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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m not sure you understand. The conservative approach is NOT that local officials can do whatever they want. So until the Governor is stripped of his/her standing authority then the local board’s authority has limitations. This is similar to the Texas border issues. Conservatives understand that while Texas would like to stop the flow of illegal border crossings, they also know it’s the federal government that currently has authority over the border. Make sense?
  2. I’m not a lawyer but this appears to be a ridiculous case. Georgia being swung to Trump would not have resulted in him becoming the President, so until these nitwits in Fulton County can find similar schemes being worked in the other critical battleground states then they really need to get over themselves. Flipping Fulton County wouldn’t have overturned the election. This seems akin to saying Trump planned to overthrow the government with a guy dressed like a bison at the tip of the spear.
  3. Frank: It’s actually, not probably, correct. The conservative viewpoint is that yes local control is generally better than distant control but not when local control harms kids, or breaks the law, or goes against standing regulations. In other words it’s not the Wild West where you can do whatever you want.
  4. I’m guessing it’s because the Governor is the lead executive officer when it comes to K12 Education in all States. In a similar way all school boards have legal counsel sitting at the Dias telling them what they can and can’t do. School board members aren’t expected to know all of the ins and outs of the legal system.
  5. Back away from the bottle Hawk. It’s late back there.
  6. There’s a huge difference between keeping your sense of humor and delighting in the daily drama of really nasty politics.
  7. I’m not sure who anybody on here is, nor do I really want to know….but geez people need to approach everything on here with a sense of humor. This place has the tedious tendency to become a death match on every single subject. As if the world’s problems are going to be solved on a chat room linked to the Buffalo Bills!
  8. Wait….were you the goofy stoner kid sitting next to me? You should’ve stayed. The second half of the semester was way easier. We all wondered where you went. 😉
  9. Yes that’s right…Trump lived in Zanidoo before he was elected. Sheeeesh
  10. They literally will not rest until they get One Party Rule.
  11. So you didn’t like it that Trump was able to put Justices on the Supreme Court? Seems odd since he doesn’t decide when Justices die or retire. My gosh you guys are really off the deep end.
  12. Now what? Geez you guys are all over the place. And that makes him putrid? So you would’ve preferred a better wall, and a bigger tax cut? Let’s face it, you guys have built him up into some mythical demonic creature. It’s beyond odd.
  13. Nice try. So you would’ve been happy if Trump did MORE of what he ran on? I highly doubt it. And I still have no idea how NOT replacing Obamacare makes him putrid. Or how passing a tax cut on what I have to assume are ‘other people’ has any impact on you. How is that putrid?
  14. Nice non-answer. Yes he appointed conservative judges. All Presidents appoint justices that are in line with their leanings…both Left and Right. That doesn’t make them putrid. It makes them normal.
  15. Build the wall is an economic issue. Lock her up was a political slogan aimed at the elite Washington establishment…not at Democrats in general. Anything else? .
  16. Trump talked almost exclusively about economic issues. It’s what he’s most interested in. And I believe he assumed those issues crossed party lines. He almost never spoke about cultural issues. So….you may not have been aligned with his priorities but I have no idea which of his actual policies cause you to described it as ‘putrid’. Can you elaborate?
  17. Morons? Morons? Hey! The preferred pronoun is “Deplorable”.
  18. You do realize that your response only serves to further prove his point….right?
  19. Huh? Doesn’t the word common in common sense mean that’s it’s the societal norm? It’s NOT a class distinction like in ‘commoner’. 😂
  20. Does anyone know when this weeks Bills v Steelers game will be rebroadcast on NFLN? I haven’t been able to find it in the Guide.
  21. Interesting. I guess providing for the common defense fell off the table some time back. I must’ve missed that. 😉
  22. With all due respect. It is not the job of government to redistribute wealth. Writing laws that make it harder for disparity to go unchecked...maybe. But, not redistributing income that has already been legally earned.
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