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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The vast majority of these people are on drugs. This problem was not caused by the price of housing, as so many politicians would like you to believe.
  2. Except that in recent years all over the Los Angeles metro area homelessness has been spreading into neighborhoods that had never experienced it before. It’s no longer confined to downtown’s skid row. It’s a true mess.
  3. Wait. What? Weren’t you the one that said none of this has anything to do with the Constitution? 😉
  4. For what it’s worth…movie stars don’t live in Hollywood. They live in Beverly Hills, Bell Air, and Malibu which are right nearby. Hollywood itself has become a seedy run-down homeless infested area. It’s really shameful.
  5. Seriously? How many college deans do you think there are in America? Let me guess….7 MILLION. Am I close?
  6. Did Kyle Allen light it up against the Colts? No…he didn’t. But the pick six interception certainly wasn’t on him. I have no idea whether he has the skills but one half of an opening preseason game without the starting receivers probably isn’t going to define his career.
  7. Okay already! I can take the less than subtle hint. For heaven’s sakes….I’ll play! Now, where did I put Beane’s phone number? And my tube of Ben Gay.
  8. Thanks We’re staying up by Kensington but we’ve been to all the stadiums in the immediate area, so we were looking for a change of venue in and around London.
  9. I was also checking out championship matches. Have either of you been to The Den? Millwall’s home field.
  10. I’ve often wondered about this. This new technology either works or it doesn’t. As only a very small percentage of vehicles are powered by electricity right now (including mine) I will not be the least bit surprised if a very short few years from now we’re all being told that the used batteries are piling up in landfills and we all now need to switch to something else.
  11. Stacy Abrams is gonna need to write that down.
  12. We’re not talking about corporate tax. We’re talking about personal income tax. If you’re asking about people who run their business expenses through their personal finances, I’m sure that would change….but then again if their overall tax rate would be going DOWN I’m not sure they’d have much of a complaint.
  13. And the useful idiots buy it. What they don’t understand, or choose to ignore, is that this same narrative could apply to every wave of immigrants over the last two centuries….regardless of skin color.
  14. As Nancy famously said: “We’re going to have to approve the indictment before we know what’s in it.”….or something like that. 😉
  15. Thanks Frank No politics from me here either. As a traditionally high earner, I can tell you that a consumption tax would be an unnecessary benefit to me and my family. Regardless of the details, we already know that the government is able to tax ‘income’. They do now. The change would be that ALL types of income would taxed at the same rate, and there wouldn’t be any write offs. Your tax form would be extremely short. But…now EVERYONE would have skin in the game and everyone would push back (or not) on tax increases.
  16. I’m not in favor of a consumption tax. The wealthy don’t ‘consume’ anywhere near the same percentage of their income as the poor do. I see no problem with a flat tax. If the IRS can calculate all the nonsense embedded in our current tax code, administrating a truly flat tax would be a walk in the park.
  17. Welcome to the reality that California, Arizona and Texas have been living with for years. While many called what the Texas and Florida governors did a stunt, I applauded it. At some point this problem has to become reality to other parts of the country. Watching as they all scramble to send these people somewhere other than from what they can see out their backyard is fascinating. This is NOT the fault of the American people. This is 100% another stunning failure by our elected class.
  18. I believe Vivek promotes a completely flat tax on all income of every kind, for everyone.
  19. Of the things the Biden Administration has done this one is a real head scratcher to me. There’s no way in hell you’re going to convince average Americans that inflation isn’t a significant issue in their daily lives. They see it and feel it virtually every day. The Administration would be far better off not talking bout it at all, just as they’ve chosen to do with so many other topics in the last almost three years.
  20. It’s obviously fun to play armchair head coach but everyone needs to keep in mind that the front office is looking at a lot more than tape from the Colts game to make their final decisions. Just like every year I’m guessing there’ll be a couple of cuts that seem to be real head scratchers to the fanbase. And just like every year I’ll look at the final 53 and say “Wow, that was a whole lot of chatter just to get that sixth WR and/or LB straightened out.”
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