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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What in the world is wrong with you John? Your posts on this topic are beyond ridiculous. You can’t honestly be promoting completely open borders, can you? (It’s hard to tell when people are being sarcastic on here.)
  2. This is right up there with the dumbest post of the year. Which is REALLY hard to say given there are so many in contention.
  3. I remember that movie! It was filmed in Buffalo, right?
  4. Hey Kemp! You’re asking the WRONG questions.
  5. We’re going to agree to disagree. How does this happen? It happens when the federal government gets involved in the student loan business. To quote you: “start there”.
  6. Yes, I’m aware, but you’d mentioned you were amazed that colleges weren’t being held responsible. Other than the fact that sell ridiculously worthless degrees in majors that are a total waste of time, talent and resources, I’m not sure they are the culprit here. I could’ve almost bought the liberal line of bullshite when they told us banks were preying on the least intelligent among us during the housing bubble….but college students? I thought they were supposed to be most intelligent! No?
  7. Colleges are demanding their customers pay the bill? I’d hope/expect that they would! All businesses have collection agencies when an outstanding balance persists.
  8. Most things in life aren’t complicated. It’s amazing how many drinks and appetizers are bought for the table when someone down at the end says “it’s on the company tonight”.
  9. I agree….but only sort of….if customers keep flooding your restaurant no matter how much you raise the prices on your menu….do you blame the restaurant?
  10. You do realize that the roles of Court Jester and King of the Board are already taken…right? Are you campaigning on behalf of term limits? 😉
  11. This is the old chicken and egg debate....but I believe you're asking the wrong questions. The real question is why would something as arbitrary as the color of one's skin make someone more apt to vote for one political party over another? It really shouldn't.
  12. “Fried” and true method? You’ve gotta love the autocorrect functionality on here. 😂😂😂
  13. Thanks…we’re definitely going to see. I find this case, surrounding a national election, to be patently ridiculous. It opens a Pandora’s box that should’ve remained closed. This has to be left to the federal courts. I’ll save you the response….we can agree to disagree.
  14. So then they’re going to need to PROVE this claim about other states? Does Fulton County even have standing to conduct and investigation in other states? (Honest question.)
  15. “Steaks”? 😂 The autocorrect on here really needs some serious fine tuning.
  16. Goose 1. I’m not arguing about ‘how it works’. I’m demonstrating what the defense will look like. 2. Which would not have changed the national election. Thanks
  17. With all due respect….only to a point. The local school district is a branch of the STATE government. They simply cannot teach (or not teach) whatever they want. That is not the job of your local school board. Their primary role is to be the oversight body of your local Superintendent of Schools who works at the will of the Board.
  18. Maybe you should watch the nationally televised interview he gave on this EXACT topic, instead of making a lot of assumptions. 😉
  19. And as I said in my other post, unless Fulton County can prove that the same illegality was simultaneously being pursued in dozens of other critical counties at the exact same time then this case seems to be more about “look at how important we are” than anything else. This was NOT a local election. Finding votes in Fulton County would not have changed the outcome of a national election.
  20. Thanks. I’m certainly aware of that, and you can certainly work to transform it…. but that’s simply NOT how our country’s civic structure is designed to work.
  21. People need to take a basic civics class. They have no idea how our government works.
  22. I certainly can imagine that. But…in general, the conservative point of view is NOT that control be should be whittled down to the very most local level. (ie: street, neighborhood, house) On the topic of education conservatives understand that in most, if not all states K12 Education is under State authority. For example each local school district doesn’t write their own textbooks. This basic principle is why conservatives oppose the federal Department of Education. And the Governor of Florida understands this. When asked if he would continue with his current stance and actions on education should he become President, his answer has been ‘no’ he would not be the Chief Executive of education if elected President.
  23. Ugh! I’m amazed at how little people know about the governmental structure of the country they live in. K12 education is an arm of the State, not county, town, or city, government. When elected as a school board member you immediately take a governance class and learn that.
  24. No it’s not! Asking to “create” votes may be illegal but asking to “find” votes could be attributed to every politician who’s ever run for any office anywhere.
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