t teach how dumb blacks were. Nor does it advocate for slavery as a way to climb society’s ladder. It’s teaching how SMART and RESOURCEFUL they were even after being oppressed.
  7. Nice try. Not what I said…AT ALL. And someone of your intellect knows it. But I have a solution: Since all Presidents issue pardons on their final day, in the future ALL presidents should make a papal decree (written and oral) that they are declassifying everything and anything they’re taking from their office. Problem solved!
  8. Ugh. Trump didn’t say he didn’t have the documents. He said he thought he had the Presidential power to declassify them. That might be correct or it might not be. That’s what needs to be discussed with the current, former, and future presidents…regardless of party. If it isn’t clear (and it OBVIOUSLY isn’t given what we’ve seen from other officials who clearly don’t even have those powers) then the government has the responsibility to tighten up their training and document control policies. It’s not like a murder has been committed and the victim cannot be brought back to life. The documents are back with the government, with no charges being filed that any actual damage was done or was even being planned. So what would I have done if I was in charge of the DOJ? I would arrange for a time when Trump and his attorneys were home to go and retrieve the documents (no guns, no drama). Then I would sit them all down in the dining room and settle the confusion. I would say ‘thank you’ and leave.
  9. Goose….I’m AWARE of what happened. EVERYONE is! You however seem desperate to avoid the real conversation for some ‘strange’ reason.
  10. Wrong! They brought law enforcement against him to retrieve the documents. The DOJ is the one who then took it to the next completely political step.
  11. What’s interesting is that people assume that others who are of ‘means’ got that way through their less than sensible spending. In general I’ve found the exact opposite to be the case. 😁
  12. On the contrary…but I definitely don’t want our political parties arresting the leading candidate from the opposition party. That’s the far more dangerous precedent being set here. As regards the document procedure itself, as usual, the government is great at writing millions of regulations but terrible at administering them. Since the ‘government’ knows exactly the day and hour that the outgoing President is leaving office, why don’t they have security personnel there to search everything leaving the office? I have to take my shoes off to get on an airplane. What this latest political arrest has proven is that in the wrong hands the government can use the regulations to arrest political opponents. Again…very dangerous stuff here.
  13. Thanks! It was surprisingly less expensive than you might expect.
  14. I understand ALL of that Goose. But once you’ve now retrieved the documents the dispute is moot. The arrest is PURE politics.
  15. But LeBron gets a lot of praise for putting his name and funds behind it. He owes each of the families a sincere apology for having failed them, and he either needs to get more personally involved or take his name off the front door.
  16. Thanks but the entire purpose of this message board is to have discussions with people who do NOT agree with you. With that said, I’m not the slightest bit partisan on this topic. I believe that the President is unique under the Constitution. He is given special authority, and responsibility that neither a Vice President nor a Senator has. It seems utterly ludicrous to me that the President would be trusted to know and see America’s ‘secrets’ while the Commander in Chief but the minute he leaves the Office they need to purge his brain and boxes of all such knowledge. It’s literally junior high double secret probation level nonsense. This is why I believe there’s a constitutional issue involved here to consider the post presidency retention of this stuff. Having a bunch of librarians be the impetus for the arrest of the former President is utterly laughable.
  17. I’ve only had my BMW i4 for a year but so far have been extremely pleased with the actual and estimated range. It’s gotten to the point where I rarely even think about it. And our second vehicle is gas powered. Mind you that we live in Southern California where weather is pretty close to ideal.
  18. I think you missed it where I said I didn’t oppose the government getting the documents back. I oppose the way they did it and totally oppose the obstruction indictment.
  19. Thanks Goose...a very close relative of mine held a very high security clearance as a private contractor. He was actually on the metro heading to the pentagon when the plane hit. I believe this is tricky when it comes to a former President, who I would offer is way more than an "elected official". While I have no problem with the government getting the documents back, the way that they did it was completely heavy handed and overtly political. And once the dispute of possession is remedied by the raid, then the obstruction charge is simply over the top...and done SOLELY to kneecap a political rival. It serves no other purpose. None.
  20. Simple! You have to break some eggs to fundamentally transform an entire country. So if a few crooked politicians get rich in the meantime, that’s a small price to pay on the road to universal healthcare and a massive redistribution of wealth.
  21. Comey famously said that no prosecutor would bring this case. Apparently he either lied to sway an election or he too believes that these laws/regulations are not well written. And in the Hilary Clinton matter he was talking about a Secretary of State….not a President. Goose has opined that this case is not about stolen secrets or espionage, but instead about obstruction. Which is another way of saying that Trump is being arrested for not agreeing with the other side of a legal dispute. Seems to me that the government could bring an obstruction charge in virtually every case where there’s such a dispute….but they don’t. Again, per Comey
  22. Dude I’m typing with my thumb here! While others complain about the privacy features, I’m more concerned about the abysmal auto correct features! 😉
  23. What most people don’t understand is that the Teachers Union pays for the campaign of just enough school board members to hold onto a simply majority.
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