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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Kamala has been the "point person" on the US Border for almost three years now, and she hasn't flown there once.
  2. Morning John....if having the words "Law Enforcement" turned into "Lawn Forssman" doesn't tell you that something has to be done about auto-correct.....nothing will! 😂
  3. Anyone who thinks that it's in the USA's national interest for the Vice President to fly halfway around the world to make darn sure a foreign country fires some random attorney is going to get a charlie horse in their neck from straining to look the other way. Did I mention the fact that this random attorney was involved in investigating a company, who the VP's drug addicted son just happens to be on the Board of, again randomly and for no apparent reason? And did I also mention that the VP says he was completely unaware that this son was on that Board and being paid $1 Million per year by that company? I mean really now! We either care about corruption, or we don't. If we don't, just tell us that we don't so we can all go back to our easily manipulated lives.
  4. For all of those nit picking specific players performances from the other night, keep in mind that’s a glorified practice game and the very first truly live action in many months for ALL of these guys. I can’t recall the player or the year, (I’m getting old and seasons blend together) but just a few years back the Bills backup QB literally stunk up the place in the Opener and then looked completely different the very next week. Was it Trubisky? With all that said, I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw against the Colts. The team looked organized and the roster looks deeper than I expected. So…what do we need to see? We need Torrence and Kincaid and possibly Williams to contribute and the Bills will have won the Draft. After that, get out of preseason with no injuries to the starting 22.
  5. The really funny part is that he thought he could see Maui from his beach chair on the Delaware coast.
  6. This has been my point for quite time now. On so many issues, the two traditional parties have almost completely flipped.
  7. I’m of course only half serious when I mention universal healthcare but as I’ve discovered the modern Left has literally no sense of humor whatsoever. But with that said, I’m lost as to what the end game is here. I know the Left wants unchallenged power/authority. That’s actually understandable considering the majority of the congressional Democrats come from NY, California, and Illinois; three states that have only known one party rule for decades. It’s all they know. But, once established then what? Climate change and universal healthcare seem to be the big agenda. Student debt is a ridiculous platform that only impacts a very small percentage of the population, and trans rights obviously far far less. I’ve gotta believe this is more about getting to a colossal level of income redistribution, for all but the elite Washington class of course.
  8. Lots and lots of words there Goose. So you mean to tell everyone that Adam Schiff impeached Trump for merely asking about corruption that WASN’T happening? Do you even listen to yourself at all? Unbelievable! 😂😂😂😂
  9. Nice try. The US didn’t….Joe Biden did, for some really odd reason. He said so himself. How many knots are you guys going to tie yourselves into to justify this nonsense. Is universal healthcare that important to you?
  10. Kincaid and Knox are both 6’-4”, but Kincaid is 240lbs compared to 254lbs for Knox.
  11. You have to be kidding, right? I mean seriously! You honestly believe that firing some ridiculous attorney in Ukraine is worth ONE BILLION DOLLARS to the United States of America? Honestly? 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  12. You’re a partisan hack. They have all they need, but the burden of proof is, or should be, very high when you’re going to accuse the President of high crimes. (Of course Adam Schiff put an end to that.) Now with that said…I am NOT a partisan hack. I question everything all of these political actors do, on both sides of the aisle. Can you say the same?
  13. It should, if anyone actually wanted to put an end to all of this outright corruption. But they don’t. They just want to score ridiculous political points. Looking into Joe Biden’s personal finances is simply not that difficult.
  14. I loved what I saw from Murray at RB. After a decade of watching little guys he reminded me on Antoine Smith….tall and moving straight forward.
  15. You guys screamed for years to see Trump’s tax returns. How about the Biden’s volunteering to show us their bank records? That’d put an end to all of this.
  16. So in other words a nice quiet return to corruption as usual with nobody asking any pesky questions about the actual inconvenient truth. Got it.
  17. We don’t really call them blueprints anymore. There isn’t any blue. 😉
  18. So you agree then that if the Congress was in actual danger that the people charged with protecting them and the building itself should be fired. Why haven’t they been? What is Kevin McCarthy doing? Isn’t he the Soeaker now? This isn’t a local Seven Eleven! It’s the freaking US Capitol. We don’t have systems upon systems upon systems in place to protect it? You’ve gotta be kidding me. Something is terribly wrong here. We should be getting way better service from the taxes we pay.
  19. Hawk....as I regularly told the elected officials I worked with for decades, it is up to THEM to make sure they're nowhere near this sort of corruption. So, the problem is NOT Hunter! As a private citizen he's free to make as much money as he can from whatever source he can, as long as it isn't illegal. It is not illegal for Hunter to be on the Board of a foreign company. That however is NOT true of Joe Biden. Joe should've made sure he wasn't in the neighborhood of any of these dealings, whether he got money directly, or not.
  20. Thanks. What Hawk, in his lust to 'get Trump' has lost sight of is the fact that the Capitol was overrun by a bunch of unarmed American citizens with little or no pushback from law enforcement at all. That's incompetence on a grand scale and SOMEONE should be fired. It should not take a phone call from ANYONE for law enforcement to put a stop to something like that before it gets anywhere close to getting out of hand. Was it a conspiracy....who knows? But if it wasn't then the only logical conclusion is that a whole a bunch of people should've lost their jobs. And since they didn't it makes any functioning adult wonder how much danger did the members of Congress feel they were ACTUALLY in? My guess....not much!
  21. What’s the wire fraud charge about? I have to admit I don’t know that one.
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