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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’ve gotta admit I don’t know what that means…but since he lives up the street from me, I guess I could go over ask him. 😉
  2. It must’ve “broken through” an awful lot then because everyone in my family who got it that last Christmas time had been both vaccinated and boosted. But apparently not according to the internet.
  3. Okay….thanks. Just as I suspected you’d say. Blah, blah, blah Qanon, MAGA, hoax etc. 🙄
  4. And it’s your opinion that students are being taught that slaves were given a 401k plan and healthcare insurance? I must’ve been absent that day.
  5. That is NOT the central difference. But if you believe that it is, can you tell us why “Trump refused to return them”?
  6. We need a reaction icon that indicates “what the heck are you taking about”?
  7. I slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night. 😉 (And you’ll have to forgive me if I go with opinion of my own close family member who I GUARANTEE has more diplomas and published papers than you’re able to google.)
  8. So now you want to say it’s about deaths not contraction. You’ll note I didn’t say that it wasn’t effective against death. I’m sure it probably was. FYI: I was both vaccinated and boosted.
  9. And he’s obviously completely unaware that this particular story has absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump. But hey, why let a good or bad meme go to waste.
  10. You wouldn’t know science if it bit you in the arse…..but I did get a kick out of the ‘untaxed’ autocorrect. 😉. If BillsFanNC wants to work on the board’s functionality; he should make autocorrect task #1.
  11. Here we were having a nice conversation and ONCE AGAIN, you prove why you’re the Court Jester.
  12. Link? You have honestly got to be kidding! There isn’t a single person in America that didn’t know a close family member who contracted Covid after being vaccinated and boosted. I don’t need some stupid internet link to see what’s happening in my own freaking life!
  13. It’s just like the old saying goes: “Teach a child to fear and hate and he’ll vote for you for a lifetime. Teach a child to use the resources at their disposal and he’ll be an independent thinker, and a powerful contributor to society.”
  14. And remember how it was a pandemic of the unvaccinated.. .until suddenly and magically it wasn’t!
  15. White fragility? There’s a new one. And you believe it’s better if our public education system teaches a specific minority to fear and hate people of another race for something that occurred over a century ago, and cannot at the same time teach them how they were able to ‘overcome’? Wonderful! That’ll work out well for them.
  16. “Unquenchable thirst for knowledge”…I’m gonna have to remember that one the next time they work to silence dissent in the midst of a health crisis.
  17. And if you actually study history you’ll find that virtually every race and nation has been conquered and/or enslaved at one point and ALL them developed skills, food, culture, etc during their time of oppression. Why is this in any way controversial?
  18. Section….You can’t possibly not recognize the movie reference. Or can you? Maybe my age is showing. 😉
  19. “Son, calling everyone and everything fat, drunk, stupid, hoax, racist, MAGA, and cult is no way to create a future.” Dean Wormer
  20. The funny thing about evidence is that law enforcement finds exactly 0% of the evidence they were purposefully never looking for.
  21. Hey…my daughter was also in the business. Let’s see your evidence John.
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